Friday night, I stuffed my car to the gills with stuff, as much as was humanly possible. The next morning, I checked my blood sugar(440,ugh) packed a breakfast/lunch/plenty of liquids and took off for the flea market.
It was still only about 5 am at that point,and it was incredibly black, save little blobs of light dancing along the flea market grounds. Whipped out my big flashlight and unloaded the stuff from my car, spread the tarp on the ground(no way to fit tables in a car) and arranged the stuff on the tarp.
While I was working, a guy comes up to me and asks how many of x do I have & wants to buy them all, $1 apiece, on the spot. I said no,hoping to get more then $1 for them.
And then everyone else started was like something out of the Twilight Zone. One guy wore a glow-in-the-dark skeleton sweatshirt. 5-7 of them would be crowded,with their miner hats/flashlights, all around the tarp, looking for treasures.(aka Gold/Silver) I am not sure why some people think they'll get great deals when it isn't even light out yet but a few of them bought batteries. It annoys me when they ask if I've got any gold or silver,I am not stupid enough to sell that at a flea market. If I had that to sell, I'd research the best way to get the maximum $$'s from it)
Then my flashlight died. And I'd just sold my last "C" pack of batteries.(predictably, so I went off the glow of the CGM)
The comptroller came by..and I gave away my profits(registration fee). In this state, you're only allowed to have 3 yard sales a year without a lisence.
Dawn finally came, and it was 3.5 hours of non-stop action. By 9,half of my stuff was gone & my blood sugar was down to 221.(FTR, holding one's bladder with a very high bg all morning is not possible,pit stop(s) are necessary. Neighbors kindly watched the stuff) Dexcom sensor had failed about 4 am, so that was of no help. Being a single exhibitor at a flea market, you have to be on your toes and have 10 sets of eyes to make sure no one walks off with your stuff. Priority #1, of course, was the cash box. I put that in the car.
By 1 pm, blood sugar was down to 201 so I bolused a unit, packed up, drove home, and promptly had a 67 after unloading/putting everything back. And that, is life with diabetes, you can't win. But it was fun..there weren't any nasty hagglers intent on getting everything you had for next-to-nothing. And I bought several things from the people next to me. There are some people who just totally rock, they come back 2-3 times and buy $40+ of stuff. (and that's a welcome change from the yard sale-ers who want everything to be free)
(I just wish that I had a trailer or a truck, so I could have brought everything I had to sell. I'll have to go back another Saturday)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The ABC's of Diabetes
A is for acceptance.
B is for building others up.
C is for coping just fine, thank-you-very-much.
D is for that darn disea...wait,that's not right.This is supposed to be a positive post.
E is for eating salads,fish,and whole grains.
F is for fighting.Never let it win.
G is for Ghideralli,I need some!
H is for a hemoglobin a1c under 7!
I is for IVs, jammed in a vein.
J is for juice at midnight.
K is for ketones, dark purple on the urine strip.
L is for lows-horrid are they.(best Yoda impersonation)
M is for Majorly Condescending Endocrinologist,it's time for a change.
N is for Noncompliant.(everyone who doesn't obey M)
O is for OC-all the other blogging D's.
P is for doesn't exist.
Q is for quirky, everyone's disease is different.
R is for running - do more of it!
S is for sight, I want to keep it.
T is for thyroid-gotta keep an eye on that too.
U is for University Medical School Torture 101.
V is for vigilant, 24/7/365. No breaks.
W is for wishing...for a cure.
X is for...ugh,I don't know!
Y is for You. More important then any chronic disease.
And Z is for Zapped of energy...that's all I've got!
B is for building others up.
C is for coping just fine, thank-you-very-much.
D is for that darn disea...wait,that's not right.This is supposed to be a positive post.
E is for eating salads,fish,and whole grains.
F is for fighting.Never let it win.
G is for Ghideralli,I need some!
H is for a hemoglobin a1c under 7!
I is for IVs, jammed in a vein.
J is for juice at midnight.
K is for ketones, dark purple on the urine strip.
L is for lows-horrid are they.(best Yoda impersonation)
M is for Majorly Condescending Endocrinologist,it's time for a change.
N is for Noncompliant.(everyone who doesn't obey M)
O is for OC-all the other blogging D's.
P is for doesn't exist.
Q is for quirky, everyone's disease is different.
R is for running - do more of it!
S is for sight, I want to keep it.
T is for thyroid-gotta keep an eye on that too.
U is for University Medical School Torture 101.
V is for vigilant, 24/7/365. No breaks.
W is for wishing...for a cure.
X is for...ugh,I don't know!
Y is for You. More important then any chronic disease.
And Z is for Zapped of energy...that's all I've got!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
My Invisible Illness(es)
(this is for last week..I'm late, as usual)
1. The illness I live with is: type 1 diabetes, Bartter's Syndrome. One is decidedly more impactful then the other..but most chronic illnesses go hand-in-hand with diabetes.
2. I was diagnosed with it in the year: December 1998. September 2005.
3. But I had symptoms since: May 1998. There are before and after pictures,but I just remember the thirst starting around that time. The Bartters onset was a sudden thing, and up to last year, did not cause many problems.
4. The biggest adjustment I've had to make is:eating on a schedule, eating snacks. When you're a farm girl,you eat around work breaks, not the other way around. I hated being different. Getting on a pump changed that but sometimes you still gotta chase that insulin.
5. Most people assume:that I can do or be anything I want to. Which isn't strictly can't fly a plane commercially or be in the military. The diabetes wouldn't stop from any of that,but the other illness says I've got to be in a civilized country where they can give an IV. And I can't simply have children,thanks to the D.(it's gotta be smack-dab perfect first)
6. The hardest part about mornings are: getting up. I'm not a morning person.(I require 2 cans of Diet Coke before I'm semi-awake)
7. My favorite medical TV show is: Greys Anatomy. 4 MORE DAYS TILL THE SEASON PREMIERE!!
8. A gadget I couldn't live without is: my ibaby.(iphone) If we're not talking medical devices. I LOVE MY IPHONE!!
9. The hardest part about nights are: Unwinding, I don't do that very well. I am a creature of the night. Muscles generally decide to do their cramping then too.
10. Each day I take: insulin via pump, 4 pills. I don't take much, its easily manageable.(in theory)
11. Regarding alternative treatments: Well, I'm not sure there are any in my situation but I'm all for whatever works(and has been shown to be safe)
12. If I had to choose between an invisible illness or visible I would choose: Visible.People can go ahead and get their discrimination out of the way early(instead of slapping it on you later on)
13. Regarding working and career: I don't let my diseases get in the way of what I want to do with my life.
14. People would be surprised to know: That it's hard. It really is NOT a matter of take a shot, you'll be fine in the morning.Sometimes it goes well, and sometimes it doesn't. And it's not your fault.
15. The hardest thing to accept about my new reality has been: that there may never be a cure for diabetes & things may get worse, instead of better. I'm not sure how well I'd cope with some horrible complication. And with the Bartter's, accepting has been hardest with the need for the IV sticks/infusions.Those still suck.
16. Something I never thought I could do with my illness that I did was: pass as a non-D. Haha.
17. The commercials about my illness: don't exist for one, and for the other don't accurately depict life with it.
18. Something I really miss doing since I was diagnosed is: eating half a bag of marshmallows, drinking slurpees, hiking a mountain without going low. Mostly food stuff.(but really, not that healthy anyway)
19. It was really hard to have to give up: Chocolate, and so I haven't.(and I don't believe in giving anything up food wise, but the limit quantity stuff has been really annoying). Spontaneity, with the Bartters.
20. A new hobby I have taken up since my diagnosis is: Writing poetry, blogging. It's how I cope.
21. If I could have one day of feeling normal again I would: Go to the beach, eat and drink to excess & not think about diabetes at all.
22. My illness has taught me: To make lemons out of lemonade. A cliche, I know,but you just have to make the best out of your illness because it's not going anywhere. To be able to help someone else always feels like your illness is not a totally bad thing.
23. One thing people say that gets under my skin is: that I'm not taking care of myself if I have a low, or a high.(in their presence) It's because I'm trying to take care of myself that I don't skulk off and save them having to see that I am human. I hate being judged (morally) for my disease.
24. But I love it when people: do things that show they are incorporating the inconveniences of diabetes into the day...and don't act like its a big deal.
25. My favorite motto, scripture, quote that gets me through tough times is:
"Into each life some rain must fall..some days must be dark and dreary."
26. When someone is diagnosed I'd like to tell them: We're all in this together,& you aren't alone. Don't give up on your dreams.
27. Something that has surprised me about living with an illness is: sometimes you can actually forget about it. And that's really nice,until reality comes whooshing back.
28. The nicest thing someone did for me when I wasn't feeling well was: got me a cold diet coke. Or a cold juice.(for the extremes in blood sugars)
29. I'm involved with Invisible Illness Week because:maybe someone out there will learn something,& treat another with the respect & support we all need.
30. The fact that you read this list makes me feel: thankful that you'd take five minutes out of your day to do so...and hopeful that you will pay it forward!
1. The illness I live with is: type 1 diabetes, Bartter's Syndrome. One is decidedly more impactful then the other..but most chronic illnesses go hand-in-hand with diabetes.
2. I was diagnosed with it in the year: December 1998. September 2005.
3. But I had symptoms since: May 1998. There are before and after pictures,but I just remember the thirst starting around that time. The Bartters onset was a sudden thing, and up to last year, did not cause many problems.
4. The biggest adjustment I've had to make is:eating on a schedule, eating snacks. When you're a farm girl,you eat around work breaks, not the other way around. I hated being different. Getting on a pump changed that but sometimes you still gotta chase that insulin.
5. Most people assume:that I can do or be anything I want to. Which isn't strictly can't fly a plane commercially or be in the military. The diabetes wouldn't stop from any of that,but the other illness says I've got to be in a civilized country where they can give an IV. And I can't simply have children,thanks to the D.(it's gotta be smack-dab perfect first)
6. The hardest part about mornings are: getting up. I'm not a morning person.(I require 2 cans of Diet Coke before I'm semi-awake)
7. My favorite medical TV show is: Greys Anatomy. 4 MORE DAYS TILL THE SEASON PREMIERE!!
8. A gadget I couldn't live without is: my ibaby.(iphone) If we're not talking medical devices. I LOVE MY IPHONE!!
9. The hardest part about nights are: Unwinding, I don't do that very well. I am a creature of the night. Muscles generally decide to do their cramping then too.
10. Each day I take: insulin via pump, 4 pills. I don't take much, its easily manageable.(in theory)
11. Regarding alternative treatments: Well, I'm not sure there are any in my situation but I'm all for whatever works(and has been shown to be safe)
12. If I had to choose between an invisible illness or visible I would choose: Visible.People can go ahead and get their discrimination out of the way early(instead of slapping it on you later on)
13. Regarding working and career: I don't let my diseases get in the way of what I want to do with my life.
14. People would be surprised to know: That it's hard. It really is NOT a matter of take a shot, you'll be fine in the morning.Sometimes it goes well, and sometimes it doesn't. And it's not your fault.
15. The hardest thing to accept about my new reality has been: that there may never be a cure for diabetes & things may get worse, instead of better. I'm not sure how well I'd cope with some horrible complication. And with the Bartter's, accepting has been hardest with the need for the IV sticks/infusions.Those still suck.
16. Something I never thought I could do with my illness that I did was: pass as a non-D. Haha.
17. The commercials about my illness: don't exist for one, and for the other don't accurately depict life with it.
18. Something I really miss doing since I was diagnosed is: eating half a bag of marshmallows, drinking slurpees, hiking a mountain without going low. Mostly food stuff.(but really, not that healthy anyway)
19. It was really hard to have to give up: Chocolate, and so I haven't.(and I don't believe in giving anything up food wise, but the limit quantity stuff has been really annoying). Spontaneity, with the Bartters.
20. A new hobby I have taken up since my diagnosis is: Writing poetry, blogging. It's how I cope.
21. If I could have one day of feeling normal again I would: Go to the beach, eat and drink to excess & not think about diabetes at all.
22. My illness has taught me: To make lemons out of lemonade. A cliche, I know,but you just have to make the best out of your illness because it's not going anywhere. To be able to help someone else always feels like your illness is not a totally bad thing.
23. One thing people say that gets under my skin is: that I'm not taking care of myself if I have a low, or a high.(in their presence) It's because I'm trying to take care of myself that I don't skulk off and save them having to see that I am human. I hate being judged (morally) for my disease.
24. But I love it when people: do things that show they are incorporating the inconveniences of diabetes into the day...and don't act like its a big deal.
25. My favorite motto, scripture, quote that gets me through tough times is:
"Into each life some rain must fall..some days must be dark and dreary."
26. When someone is diagnosed I'd like to tell them: We're all in this together,& you aren't alone. Don't give up on your dreams.
27. Something that has surprised me about living with an illness is: sometimes you can actually forget about it. And that's really nice,until reality comes whooshing back.
28. The nicest thing someone did for me when I wasn't feeling well was: got me a cold diet coke. Or a cold juice.(for the extremes in blood sugars)
29. I'm involved with Invisible Illness Week because:maybe someone out there will learn something,& treat another with the respect & support we all need.
30. The fact that you read this list makes me feel: thankful that you'd take five minutes out of your day to do so...and hopeful that you will pay it forward!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Jeg er en Amerikaner
In Europe, country-hopping is like state-hopping over here. Very common.
Day #6 of our journey found us on a plane to Amsterdam(45 minutes), and another plane to Billund, Denmark. Before taking off from London's Heathrow, I grabbed some fish & chips to go.(because who goes to England and doesn't eat fish & chips?) We went through security twice...once at Heathrow, and again in Amsterdam. I got used to grabbing the BAG THAT MUST NOT BE X-RAYED out of my carry-on, handing it to the screener, setting off the machine nonetheless(Animas pumps always do that), getting patted down,getting bags hand screened, etc. Traveling is a pain with diabetes, it adds an extra 15 minutes to everything.Do that twice, on top of everything else..and its enough to make you never want to travel again.
By that time my cold was in full force,and I couldn't taste anything. I had some of the fish & chips on the way to Billund..and though it was comforting, I wasn't sure it was totally worth the 7 lbs.But at least I did it.
My husband's cousin picked us up at the Billund airport, and we zipped away to her boyfriend's house for dinner. In Denmark, 99% of cars are stick shift and air conditioning is unheard of.(because in Denmark, it never gets truly HOT) She apologized, I thought the warmth was a welcome change from the London rain/chillyness. It wasn't even as warm as it would be back home... much less feeling like Florida. But they don't get warm weather there very much. And in Denmark,thank goodness, they drive on the right side of the road so you don't have to worry about which way you should be looking when you cross the street. So we had a nice the very IKEA-ish house of her boyfriend. There was wine(which most Danes have nightly), which I begged off because of the cold. Then we went back to her place for the night.
The next day, we went to Grostenslot Castle and saw the Danish queen + the changing of the guard.
There was a dinner party that day...over the hedge, you could hear people laughing, etc. Sadly, we weren't invited.
Then we were off to another cousin's house,to visit her family & be fed lots of food,etc. and exhibit the patience of Job for the sugarless adaptations they had provided me with. Really, it didn't matter, I couldn't taste anything anyway. We played a Wii for the first time(ever-sad, I know)and that was fun. I went to bed early,I was feeling bad from the fever.(the relatives were encouraging of me dissapeiring early)
The next morning,I couldn't get out of bed, I felt too bad. The worried relatives wanted to know whether I had H1N1(and at that point,I was beginning to think maybe I did). Spent that day in bed.
The day after that, I felt marginally better. We drove off to the family beach house..on the eastern side of Denmark(the North Sea). It was too cold to swim, but we got out on the beach. My husband's aunt and the cousin's daughter were there. We spent the rest of our time in Denmark there. At one point, the other cousin showed up for the day (he's really into politics & knows the Danish NATO minister(Rassmussen). Then we toured the TV station where cousin #1 is an anchor. It was cool, pretending to be on TV. Most Danes speak pretty good English,but the older ones may not.(my husband knows alot of Danish but I sure as heck don't) And my husband's aunt..doesn't know much English, so they translational services of the cousin were much appreciated. We had some weird food,(fishpaste on a mayo-bread thing)though most of it was pretty normal. Danes really like licorice candy, raw oats, and small potatoes.
The last day, we hopped on a train to Copenhagen (that took several hours) where we put our stuff in storage at the station & another relative took us to the graves of my husband's grandparents. One is buried in a cemetery..and one is buried in a Field of Unknowns. So my hubby laid flowers at their graves.
Then we went to a hostel,where we stayed the night. Hotels are really expensive in Copenhagen,and even the bare bones hostel cost an arm and a leg. By bare bones, the only things in the room were beds. It did have a skylight window, which let the cool breezes in and provided relief from the stuffiness but the 4 individuals getting drunk on the patio were hardly conducive to a peaceful night's slumber.We'd planned to go see the Little Mermaid but she was on loan to China.(figures)
The next day, it was up early to walk to the bus stop, take the bus to the train station,rescue our stuff from storage, take the train to the airport terminal, get checked in/go through security, fly to Amsterdam and go through a very THROUGH security check again,finally get on the flight to Detroit..get off, recheck our luggage and go through security & customs AGAIN,and get on our final flight home. It was only about 7 pm when we got home, but when you're running on Danish time it was 3 AM and we were both dead tired. We were happy to be home.
Day #6 of our journey found us on a plane to Amsterdam(45 minutes), and another plane to Billund, Denmark. Before taking off from London's Heathrow, I grabbed some fish & chips to go.(because who goes to England and doesn't eat fish & chips?) We went through security twice...once at Heathrow, and again in Amsterdam. I got used to grabbing the BAG THAT MUST NOT BE X-RAYED out of my carry-on, handing it to the screener, setting off the machine nonetheless(Animas pumps always do that), getting patted down,getting bags hand screened, etc. Traveling is a pain with diabetes, it adds an extra 15 minutes to everything.Do that twice, on top of everything else..and its enough to make you never want to travel again.
By that time my cold was in full force,and I couldn't taste anything. I had some of the fish & chips on the way to Billund..and though it was comforting, I wasn't sure it was totally worth the 7 lbs.But at least I did it.
My husband's cousin picked us up at the Billund airport, and we zipped away to her boyfriend's house for dinner. In Denmark, 99% of cars are stick shift and air conditioning is unheard of.(because in Denmark, it never gets truly HOT) She apologized, I thought the warmth was a welcome change from the London rain/chillyness. It wasn't even as warm as it would be back home... much less feeling like Florida. But they don't get warm weather there very much. And in Denmark,thank goodness, they drive on the right side of the road so you don't have to worry about which way you should be looking when you cross the street. So we had a nice the very IKEA-ish house of her boyfriend. There was wine(which most Danes have nightly), which I begged off because of the cold. Then we went back to her place for the night.
The next day, we went to Grostenslot Castle and saw the Danish queen + the changing of the guard.
There was a dinner party that day...over the hedge, you could hear people laughing, etc. Sadly, we weren't invited.
Then we were off to another cousin's house,to visit her family & be fed lots of food,etc. and exhibit the patience of Job for the sugarless adaptations they had provided me with. Really, it didn't matter, I couldn't taste anything anyway. We played a Wii for the first time(ever-sad, I know)and that was fun. I went to bed early,I was feeling bad from the fever.(the relatives were encouraging of me dissapeiring early)
The next morning,I couldn't get out of bed, I felt too bad. The worried relatives wanted to know whether I had H1N1(and at that point,I was beginning to think maybe I did). Spent that day in bed.
The day after that, I felt marginally better. We drove off to the family beach house..on the eastern side of Denmark(the North Sea). It was too cold to swim, but we got out on the beach. My husband's aunt and the cousin's daughter were there. We spent the rest of our time in Denmark there. At one point, the other cousin showed up for the day (he's really into politics & knows the Danish NATO minister(Rassmussen). Then we toured the TV station where cousin #1 is an anchor. It was cool, pretending to be on TV. Most Danes speak pretty good English,but the older ones may not.(my husband knows alot of Danish but I sure as heck don't) And my husband's aunt..doesn't know much English, so they translational services of the cousin were much appreciated. We had some weird food,(fishpaste on a mayo-bread thing)though most of it was pretty normal. Danes really like licorice candy, raw oats, and small potatoes.
The last day, we hopped on a train to Copenhagen (that took several hours) where we put our stuff in storage at the station & another relative took us to the graves of my husband's grandparents. One is buried in a cemetery..and one is buried in a Field of Unknowns. So my hubby laid flowers at their graves.
Then we went to a hostel,where we stayed the night. Hotels are really expensive in Copenhagen,and even the bare bones hostel cost an arm and a leg. By bare bones, the only things in the room were beds. It did have a skylight window, which let the cool breezes in and provided relief from the stuffiness but the 4 individuals getting drunk on the patio were hardly conducive to a peaceful night's slumber.We'd planned to go see the Little Mermaid but she was on loan to China.(figures)
The next day, it was up early to walk to the bus stop, take the bus to the train station,rescue our stuff from storage, take the train to the airport terminal, get checked in/go through security, fly to Amsterdam and go through a very THROUGH security check again,finally get on the flight to Detroit..get off, recheck our luggage and go through security & customs AGAIN,and get on our final flight home. It was only about 7 pm when we got home, but when you're running on Danish time it was 3 AM and we were both dead tired. We were happy to be home.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
A Laughter Therapy Workshop
"Hi,my name is Trish & I'm a World Laughter Leader."
(yep,world laughter leader is an actual certification)And she wears it like a badge of honor..right next to her pump,"Pieces"(named because "I can have a piece of that" is every pumper's motto)
Going into it,I had my doubts as to whether it was worth going to all.It might not do anything for me...
But Animas rep Trisha Porretti has a gift.A gift,that makes everyone around her instantly feel better.She should be on Jay Leno.(who,incedentily,had type 2 diabetes so maybe it's just
something about us D folk)
Laughter lowers blood pressure.
Laughter floods the brain with endorphins.
Laughter relaxes you.
Sitting next to fellow CWD'r "x",I was determined not to be THAT person in the room.You know,the one who lets loose in a loud guffaw at each and every mildly amusing anecdote.(and hence provide fodder for the late night chats for the next month) Not the CWD'r...the stereotype,I didn't want to be annoying to anyone else in the room.The CWD'r is a very nice person.
But I didn't have a chance.I laughed,snorted,and guffawed my way through the entire presentation.Along with the rest of the room. By the end of it,& the "Penguin Pumper Dance" I couldn't speak,I was laughing so hard.The amount of mirth that was coming from the room would have filled the Monsters,Inc Laugh Tank several times over.
Then I checked my blood sugar...
and was greeted with a 380.Decidedly non-amusing,with no spare set in my possession.Laughter,apparently,does not lower blood glucose.So I asked my rep-friend for a spare set,and when the room cleared out we went out to her car & she found me some.And then Trish & her friend pulled up & invited us out to dinner.
And that's how I found myself out to dinner with 3 Animas reps at 10 pm on a Florida-ish themed patio freezing my appendages off.
Having a BLAST.(despite the bg)They all rocked.
"Go change your site!"
(I forgave them for the mom-ish behavior..because they all WERE.They couldn't help it.)
I am an Animas pumper..& a nursing student to boot. I am not sure I'll ever become a CDE, but it was like Nirvana for be among a group of pump guru-nurses-a T1 in there to boot.Really nice of them to invite me..I don't get out much!!(and laugh like that,practically never )
After a low carb salad& unsweetened tea,bg eventually drifted down to 220.2 more units and 8 glasses of water later,ketones dissapeired &I could float off on endorphin-laced dreams.
-- Posted from my iPhone
(yep,world laughter leader is an actual certification)And she wears it like a badge of honor..right next to her pump,"Pieces"(named because "I can have a piece of that" is every pumper's motto)
Going into it,I had my doubts as to whether it was worth going to all.It might not do anything for me...
But Animas rep Trisha Porretti has a gift.A gift,that makes everyone around her instantly feel better.She should be on Jay Leno.(who,incedentily,had type 2 diabetes so maybe it's just
something about us D folk)
Laughter lowers blood pressure.
Laughter floods the brain with endorphins.
Laughter relaxes you.
Sitting next to fellow CWD'r "x",I was determined not to be THAT person in the room.You know,the one who lets loose in a loud guffaw at each and every mildly amusing anecdote.(and hence provide fodder for the late night chats for the next month) Not the CWD'r...the stereotype,I didn't want to be annoying to anyone else in the room.The CWD'r is a very nice person.
But I didn't have a chance.I laughed,snorted,and guffawed my way through the entire presentation.Along with the rest of the room. By the end of it,& the "Penguin Pumper Dance" I couldn't speak,I was laughing so hard.The amount of mirth that was coming from the room would have filled the Monsters,Inc Laugh Tank several times over.
Then I checked my blood sugar...
and was greeted with a 380.Decidedly non-amusing,with no spare set in my possession.Laughter,apparently,does not lower blood glucose.So I asked my rep-friend for a spare set,and when the room cleared out we went out to her car & she found me some.And then Trish & her friend pulled up & invited us out to dinner.
And that's how I found myself out to dinner with 3 Animas reps at 10 pm on a Florida-ish themed patio freezing my appendages off.
Having a BLAST.(despite the bg)They all rocked.
"Go change your site!"
(I forgave them for the mom-ish behavior..because they all WERE.They couldn't help it.)
I am an Animas pumper..& a nursing student to boot. I am not sure I'll ever become a CDE, but it was like Nirvana for be among a group of pump guru-nurses-a T1 in there to boot.Really nice of them to invite me..I don't get out much!!(and laugh like that,practically never )
After a low carb salad& unsweetened tea,bg eventually drifted down to 220.2 more units and 8 glasses of water later,ketones dissapeired &I could float off on endorphin-laced dreams.
-- Posted from my iPhone
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Stonehenge:An Unfinished Story
In the interest of wanting to get this vacation account over ASAP, before everyone stops reading my blog for good, this will be short & sweet.
The last "real" day in England, we had a private tour guide. His name was Peter, and he was a certified Blue Badge Guide(r) who had been doing this longer then I've been in existence.(so he was quite good)
First, we went to Stonehenge.

It was raining & chilly & generally not the nicest of days to be out and about, but Stonehenge was neat.
I took my own video..but with a flip,and from 100 yards away it wasn't very high quality.(is that why they named it the flip-because the videos are not worth "a flip"?) Hopefully this one will give you some idea of some of the mystery/mystique surrounding Stonehenge. They were smaller then I thought they'd be(the stones), but after 3500 years I'm sure they were quite impressive in that day.They are still impressive...just really worn down. In the hills surrounding Stonehenge, there are burial mounds, chalked with lime so it really had to do with something pertaining to the dead. Once a year, on the Summer Solstice, you're allowed to go up and touch the stones. The Druids/Hippies/Weirdos use that day to get naked & do whatever they do.(according to the tour guide, I don't think you want to come to Stonehenge on that day.)And there are always weird crop circle stuff popping up in the fields surrounding Stonehenge.
Then we went to the gift shop,and I bought some earrings(in the shape of the rocks) as a memento of our journey. Being in Europe...there are some names that more popular then in the United States, my own name being one of them. I rarely/never run into another person with it. There were some Germans in that shop though,and one of them was named "Heidi." It felt really, really weird to hear someone else calling someone else with my name.
Then, it was off to the city of Bath.

City of Jane Austin, and excessive rich people vacationing spot for much of the 1700-1800-early 1900's)
(on the way, we stopped at a pub for lunch and I had Heidi Pie.(a combination of goat cheese,sweet potato,spinach, and onion in a pastry crust. It was divine)

We then poked around the Roman Baths. It was very much like it was back in the 2nd century AD, minus the enclosed roof. That fell off, and it would be too expensive to put back on. Besides, tampering with a piece of history would feel so wrong. The hot springs still pump out water at 120F, after all this time.(you wouldn't want to bathe in it though-the water is green from the algae) At the end of the tour, you get a sample of the water to drink.(its not from that particular pool) And its untreated, though they must test it someway because no one has ever died from it yet. I drank it, and my husband's(he didn't like the taste). It failed to cure the sore throat I had, but it was comforting.
A Wishing Pool...(some brilliant American had thrown several $1 bills in there. IN A POOL OF WATER. How dumb can you possibly be?)

And I had my picture taken with Robbie the Roman. (not digitally though, and it was a wax figure so my husband didn't object too much) Went to the Bath cathedral, explored some of the shops.
Then we drove back to the hotel.
(and took a river cruise down the Thames the next morning)
And that was it for England.
(next stop: Denmark!)
The last "real" day in England, we had a private tour guide. His name was Peter, and he was a certified Blue Badge Guide(r) who had been doing this longer then I've been in existence.(so he was quite good)
First, we went to Stonehenge.
It was raining & chilly & generally not the nicest of days to be out and about, but Stonehenge was neat.
I took my own video..but with a flip,and from 100 yards away it wasn't very high quality.(is that why they named it the flip-because the videos are not worth "a flip"?) Hopefully this one will give you some idea of some of the mystery/mystique surrounding Stonehenge. They were smaller then I thought they'd be(the stones), but after 3500 years I'm sure they were quite impressive in that day.They are still impressive...just really worn down. In the hills surrounding Stonehenge, there are burial mounds, chalked with lime so it really had to do with something pertaining to the dead. Once a year, on the Summer Solstice, you're allowed to go up and touch the stones. The Druids/Hippies/Weirdos use that day to get naked & do whatever they do.(according to the tour guide, I don't think you want to come to Stonehenge on that day.)And there are always weird crop circle stuff popping up in the fields surrounding Stonehenge.
Then we went to the gift shop,and I bought some earrings(in the shape of the rocks) as a memento of our journey. Being in Europe...there are some names that more popular then in the United States, my own name being one of them. I rarely/never run into another person with it. There were some Germans in that shop though,and one of them was named "Heidi." It felt really, really weird to hear someone else calling someone else with my name.
Then, it was off to the city of Bath.

City of Jane Austin, and excessive rich people vacationing spot for much of the 1700-1800-early 1900's)
(on the way, we stopped at a pub for lunch and I had Heidi Pie.(a combination of goat cheese,sweet potato,spinach, and onion in a pastry crust. It was divine)

We then poked around the Roman Baths. It was very much like it was back in the 2nd century AD, minus the enclosed roof. That fell off, and it would be too expensive to put back on. Besides, tampering with a piece of history would feel so wrong. The hot springs still pump out water at 120F, after all this time.(you wouldn't want to bathe in it though-the water is green from the algae) At the end of the tour, you get a sample of the water to drink.(its not from that particular pool) And its untreated, though they must test it someway because no one has ever died from it yet. I drank it, and my husband's(he didn't like the taste). It failed to cure the sore throat I had, but it was comforting.
A Wishing Pool...(some brilliant American had thrown several $1 bills in there. IN A POOL OF WATER. How dumb can you possibly be?)
And I had my picture taken with Robbie the Roman. (not digitally though, and it was a wax figure so my husband didn't object too much) Went to the Bath cathedral, explored some of the shops.
Then we drove back to the hotel.
(and took a river cruise down the Thames the next morning)
And that was it for England.
(next stop: Denmark!)
Friday, September 11, 2009
It's good to know America (was) not alone..but what about in Islamabad, in Indonesia, in China,Africa-what were their reactions? this seems to me to be very European centered.In parts of the Middle East/Africa, I'm sure 9/11 is celebrated but 8 years later..does the rest of the world(non-extremist-Muslim)still feel America's pain? (and that's not to say that there are not Muslims who disapprove strongly of the atrocious actions that took place that day..but there are many, many, who still want America to be a smoking heap of rubble)When will the hate end?
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Crossing the Line
Last week, I finished up the research study I was in. The Polypeptide Pancreotic One, to be more precise. I went in, got drugged up with more Boost,peed on the strip to prove I was not pregnant,and they did a DEXA scan
to check bone density and BMI. And that was kind of interesting-there's a family history of osteoporosis and T1 D makes you more prone to bone weakness.(it's in the risk list) It was all above normal, except for the proportion of fat/muscle was slightly elevated.(I could have told you that)So its nice to know I don't have to worry about stress fractures for another 40 years.
I wasn't able to come in for the final visit,but I still had to return the study pump,download my Dexcom, etc. so I had to go in the next day, regardless.Because I couldn't make the final visit, (that day) they cut my compensation in half(its ridiculous,the amount of money riding on that final visit).
Anyway,after that, I made my way down to the cafeteria to use up the meal pass(although when you're high,said meal will only be veggies,protein, and diet coke).
And saw this.

I respect doctors & all they do, I really do. But when I saw that,it made me so boiling mad I wanted to complain to somebody.
Doctors are not deity.
Doctors are supposed to mingle with the great unwashed,that's part of the
heart and soul of being a good one. It seems to me that that's only widening the
gap..not narrowing it.
Doctors are the captain of the Healthcare Ship-but without the nurses/techs/
assistants that ship wouldn't get out of the harbor, much less get to its final
destination. Doctors do not deserve all the perks.
Doctors do deserve some perks.Like parking spots,on-call rooms,etc.(it helps them
do their jobs better)
BUT A DINING ROOM????That doesn't seem to me to do anything but pump their already inflated egos to levels so high if it were a blood sugar, they'd be in DKA 3x over.
I'm sure its not the only excessive perk they have at that hospital. Said room was right off the regular dining room.
So I marched over to one of the side doors and peeked inside, to see if there were any gold and crystal chandeliers inside.
That's as far as I made it, before a wide-eyed, white-jacketed resident scared me back to reality. I wanted to go inside,sit down,and check my blood sugar(on the advice of a Twitter friend) but I confess,I'm chicken.
So whaddya doctors deserve their own dining room?
to check bone density and BMI. And that was kind of interesting-there's a family history of osteoporosis and T1 D makes you more prone to bone weakness.(it's in the risk list) It was all above normal, except for the proportion of fat/muscle was slightly elevated.(I could have told you that)So its nice to know I don't have to worry about stress fractures for another 40 years.
I wasn't able to come in for the final visit,but I still had to return the study pump,download my Dexcom, etc. so I had to go in the next day, regardless.Because I couldn't make the final visit, (that day) they cut my compensation in half(its ridiculous,the amount of money riding on that final visit).
Anyway,after that, I made my way down to the cafeteria to use up the meal pass(although when you're high,said meal will only be veggies,protein, and diet coke).
And saw this.

I respect doctors & all they do, I really do. But when I saw that,it made me so boiling mad I wanted to complain to somebody.
Doctors are not deity.
Doctors are supposed to mingle with the great unwashed,that's part of the
heart and soul of being a good one. It seems to me that that's only widening the
gap..not narrowing it.
Doctors are the captain of the Healthcare Ship-but without the nurses/techs/
assistants that ship wouldn't get out of the harbor, much less get to its final
destination. Doctors do not deserve all the perks.
Doctors do deserve some perks.Like parking spots,on-call rooms,etc.(it helps them
do their jobs better)
BUT A DINING ROOM????That doesn't seem to me to do anything but pump their already inflated egos to levels so high if it were a blood sugar, they'd be in DKA 3x over.
I'm sure its not the only excessive perk they have at that hospital. Said room was right off the regular dining room.
So I marched over to one of the side doors and peeked inside, to see if there were any gold and crystal chandeliers inside.
That's as far as I made it, before a wide-eyed, white-jacketed resident scared me back to reality. I wanted to go inside,sit down,and check my blood sugar(on the advice of a Twitter friend) but I confess,I'm chicken.
So whaddya doctors deserve their own dining room?
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Number 1 Beaumont Square

"Hello, is this Admissions?"
"Yes it is, are you being admitted?"
I look down at my watch, which reads 4:30 pm..30 minutes too early. But better early, then late.
"Not exactly, no-this is where I was told to go."
"What's your name?"
"I'm X, the consultant is Dr. Chesser."
The secretary takes a closer look at all 157 cm of unsophisticated me. "You're American." (raised eyebrows)
"That's right. I'm still here under Dr. Chesser's orders." Jut chin out.(I am not any less important, because I am American)I hope I got that right and it's not Mr. Chesser, which is what some English docs go by)
"Take a seat please and I shall ring someone to come down and get you."(crazy American, doesn't know whether she's being admitted or not!)
"Thank you."
First out very large sum of money to financial dude(because it is a private hospital) It will be reimbursed by insurance. Someone comes down and gets us, takes us up to the 2nd floor waiting room where I read a Diabetes UK flipchart and marvel over the differences. US doctors do not recommend 2 daily drinks(if you are female-the limit is more like 1, or ZIP) and fish oil supplements are not dangerous, that I know of. About 5:15, a tech comes over and takes me to a large room which is none other then...
Large bloodsucking machines are all over the room. Immediately, my humidity frazzled hair stands straight on end and my toes instinctively curl in fear, at the sight. I have to keep reminding myself that it isn't for me. The unit was empty, there were no other patients.(mercifully) Tech guy and nurse guy come around and prepare paperwork, etc., waiting on the doctor to come up. Hubby wanders off in search of some supper.
The doctor shows up.
"Hello, so we finally meet."
(I should mention that I arranged this 3 months in advance,arranged it AROUND the tour stuff. That's how important this stuff is. Probably a first, in his career)
"Hi, nice to meet you."
"I tried to ring your hotel but the staff said there was no one of that last name there."
"That's really weird, because my husband's and I's last names are the same. They must all be idiots over there, we've had quite a few problems with them over various things."
"But you do have an iphone though, and I'm glad you checked that."
"Yes,I'm rather addicted to it..I do check that regularly so I got the message."
A review of all things kidney and 'beates wise.
"So 4 grams Magnesium Sufate over 3.5 hours- do you know if that's in 250 ml or 400?"
"No clue, sorry."(until 12 hours previous I'd been under the impression that all magnesium IV was one kind..which isn't true, there are two types)
"We'll do it in 400, just to be safe. And check your levels first, you may be high."
"It's never been high so that's highly unlikely but checking is fine."
"As we've never given anyone more then a gram at a time and 4 grams is quite alot, we'll check your levels and go from there."
"And the diabetes, that hasn't affected your kidney function?"
"No, it's all good."
"Because we can give you some dialysis too, if you'd like it," he jokes, cracking a smile.
"UCK-NO-not today,thankyouverymuch." I shudder at the thought. Unspoken are the words that dialysis units are filled with patients just like me..type 1's,type 2's,the great mass of Undiagnosed. No D really likes to dwell on those possibilities.
"I really appreciate your office being able to accommodate me,I wouldn't be able to go out of country if it hadn't."
"That's not a problem, you've certainly given us more then ample notice to be able to schedule you in."
"And I'll be around, should there be any problems they'll page me. So goodluck, nice meeting you,if nothing goes wrong and enjoy the rest of your holiday in London and Denmark." Shakes hand, smiles, and is gone.
Me? I think I am somewhere in between thinking that its still a really scary/unagreeable place to be in versus wanting to move there & adopt him immediately as my new nephrologist. Really, REALLY, different from my own staid prophet of doom.
"So where you're from, how often do you see your gp?" the tech asks, curious.
"The nephrologist is different from the gp- I don't see the nephrologist every infusion, more like once every 3-5 months."
"You don't? Why not?" the tech says, confusion on his face.
"Yes, you see, in the US patients see their doctors in the offices, not the hospital(unless its an emergency) and if docs saw their patients every time the doctor would get nothing else done, their case load is too great. The doc writes the orders and checks up on the patients every few months. For something like this, the patient goes into an outpatient setting, not directly in the hospital."
We are both well into thinking each other's systems O..D..D..and just leave it at that. Some things cannot be explained well.
"We don't get many Americans in here, maybe a couple of times a year."
"Well,since it's private I can see why-most people wouldn't do it if they can get it free at an NHS hospital."
"Something to eat?"
"Soup. Lime pie. Diet Coke." I go for the comfort foods, the bug brewing in my chest and throat is making my stomach do flipflops & I don't want to admit this to anyone else..the city of London is already doing a brisk increase on the daily number of H1N1 cases.
Turn on tv, watch "Grimebusters"(which involved going into sewers and unclogging them) and British murder mysteries. I love British murder mysteries,so that passed the time. The infusion goes without incident. As we're leaving the hospital, the security guard asks us where our discharge papers are and woohoo, I have none so that takes about 10 minutes to get straightened up with the tech(and they don't call them "techs", I think it is "sisters" but that's just too weird to try and explain..especially when the "sisters" are male.) upstairs. I was afraid they wouldn't let me out, it wasn't an admission but it was billed as such. Not the easiest thing in the world to explain. Back to the Tube..the last day of our UK trip ended. Price wise, it was about the same as the US but I got a real meal.(which was nice) It would have been cheaper but there was the consultants fee which made about the same. It will all be reimbursed at in-country rates.(which means all of it)
Friday, September 04, 2009
Youtube: Weird Al Style
I love this version of a Weird Al's masterpiece...
(the clincher is the dj kitty!)
(the clincher is the dj kitty!)
Thursday, September 03, 2009
A European Encounter-8/06/09
A Dialogue with a European...
Q:Do you like your new president?(Obama) Most Europeans do, we're thrilled that he won the election.
A: No. He has the most liberal voting record in the Senate.
2. Really? Did you like the other guy?
A: No, we disliked McCain as well. Really, they were both abysmal choices(to some of us)But you have to vote for the person you feel will do the better job.
3. Q:Well, relations with Europe are important and Obama is the best person to pull that off, most Europeans hated Bush.
A: That's true. We don't particularly love Bush either, but the man did his best to preserve the USA from the terrorists and he deserves credit for something.(and you have no right to hate Bush..he wasn't YOUR president.Plus,you've been fed an entirely one-sided arguement) Without that, the USA & free world would not be as safe, many more people would have died,and our standard of living(as well as theirs)would not be as comfortable. As for many of his other decisions, we are less then thrilled. But being alive is more important then getting free health care. I'm all for world cooperation,but you cannot sell your soul or compromise the United States of America just to live in peace and harmony with the communists. If you like communism,move to one of those countries. It remains to be seen what Obama will do.
(and that's my rant for today. If you don't like it..and as I respect your opinion, please respect mine, you don't have to comment)
Q:Do you like your new president?(Obama) Most Europeans do, we're thrilled that he won the election.
A: No. He has the most liberal voting record in the Senate.
2. Really? Did you like the other guy?
A: No, we disliked McCain as well. Really, they were both abysmal choices(to some of us)But you have to vote for the person you feel will do the better job.
3. Q:Well, relations with Europe are important and Obama is the best person to pull that off, most Europeans hated Bush.
A: That's true. We don't particularly love Bush either, but the man did his best to preserve the USA from the terrorists and he deserves credit for something.(and you have no right to hate Bush..he wasn't YOUR president.Plus,you've been fed an entirely one-sided arguement) Without that, the USA & free world would not be as safe, many more people would have died,and our standard of living(as well as theirs)would not be as comfortable. As for many of his other decisions, we are less then thrilled. But being alive is more important then getting free health care. I'm all for world cooperation,but you cannot sell your soul or compromise the United States of America just to live in peace and harmony with the communists. If you like communism,move to one of those countries. It remains to be seen what Obama will do.
(and that's my rant for today. If you don't like it..and as I respect your opinion, please respect mine, you don't have to comment)
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
A Birthday A1c
My endo appt just happened to fall on Tues.,Sept.1.I didn't bother to change it,because I figured I needed that wake-up call.
"Hi,Heidi," my endo greeted me,whisking me off to the exam room immeadietly after my a1c."How've you been,how are the blood sugars?"
"Julys were great,August's not so much...went to heck in a handbasket."(#iblamevacation)
Hand over meter.
"I can see you have alot of high-highs."
"That was part of a research study,they really don't go up to 500 without some major encouragement. Drinking Boost while they checked peptides,etc."
She frowned."Who's doing it?"
"Can you get them to send me a summary of the study,they really should have done that anyway(sending it to the primary endo)."
"I haven't seen you since Feb.,and you didn't have the bloodwork done so you're due for the full blood work up today."
Continues reviewing my basals,etc.Picks up phone."A1c on x, please."
An eyebrow goes up."Thank you ."
Ackkk.I am dead-dead-dead...
"You are coming down.0.1 better then last time."
Royal blue YUCK.I wasn't expecting miracles,but what is it about my singular inability to make my a1c drop by much at all?That is slightly depressing.
And then she asks the question,the one all endos ask their female patients.
Only this time,I say "yes."
"We do, and I'm so tired of waiting on an a1c that will will never be below 7.I'll be in menopause before it will happen."
"Yes it will.You can do it-you are dropping your a1c each time and you have the tools to make it happen.I'll set you up to meet with the DE to get you back on track don't want to have a baby till that a1c is under 7,you really don't.Major risk of birth defects,etc.And you're only 27."
"28 today."
Something I don't much about,because there's no use dwelling on the past but I know she's right.It's not a question of if's a question of just-say-the-word.The risks of everything genetically horrible go up in the 30's.Sooner=better.
"You are going to have to come in here more frequently then once every 6 months,though," my endo dryly remarks.
"I know...I just needed a diabetes vacation.It's out of system now.
I'm ready to get back to work on my a1c now.
-- Post From My iPhone
"Hi,Heidi," my endo greeted me,whisking me off to the exam room immeadietly after my a1c."How've you been,how are the blood sugars?"
"Julys were great,August's not so much...went to heck in a handbasket."(#iblamevacation)
Hand over meter.
"I can see you have alot of high-highs."
"That was part of a research study,they really don't go up to 500 without some major encouragement. Drinking Boost while they checked peptides,etc."
She frowned."Who's doing it?"
"Can you get them to send me a summary of the study,they really should have done that anyway(sending it to the primary endo)."
"I haven't seen you since Feb.,and you didn't have the bloodwork done so you're due for the full blood work up today."
Continues reviewing my basals,etc.Picks up phone."A1c on x, please."
An eyebrow goes up."Thank you ."
Ackkk.I am dead-dead-dead...
"You are coming down.0.1 better then last time."
Royal blue YUCK.I wasn't expecting miracles,but what is it about my singular inability to make my a1c drop by much at all?That is slightly depressing.
And then she asks the question,the one all endos ask their female patients.
Only this time,I say "yes."
"We do, and I'm so tired of waiting on an a1c that will will never be below 7.I'll be in menopause before it will happen."
"Yes it will.You can do it-you are dropping your a1c each time and you have the tools to make it happen.I'll set you up to meet with the DE to get you back on track don't want to have a baby till that a1c is under 7,you really don't.Major risk of birth defects,etc.And you're only 27."
"28 today."
Something I don't much about,because there's no use dwelling on the past but I know she's right.It's not a question of if's a question of just-say-the-word.The risks of everything genetically horrible go up in the 30's.Sooner=better.
"You are going to have to come in here more frequently then once every 6 months,though," my endo dryly remarks.
"I know...I just needed a diabetes vacation.It's out of system now.
I'm ready to get back to work on my a1c now.
-- Post From My iPhone
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