January: 10 Reasons I just LOOVVEEE My Meter!
February: Green Glucose Tabs and Ham
March: Pumpers Anonymous (in which I get back ON the bandwagon and start going to pump meetings again)
April: Oysters on the Bay
May: The Last of a Trilogy: Hail to the Chief
June: The Case of the Serial Diet Coke Spiller
July: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
August: The Tale of a Morphine Shot on 08/08/08..epic for more then just the Olympics
September: A Divabetic in DC
October: The Sweetest, Coldest Place on Earth
November: YES, WE DID!!!!
December: Double Digit Diagnosis Day
Recap: my diabetes turns 10, we visit several historical places, first wedding anniversary, a bowel intesseseption/electrolyte problems, go to FFL conference and finally meet several very cool bloggers, pumpers anonymous, green glucose tabs + ham, visit Hershey Park, finish my cross stitch project and begin a new one, get a new Ping Pump, get a new Endo...(ad naueseum)
Happy New Year!!!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Lockdown at L.A.X.
The security guard does not look happy.
"Why isn't your boarding pass stamped? Didn't they check your I.D., at the gate?"
"No. No one was there, not when we came through."
"No one was there AT ALL???"
He ushers me forward to a hold cell, compliments of my pump setting off the detectors + goes off to get my boarding pass stamped. Next door, my husband is also being detained for a non-stamped pass. Suddenly, "BRAVO, AIRPORT PERSONAL" crackles over the loud speakers and everyone freezes in place, like being suddenly dipped in liquid nitrogen. As I'm thinking the worst-a bomb has been found, it might go off and we'll all have to evacuate into the chilling Californian morning (with no coat and bare stocking feet) two minutes pass, and just as suddenly, the all clear is given. People unfreeze, and go about their business. It must have had something to do with the non-stamped passes.(which I don't think every airline does-this one is extra picky) I resume my stay in hold-cell jail but it's not my fault someone was off chatting instead of doing their jobs. A truly fine security system they've got there, protecting us all. You've got to wonder if the people who run the scanners ever "stop" doing that too and anyone could just sneak by. (and it just takes one, folks)
I'm wanded, patted, and everything else, and then released. Making it 2/2 times I've gone through security and set them off. (with the new pump) I'm thinking it'd be simpler to just stow it in the basket and let it go through. Doesn't damage the pump-right? Getting held up each and every time for a 5 minute patdown is not the highlight of my day. I think this pump has a particular sensitivity toward setting everything out there, off.
"That was embarrassing," my husband remarks. (he's not one to ever set off alarms.)
"Join the club," I say,"Various alarms going off IS my life." We both laugh.(perhaps inappropriate given the setting but it was a shared diabetes joke)
And the backup syringe, vials, and juice on my carryon goes completely un-noticed
and un-commented on. Ahhh, the ever-so-logical TSA.
"Why isn't your boarding pass stamped? Didn't they check your I.D., at the gate?"
"No. No one was there, not when we came through."
"No one was there AT ALL???"
He ushers me forward to a hold cell, compliments of my pump setting off the detectors + goes off to get my boarding pass stamped. Next door, my husband is also being detained for a non-stamped pass. Suddenly, "BRAVO, AIRPORT PERSONAL" crackles over the loud speakers and everyone freezes in place, like being suddenly dipped in liquid nitrogen. As I'm thinking the worst-a bomb has been found, it might go off and we'll all have to evacuate into the chilling Californian morning (with no coat and bare stocking feet) two minutes pass, and just as suddenly, the all clear is given. People unfreeze, and go about their business. It must have had something to do with the non-stamped passes.(which I don't think every airline does-this one is extra picky) I resume my stay in hold-cell jail but it's not my fault someone was off chatting instead of doing their jobs. A truly fine security system they've got there, protecting us all. You've got to wonder if the people who run the scanners ever "stop" doing that too and anyone could just sneak by. (and it just takes one, folks)
I'm wanded, patted, and everything else, and then released. Making it 2/2 times I've gone through security and set them off. (with the new pump) I'm thinking it'd be simpler to just stow it in the basket and let it go through. Doesn't damage the pump-right? Getting held up each and every time for a 5 minute patdown is not the highlight of my day. I think this pump has a particular sensitivity toward setting everything out there, off.
"That was embarrassing," my husband remarks. (he's not one to ever set off alarms.)
"Join the club," I say,"Various alarms going off IS my life." We both laugh.(perhaps inappropriate given the setting but it was a shared diabetes joke)
And the backup syringe, vials, and juice on my carryon goes completely un-noticed
and un-commented on. Ahhh, the ever-so-logical TSA.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The Highest Low
This morning, as I awoke, sopped in sweat, heart racing and jittering to the tune of a Merry Christmas Eve hypo, I thought I'd better check first. (something I rarely do)
303 mg/dl
I treated anyway, said strips were obviously wrong. 2 hours later, I awoke again, and checked:
225 mg/dl
At that point, I thought I'd better check on another meter, with differant strips. As luck would have it-I DIDN'T pack another meter.(why am I so stupid as to think nothing will ever go wrong? whatever you don't pack, that you will need)
different strips...
215 mg/dl
So off we went to CVS, where I bought a One Touch Mini.(but what else are you going to do-the meter has issues) There is nothing more psyche damaging then buying a meter when you've got 20+ of them at home. At least this CVS had a coupon scanner + a couple of aisles of alcoholic beverages(something that is a rare/zero sight on the East Coast)
(and yes, I forgot my ping meter.Where is my brain these days??? I think I left it 4,000 miles away. Called Lifescan, and they're FedExing another Ultra/strips but I wouldn't be able to get through this vacation without a reliable meter)
Have a very merry Christmas, everyone!!!
303 mg/dl
I treated anyway, said strips were obviously wrong. 2 hours later, I awoke again, and checked:
225 mg/dl
At that point, I thought I'd better check on another meter, with differant strips. As luck would have it-I DIDN'T pack another meter.(why am I so stupid as to think nothing will ever go wrong? whatever you don't pack, that you will need)
different strips...
215 mg/dl
So off we went to CVS, where I bought a One Touch Mini.(but what else are you going to do-the meter has issues) There is nothing more psyche damaging then buying a meter when you've got 20+ of them at home. At least this CVS had a coupon scanner + a couple of aisles of alcoholic beverages(something that is a rare/zero sight on the East Coast)
(and yes, I forgot my ping meter.Where is my brain these days??? I think I left it 4,000 miles away. Called Lifescan, and they're FedExing another Ultra/strips but I wouldn't be able to get through this vacation without a reliable meter)
Have a very merry Christmas, everyone!!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
99 Things
99 Things
(stolen from MajorBedhead!)
Things you've already done: bold
Things you want to do: italicize
Things you haven't done and don't want to - leave in plain font
1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars. (long, long ago)
3. Played in a band – the clarinetist! Elementary, middle, and high school
4. Visited Hawaii (honeymoon, last year)
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity (unfortunately, yes. I’m the one who could have benefited from charity)
7. Been to Disneyland/world – Disneyworld-twice! (CWD conventions)
8. Climbed a mountain - yes, many, but the hardest one ever was one pre-diagnosis when I drank everyone else’s water I was so thirsty.
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a solo (in the shower) (yeah, of course)
11. Bungee jumped – nope but I want to!
12. Visited Paris (but I want to!)
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea.
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch. I incorporate my own ideas/with that of the experts to make my own unique oddities.
15. Adopted a child.(perhaps someday…)
16. Had food poisoning. (heck, yes, two years ago Red Lobster leftovers put me in the hospital for two days)
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty (actually-I'd rather take the elevator!)
18. Grown your own vegetables. (I was a farm girl…we grew everything! And canned everything)
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train. (no desire to do so, sounds uncomfortable)
21. Had a pillow fight.
22. Hitch hiked.
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill. (how else do you get to an endo. appt?when technically, you’re not “ill”…)
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb.
26. Gone Skinny Dipping. (NOPE)
27. Run a Marathon- I’m doing good just to navigate three flights of stairs.
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset.
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise – right up my alley! But not yet
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors – no
35. Seen an Amish community –no, but plenty of Old Order buggy-driving Mennonites.
36. Taught yourself a new language. Spanish
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied. (not sure that’s possible!Even billionaires aren't happy, money does not satisfy)
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal in a restaurant.
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight.
46. Been transported in an ambulance – Multiple times. And I’ve done the transporting.
47. Had your portrait painted. (I could have my dad do it, but I don't think posterity needs to be reminded that I ever existed)
48. Gone deep sea fishing.
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud (doesn’t every kid?)
54. Gone to a drive-in theater. (they do still exist…must find one)
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching.
63. Gotten flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood (42x, before my body started falling apart)
65. Gone skydiving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check(s,s,s,s)(I am not proud of this)
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar (Eww)
72. Pieced a quilt (my grandmother made one with me + I treasure it)
73. Stood in Times Square (want to, so bad!!! maybe one New Year's Eve)
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guard in London
77. Broken a bone – kneecap, finger, toe
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car. (if we had tons of money and could afford it)
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper.
85. Read the entire Bible.
86. Visited the White House (no, but I’ve been on Air Force One!)
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating (fish, turkey, chickens)
88. Had chickenpox. (and Shingles)
89. Saved someone’s life.
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous.
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one.
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake (I hear its nasty)
97. Been involved in a law suit (with my recent luck on Ebay, its probably a'comin)
98. Owned a cell phone.
99. Been stung by a bee
(stolen from MajorBedhead!)
Things you've already done: bold
Things you want to do: italicize
Things you haven't done and don't want to - leave in plain font
1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars. (long, long ago)
3. Played in a band – the clarinetist! Elementary, middle, and high school
4. Visited Hawaii (honeymoon, last year)
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity (unfortunately, yes. I’m the one who could have benefited from charity)
7. Been to Disneyland/world – Disneyworld-twice! (CWD conventions)
8. Climbed a mountain - yes, many, but the hardest one ever was one pre-diagnosis when I drank everyone else’s water I was so thirsty.
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a solo (in the shower) (yeah, of course)
11. Bungee jumped – nope but I want to!
12. Visited Paris (but I want to!)
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea.
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch. I incorporate my own ideas/with that of the experts to make my own unique oddities.
15. Adopted a child.(perhaps someday…)
16. Had food poisoning. (heck, yes, two years ago Red Lobster leftovers put me in the hospital for two days)
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty (actually-I'd rather take the elevator!)
18. Grown your own vegetables. (I was a farm girl…we grew everything! And canned everything)
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train. (no desire to do so, sounds uncomfortable)
21. Had a pillow fight.
22. Hitch hiked.
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill. (how else do you get to an endo. appt?when technically, you’re not “ill”…)
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb.
26. Gone Skinny Dipping. (NOPE)
27. Run a Marathon- I’m doing good just to navigate three flights of stairs.
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset.
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise – right up my alley! But not yet
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors – no
35. Seen an Amish community –no, but plenty of Old Order buggy-driving Mennonites.
36. Taught yourself a new language. Spanish
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied. (not sure that’s possible!Even billionaires aren't happy, money does not satisfy)
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal in a restaurant.
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight.
46. Been transported in an ambulance – Multiple times. And I’ve done the transporting.
47. Had your portrait painted. (I could have my dad do it, but I don't think posterity needs to be reminded that I ever existed)
48. Gone deep sea fishing.
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud (doesn’t every kid?)
54. Gone to a drive-in theater. (they do still exist…must find one)
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching.
63. Gotten flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood (42x, before my body started falling apart)
65. Gone skydiving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check(s,s,s,s)(I am not proud of this)
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar (Eww)
72. Pieced a quilt (my grandmother made one with me + I treasure it)
73. Stood in Times Square (want to, so bad!!! maybe one New Year's Eve)
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guard in London
77. Broken a bone – kneecap, finger, toe
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car. (if we had tons of money and could afford it)
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper.
85. Read the entire Bible.
86. Visited the White House (no, but I’ve been on Air Force One!)
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating (fish, turkey, chickens)
88. Had chickenpox. (and Shingles)
89. Saved someone’s life.
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous.
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one.
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake (I hear its nasty)
97. Been involved in a law suit (with my recent luck on Ebay, its probably a'comin)
98. Owned a cell phone.
99. Been stung by a bee
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Last night, as I flipped the stations to ABC's "Private Practice",(read-extreme boredom, is a show with absolutely no plot and I never never watch it, all they do is sleep together + deliver babies vs Greys Anatomy which at least has interesting story lines and good actors interspersed with all the mushy stuff) as luck would have it, its a back episode. A kid-patient with an insulin pump and the doc calls the prescribing physician to run a "check" on the pump serial number(uh-shouldn't you be calling the pump company and would they even give you that info if you weren't the police?) and finds out the kid is reported missing, the father kidnapped him. So he and the kid go back to his office for a little heart-to-heart chat and the kid confesses they left because the mom's bf was abusing him. And then, the kid collapses on the office floor and has a seizure. The doc immeadiently jumps in to action, sticking a humongous needle into the kids KNECK(what an interesting place) and gives him something, presumably glucagon. Cut to gurney speeding towards the ER and the dad saying "But I checked his pump five hours ago!" (very, very, classic ABC) Later the doc tells the dad that his pump malfunctioned and over delivered insulin.(which no normal pump has done in like 15 years?) And it shows the kids infusion set, which looks like an Inset(pink, no less, not many boys would stand for that) and it actually does look like an infusion set-tubing and all. Someone tips off the cops about the dad, and the doc dumps a bag full of D supplies on the bed and tells them to get going and remember to take your insulin, check your bg, blahblahblah. They are out the door in like 9.99 seconds and the cops don't get them. No repercussions for the doc.
There were so many inconsistencies in that episode it was hard not to gag all the way through it. Dear ABC, do the world a favor and leave diabetics(especially pumpers!) out of your story lines.
And tomorrow, they are doing surgery for the port..my veins are officially toast + they're doing it tomorrow,right before the holiday week. It is under local anesthesia but not exactly any less stressful. (still get duped out)Port=semi-permanent infusion set. Till one doesn't need it anymore and they take it out. It could have waited a couple of weeks but paying for the entire thing(fresh, new deductibles) circa New Year
is every bit as scary AS the actual surgery. No thanks.
There were so many inconsistencies in that episode it was hard not to gag all the way through it. Dear ABC, do the world a favor and leave diabetics(especially pumpers!) out of your story lines.
And tomorrow, they are doing surgery for the port..my veins are officially toast + they're doing it tomorrow,right before the holiday week. It is under local anesthesia but not exactly any less stressful. (still get duped out)Port=semi-permanent infusion set. Till one doesn't need it anymore and they take it out. It could have waited a couple of weeks but paying for the entire thing(fresh, new deductibles) circa New Year
is every bit as scary AS the actual surgery. No thanks.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Of Cats, Trees, and Pancreases
I promise that the huge, ugly header will not be up there forever...just for the holiday season. Just wanted to show off the cats. (the humongous one is Jack, and his smaller (brother) is Cozmo. Not named for my pump, he was born in 2001.(before there was such a thing as Deltec Cozmo)
what if...you were 1/2 people (known of) born with no pancreas? Like this little boy? I really don't have much to complain about, half a pancreas is better then none.(at least you don't have to take digestive enzymes). I feel bad for all the parents of diabetic kids but because this is so exceedingly rare he may not live to grow up. (its not just diabetes) It takes a tough person to be strong for your sick kid.
what if...you were 1/2 people (known of) born with no pancreas? Like this little boy? I really don't have much to complain about, half a pancreas is better then none.(at least you don't have to take digestive enzymes). I feel bad for all the parents of diabetic kids but because this is so exceedingly rare he may not live to grow up. (its not just diabetes) It takes a tough person to be strong for your sick kid.
Monday, December 15, 2008
My Grown-Up Christmas List
#1 family together....

#2 beautiful bgs...

#3 that our soldiers would get the best Christmas possible:

#4 that my Chia Tree would start to grow,pretty please...

#5 Snow, Snow, Snow!

(here, not the place we're going to-I want it to be 60-70's there!)
#6 and an end to these:

and lastly, because I am only human, one of these!!
# 7

what's on yours?

#2 beautiful bgs...

#3 that our soldiers would get the best Christmas possible:

#4 that my Chia Tree would start to grow,pretty please...

#5 Snow, Snow, Snow!

(here, not the place we're going to-I want it to be 60-70's there!)
#6 and an end to these:

and lastly, because I am only human, one of these!!
# 7
what's on yours?
Friday, December 12, 2008
Friday Morning at the Educator
Went to D-education today(due to needing some majoro help) and the educator wanted to play around with my Ping, because they rarely see those. So I handed it over and she zapped it up to her glucose meter-pump-educator system.
Reviewed my written records, and then called downstairs to my endo, who was in-between patients and who I haven't seen since an early September hospital admission and who I won't see till Feb. because she is so backed up. That's ok by me, as I know that they'll always get back to me if I've got a problem. I guess that D-educators here, even if they are RN's, cannot make basal or bolus changes without the endo's blessing. (whereas, at my former endo's, they could make small ones) The endo came upstairs and made some very radical changes to my basal rates and in retrospect, I'm glad she was the one to do it. I wouldn't have dared, nor would I have wanted the educator to do it.(they were that severe)
So its back to wait and see. I've officially decided to christen my ping pump "The Green Hornet" because insulin goes in so insanely fast that its like being stung.
Got the official training Sunday(yeah, I could do it myself but had no desire to spend hours leafing through the manuals), and so far, I really do like it.
Reviewed my written records, and then called downstairs to my endo, who was in-between patients and who I haven't seen since an early September hospital admission and who I won't see till Feb. because she is so backed up. That's ok by me, as I know that they'll always get back to me if I've got a problem. I guess that D-educators here, even if they are RN's, cannot make basal or bolus changes without the endo's blessing. (whereas, at my former endo's, they could make small ones) The endo came upstairs and made some very radical changes to my basal rates and in retrospect, I'm glad she was the one to do it. I wouldn't have dared, nor would I have wanted the educator to do it.(they were that severe)
So its back to wait and see. I've officially decided to christen my ping pump "The Green Hornet" because insulin goes in so insanely fast that its like being stung.
Got the official training Sunday(yeah, I could do it myself but had no desire to spend hours leafing through the manuals), and so far, I really do like it.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Double Digit Diagnosis Day
Five plus Five equals...
A) a cure for diabetes, times 2
B) the cost of 8 test strips
C) the number of people diagnosed every 80 seconds
D) how many units you have left in your reservoir at 2 am
On this date in history:
A) Bill Clinton was being impeached
B) Nicole Johnson was reigning Miss America
C) Gas was under $1.00 a gallon
D) Al Gore had not yet invented the Internet so we were forced to spend our time in much more productive ways
But it was more then that, it was the day that turned everything upside down.
4:01 pm, the world stopped with the words, "You probably have diabetes, your blood sugar was off our meters and you need to go to the ER right now-ambulance or car?"
The NP directs this question to me, not my mother. Slightly odd to deliver the bombshell and then ask the teenager want they want to do about it.
Numb brain. Number body. Long drive to University ER. On the way, I drink over 100 carbs of milk and go to the restroom four more times. The triage nurse awaits, and asks me my blood sugar. I repeat what the paperwork says(1100), she checks, and says "Oh-you were telling the truth!" which slightly offends me. Taken back immediately and the intern and resident show up, again, immediately.
Tonight's Project: Show, Tell, and Run a billion tests on the kid to make sure its just a nice, simple case of DKA.
Tonight's Project Manager: the intern. Otherwise known as Dr. Bill. I have the dubious distinction of being their highest bg, ever, and that is deserving of a constant stream of individuals entering, asking,(not)asking, poking, prodding, and otherwise making sure there will be no sleep that evening. Along the way, I'm told what lies in store(shots), and oddly, it doesn't disturb me at all, I feel too crummy. However, the chosen words of comfort from Dr. Bill do.("We're not going to let you die!") Not the best thing to say to a freaked out teenager who was unaware that they could die from this. To his credit, he didn't let me die(checking on me every 5-10 minutes to make sure I wasn't in a coma) Along with being asked to breathe ketonic yuck breath occasionally, a very odd experience.
So to you, Dr. Bill Hurtig, now probably out there in rich-powerful Attending Land(or private practice) I wish to say Thanks. You handle DKA with the best of 'em.
The rest of the experience is fairly straightforward, crash eduction/envying my room mate's unlimited food choices/giving the first shot + no one passing out. Stuff everyone does.
Five plus Five equals yeah, now I really feel like it was a long time ago. Wondering what the next 10 will bring. More intriguing, very cool individuals into the OC for sure.. but I'm rather hoping for a cure.

(yeah, this'll do-hope the luck continues...)
A) a cure for diabetes, times 2
B) the cost of 8 test strips
C) the number of people diagnosed every 80 seconds
D) how many units you have left in your reservoir at 2 am
On this date in history:
A) Bill Clinton was being impeached
B) Nicole Johnson was reigning Miss America
C) Gas was under $1.00 a gallon
D) Al Gore had not yet invented the Internet so we were forced to spend our time in much more productive ways
But it was more then that, it was the day that turned everything upside down.
4:01 pm, the world stopped with the words, "You probably have diabetes, your blood sugar was off our meters and you need to go to the ER right now-ambulance or car?"
The NP directs this question to me, not my mother. Slightly odd to deliver the bombshell and then ask the teenager want they want to do about it.
Numb brain. Number body. Long drive to University ER. On the way, I drink over 100 carbs of milk and go to the restroom four more times. The triage nurse awaits, and asks me my blood sugar. I repeat what the paperwork says(1100), she checks, and says "Oh-you were telling the truth!" which slightly offends me. Taken back immediately and the intern and resident show up, again, immediately.
Tonight's Project: Show, Tell, and Run a billion tests on the kid to make sure its just a nice, simple case of DKA.
Tonight's Project Manager: the intern. Otherwise known as Dr. Bill. I have the dubious distinction of being their highest bg, ever, and that is deserving of a constant stream of individuals entering, asking,(not)asking, poking, prodding, and otherwise making sure there will be no sleep that evening. Along the way, I'm told what lies in store(shots), and oddly, it doesn't disturb me at all, I feel too crummy. However, the chosen words of comfort from Dr. Bill do.("We're not going to let you die!") Not the best thing to say to a freaked out teenager who was unaware that they could die from this. To his credit, he didn't let me die(checking on me every 5-10 minutes to make sure I wasn't in a coma) Along with being asked to breathe ketonic yuck breath occasionally, a very odd experience.
So to you, Dr. Bill Hurtig, now probably out there in rich-powerful Attending Land(or private practice) I wish to say Thanks. You handle DKA with the best of 'em.
The rest of the experience is fairly straightforward, crash eduction/envying my room mate's unlimited food choices/giving the first shot + no one passing out. Stuff everyone does.
Five plus Five equals yeah, now I really feel like it was a long time ago. Wondering what the next 10 will bring. More intriguing, very cool individuals into the OC for sure.. but I'm rather hoping for a cure.

(yeah, this'll do-hope the luck continues...)
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
A Penny Saved & A Dollar Earned

(Size 8 shoe for length comparison)
My receipt, post coupons and CVS extrabucks printed out.(I'm one of those crazy coupon people you would rather not get behind)
Initial cost: $188.50
Final Cost: $21.48
(received $21.49 back in more extrabucks so I saved a penny on what I spent)
The cashier then proceeded to pay me the highest form of flattery there is...
"I want to be just like you with the coupons and stuff when I grow up!"
Far from making me feel old, it made me feel on-top-of-the-world-awesome. I'll treasure that compliment for the rest of the month.
Monday, December 08, 2008
Of Socio-Economic Matters
Sometimes I sit in sociology class and silently fume, wondering how the instructor and my classmates could ever arrive at the conclusions that they do.
Last week, we discussed lobbying. Lobbyists are firms hired by special interest groups to take their cases before the the legislators. Lobbyists shmooze and booze the legislators with gifts until the the legislators cave and push those bills through. Lobbyists are often former legislators and know Joe Senator(s) + play the insider card for all its worth.
Lobbyists aren't the scum of the earth, the legislators are. Taking gifts/bribes should be illegal and you should be kicked out of Congress for doing it. I realize that this would eliminate 99.9% of the Congress but if you don't make strict consequences for something it isn't going to stop. And then we got on the topic of drug reps doing the same thing and I think that's a little differant, the doc still has an obligation to his patient.If the doc wants to be bribed, I don't see a problem with it, as long as the patient is getting good care. Obviously, I don't know much about drug reps and someone else can educate me on why thats a horrible idea. We don't elect doctors- we do elect Congressmen and they need to be pandering to the overall good of the people, not to the will of Corporation X. Lobbying can be good(more research for diseases) but the system is all wrong. Legislators are only thinking about making the special interest groups happy. Everyone says they shouldn't be doing it, no one wants to suggest radical methods to STOP the corruption.
Then, we got to discussing the rich, evil CEOs and I'm thinking, get a life, people. Yes, by and large they are not the phelanthropic sort but we pay our sport gods millions a year without batting an eyelid and then complain bitterly about shelling out for a CEO(whose jobs encompass much more personal responsibility and extreme stress) I believe CEO's should be well paid, they have important decisions to make. I don't believe their severance packages should be so well padded, they should get the same as the next dude.(have some concern for the company going under) And as it relates to the automabile crises...I think that its partially due to the recession, partially the fact that everything made in this country is slapped with such high taxes its just cheaper to buy foreign. If Congress can't see the importance of getting a fairer tax system, they'll have to continue to bail out the big dudes on a regular basis.
(1 day of finals done...2 to go!)
Last week, we discussed lobbying. Lobbyists are firms hired by special interest groups to take their cases before the the legislators. Lobbyists shmooze and booze the legislators with gifts until the the legislators cave and push those bills through. Lobbyists are often former legislators and know Joe Senator(s) + play the insider card for all its worth.
Lobbyists aren't the scum of the earth, the legislators are. Taking gifts/bribes should be illegal and you should be kicked out of Congress for doing it. I realize that this would eliminate 99.9% of the Congress but if you don't make strict consequences for something it isn't going to stop. And then we got on the topic of drug reps doing the same thing and I think that's a little differant, the doc still has an obligation to his patient.If the doc wants to be bribed, I don't see a problem with it, as long as the patient is getting good care. Obviously, I don't know much about drug reps and someone else can educate me on why thats a horrible idea. We don't elect doctors- we do elect Congressmen and they need to be pandering to the overall good of the people, not to the will of Corporation X. Lobbying can be good(more research for diseases) but the system is all wrong. Legislators are only thinking about making the special interest groups happy. Everyone says they shouldn't be doing it, no one wants to suggest radical methods to STOP the corruption.
Then, we got to discussing the rich, evil CEOs and I'm thinking, get a life, people. Yes, by and large they are not the phelanthropic sort but we pay our sport gods millions a year without batting an eyelid and then complain bitterly about shelling out for a CEO(whose jobs encompass much more personal responsibility and extreme stress) I believe CEO's should be well paid, they have important decisions to make. I don't believe their severance packages should be so well padded, they should get the same as the next dude.(have some concern for the company going under) And as it relates to the automabile crises...I think that its partially due to the recession, partially the fact that everything made in this country is slapped with such high taxes its just cheaper to buy foreign. If Congress can't see the importance of getting a fairer tax system, they'll have to continue to bail out the big dudes on a regular basis.
(1 day of finals done...2 to go!)
Saturday, December 06, 2008
The Insulin Machine
About six years ago, I went through a patch of being resistant to all forms of injected, snorted(j/k), pumped, forms of insulin administration. Lived in the 300-500's, double-triple-quadruple-checked EVERYTHING, no even injected insulin could bring my blood sugars down. Average TDD during this time: in the 60's. Back then, that was about double of what I took.
Happy days are here again, I've changed my sets,cartridges, lines, insulin vials, taken injections, checked the pump, doubled basals...and yet my average blood sugar remains at a level that you'd probably rather not read about. Constant ketones in the urine. Getting up three times a night to take shots.(and do other things) At this point, when not even injections are working trusting one's pump is not an option.
And I'm not sick. Nor are hormones in the picture. Last time, my endo said that stress could absolutely do all that but this just started this week. Yes, I'm stressed(final exams are two days away) but I'd have thought that would have started several weeks ago..
For occasions such as this, I will be consulting my endo. Because it doesn't look like I'm any closer to solving this thing.
Happy days are here again, I've changed my sets,cartridges, lines, insulin vials, taken injections, checked the pump, doubled basals...and yet my average blood sugar remains at a level that you'd probably rather not read about. Constant ketones in the urine. Getting up three times a night to take shots.(and do other things) At this point, when not even injections are working trusting one's pump is not an option.
And I'm not sick. Nor are hormones in the picture. Last time, my endo said that stress could absolutely do all that but this just started this week. Yes, I'm stressed(final exams are two days away) but I'd have thought that would have started several weeks ago..
For occasions such as this, I will be consulting my endo. Because it doesn't look like I'm any closer to solving this thing.
Friday, December 05, 2008
December 5, 2009
I've set a goal for myself to have my JDRF themed cross stitch:
(that's part of it)

done, by this time next year. And then, I hope that JDRF loves it so much that they'll auction it off at one of their big-wig-fancy-pants auctions. Its unique, its special, and it deserves a home in some mansion, somewhere. (not sure how much people would pay for it but its surely got to be more then I could get if I sold it on Ebay) I want to do my part to fund diabetes research.
(that's part of it)
done, by this time next year. And then, I hope that JDRF loves it so much that they'll auction it off at one of their big-wig-fancy-pants auctions. Its unique, its special, and it deserves a home in some mansion, somewhere. (not sure how much people would pay for it but its surely got to be more then I could get if I sold it on Ebay) I want to do my part to fund diabetes research.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
When I was a young 'un with diabetes, each and every blood sugar test was an occasion for a complete stress-a-thon. Usually a parent would be watching, and I'd pray that God(or the diabetes gods, whichever one you believe in)would send down a number that would not put my parents in complete freak-out mode. Every number was carved in black and white granite..black with death or white for bright and shiny. In the 45 seconds it took for the number to pop up on Monster Meter I got pretty nervous.
Now I'm older, and wiser- I realize that it's all relative. (unfortunately, I haven't yet convinced myself that this also applies to A1cs.) I've still seeking perfection. Every morning, I have a habit of picking out a different perfume scent for the day(because I am a Bath & Body Works addict and love 'em all)

and similar to that, you've got to pick out the right management for your D that day. Type A personality is not going to get you too far with this highly imperfect disease. You've got to learn to adjust, and adapt, and realize that the awesome control you get when healthy and running marathons is not going to be your lot when you're sick, in pain, and doing your best just to stay afloat. Every day you've got a different sort of D to deal with, and though you may prefer the sweet Rose like lull of a uneventful day, its likely going to be the rough and rocky Water Deep or Trouble. (from my retail days, I'd say that I've smelled most of the perfumes and colognes out there)
Now I'm older, and wiser- I realize that it's all relative. (unfortunately, I haven't yet convinced myself that this also applies to A1cs.) I've still seeking perfection. Every morning, I have a habit of picking out a different perfume scent for the day(because I am a Bath & Body Works addict and love 'em all)

and similar to that, you've got to pick out the right management for your D that day. Type A personality is not going to get you too far with this highly imperfect disease. You've got to learn to adjust, and adapt, and realize that the awesome control you get when healthy and running marathons is not going to be your lot when you're sick, in pain, and doing your best just to stay afloat. Every day you've got a different sort of D to deal with, and though you may prefer the sweet Rose like lull of a uneventful day, its likely going to be the rough and rocky Water Deep or Trouble. (from my retail days, I'd say that I've smelled most of the perfumes and colognes out there)
Monday, December 01, 2008
Back to the Future
I open my eyes and grope under my pillow, desperately searching for my Dexcom, so I can see if I'm in-range enough not to have to check, confirm, and correct, on my meter.
But it isn't there. Groaning, I head downstairs, hoping its on the counter top and not lost.
There's a strange teenage apparition (or rather, two of them): sitting at my table,laughing, and inhaling CocoPuffs at lightening-warp speed.
"Hey Mom," the older of the apparitions says cheerfully. "Breakfast?"
"Sure," I reply, dazed. "A diet Coke, 2 slices of toast,(w/jam) and some scrambled eggs."
She presses some buttons, and a machine whizzes to life(like the one in Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang) Presto, breakfast.
"Your meal has a total of 45.8 carbohydrates."
Immediately, my tube-less pump starts to vibrate, asking me to confirm the amount of insulin needed.
"You seem low, Mom. Did you scan this morning?"
"Yeah, like HELLOOOOOO- with the GlucoGadget? Like you do a zillion times a day?" She rolls her eyes, opens a kitchen drawer, and removes a small device which she then proceeds to use to "scan" my forehead, like I'm the upc symbol on a package of bacon at the local supermarket.
"You are 72 mg/dl."
"Drink this," she flips a box of OJ in my general direction. "I gotta run to my job..but no way I'm missing the party tonight. It's sooooo cool that there is finally a cure for diabetes. Ciao!"
A cure. I really must be dreaming.
Shaggy-haired boy looks up from his third bowl of CocoPuffs. "I need money."
"Son, that's enough sugar for the morning, go finish getting ready for school." I can totally do the parenting stuff, I know how teenagers think.
He grabs his baseball cap, slings it on backwards, and shuffles off.
So I'm 81 mg/dl. But what's this about a cure TODAY? I pick up my Iphone-like device(iphones by then will be obsolete) and dial my endo's office.
"Hi, it's X."
"Hey, don't forget about your 9 AM appointment this morning!"
"9 AM????"(it's now 8:22) Whatever this is all about, I'd better be hustling. My bag is already packed, by the door. Just gotta blitz through the shower.
8:59 AM. I arrive at my endo's office, where the staff greets me with humongous smiles and direct me to the operating suite where I am prepared for surgery.
My endo arrives. Wow, this is sure not 2008 any more...both of us sport more gray hairs then an elephant.
"Ready, Heidi?"
Of course I am.
The needle slides easily into my abdoman, she pushes the plunger and hundreds of encapsulated islets travel up my portal vein to free me from diabetes.
"All done."
I start to cry, the tears come faster and faster until through the blurry haze I can't see my endo anymore.
"I won't know what to do with myself after this."
She laughs. I continue to bawl.
"Thank you."
"My pleasure." She rests her hand on my shoulder. "You'll have to be monitored, of course, but this treatment has had a 95% success rate and the kinks have all been worked out..your body won't kill them and they're fixed not to overproduce or under produce insulin. You should be good to go, for the next 40 years."
I drift off on a cloud of morphine-induced euphoria, her words echoing in my ears.
And later that day, proceed to party hardy like there is no tomorrow. Because after that, there will be no more tomorrows with diabetes.
(the account is entirely fictional, except for the part where I bawl. Which I will, when there is a cure for diabetes)
I open my eyes and grope under my pillow, desperately searching for my Dexcom, so I can see if I'm in-range enough not to have to check, confirm, and correct, on my meter.
But it isn't there. Groaning, I head downstairs, hoping its on the counter top and not lost.
There's a strange teenage apparition (or rather, two of them): sitting at my table,laughing, and inhaling CocoPuffs at lightening-warp speed.
"Hey Mom," the older of the apparitions says cheerfully. "Breakfast?"
"Sure," I reply, dazed. "A diet Coke, 2 slices of toast,(w/jam) and some scrambled eggs."
She presses some buttons, and a machine whizzes to life(like the one in Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang) Presto, breakfast.
"Your meal has a total of 45.8 carbohydrates."
Immediately, my tube-less pump starts to vibrate, asking me to confirm the amount of insulin needed.
"You seem low, Mom. Did you scan this morning?"
"Yeah, like HELLOOOOOO- with the GlucoGadget? Like you do a zillion times a day?" She rolls her eyes, opens a kitchen drawer, and removes a small device which she then proceeds to use to "scan" my forehead, like I'm the upc symbol on a package of bacon at the local supermarket.
"You are 72 mg/dl."
"Drink this," she flips a box of OJ in my general direction. "I gotta run to my job..but no way I'm missing the party tonight. It's sooooo cool that there is finally a cure for diabetes. Ciao!"
A cure. I really must be dreaming.
Shaggy-haired boy looks up from his third bowl of CocoPuffs. "I need money."
"Son, that's enough sugar for the morning, go finish getting ready for school." I can totally do the parenting stuff, I know how teenagers think.
He grabs his baseball cap, slings it on backwards, and shuffles off.
So I'm 81 mg/dl. But what's this about a cure TODAY? I pick up my Iphone-like device(iphones by then will be obsolete) and dial my endo's office.
"Hi, it's X."
"Hey, don't forget about your 9 AM appointment this morning!"
"9 AM????"(it's now 8:22) Whatever this is all about, I'd better be hustling. My bag is already packed, by the door. Just gotta blitz through the shower.
8:59 AM. I arrive at my endo's office, where the staff greets me with humongous smiles and direct me to the operating suite where I am prepared for surgery.
My endo arrives. Wow, this is sure not 2008 any more...both of us sport more gray hairs then an elephant.
"Ready, Heidi?"
Of course I am.
The needle slides easily into my abdoman, she pushes the plunger and hundreds of encapsulated islets travel up my portal vein to free me from diabetes.
"All done."
I start to cry, the tears come faster and faster until through the blurry haze I can't see my endo anymore.
"I won't know what to do with myself after this."
She laughs. I continue to bawl.
"Thank you."
"My pleasure." She rests her hand on my shoulder. "You'll have to be monitored, of course, but this treatment has had a 95% success rate and the kinks have all been worked out..your body won't kill them and they're fixed not to overproduce or under produce insulin. You should be good to go, for the next 40 years."
I drift off on a cloud of morphine-induced euphoria, her words echoing in my ears.
And later that day, proceed to party hardy like there is no tomorrow. Because after that, there will be no more tomorrows with diabetes.
(the account is entirely fictional, except for the part where I bawl. Which I will, when there is a cure for diabetes)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Meme'd Round the Blogosphere
From Allison....
(go ahead, give it your honest opinion.Time for a reality check.)
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. Something I have and YOU want?
4. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
5. Describe me in one word.
6. What was your first impression of me?
7. Do you still think that way about me now?
8. What reminds you of me?
9. If you could give me anything what would it be?
10. How well do you know me?
11. How do you see me in the future?
12. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn’t?
13. Are you going to post this in your blog and see what I say about you?
I hope to answer some of the them(on other blogs) later today.
(go ahead, give it your honest opinion.Time for a reality check.)
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. Something I have and YOU want?
4. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
5. Describe me in one word.
6. What was your first impression of me?
7. Do you still think that way about me now?
8. What reminds you of me?
9. If you could give me anything what would it be?
10. How well do you know me?
11. How do you see me in the future?
12. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn’t?
13. Are you going to post this in your blog and see what I say about you?
I hope to answer some of the them(on other blogs) later today.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Family Ties
The year was 1862, and the Battle for the Shenandoah Valley raged hard-it was vitally important to divert the Union forces from shacking up and burning Richmond. That summer was a game of cat and mouse all over Central and Western Virginia, and Stonewall Jackson played it well. Later, a famous painting of him was done at a fence at a certain small farm in New Market. It was several years before Sheridan would do his damage, and the Valley was still rich in crops,green, and photo(or picture) genic. Anyway, 146 years later the hill is still there,(but not the fence, nor the tree) it has been in my uncle's family since before forever. It is so cool to think that there, history was made.(saw the picture in their house)
The family get-together was the usual eclectic group of far-righties and far-lefties trying to be pleasant to each other(this was accomplished by the far-righties not talking about the subject at all)...the house was packed with people. Had bolused aggressively for a post-breakfast high and found myself 84 with lunch still an hour away so I had to chug juice. My relative with diabetes was there, and I never know what to say because as a teenager, my mom took me to the hospital to see her and scare the bejabbers out of me. (the complications of diabetes) I was scared all right but it spurred me to teenage turn-off. Now I know I should be more of an adult + actually have a conversation with her but that was not the best of experiences and I'd rather not know.As long as she's happy(which she appeared to be) and having the best health possible I wish her well. Lunch was good, afterwords we viewed my dad's video, played games, toured the farm, ate more food, and gradually dissipated down to fewer and fewer people and then we left.
A good Thanksgiving, overall.
The family get-together was the usual eclectic group of far-righties and far-lefties trying to be pleasant to each other(this was accomplished by the far-righties not talking about the subject at all)...the house was packed with people. Had bolused aggressively for a post-breakfast high and found myself 84 with lunch still an hour away so I had to chug juice. My relative with diabetes was there, and I never know what to say because as a teenager, my mom took me to the hospital to see her and scare the bejabbers out of me. (the complications of diabetes) I was scared all right but it spurred me to teenage turn-off. Now I know I should be more of an adult + actually have a conversation with her but that was not the best of experiences and I'd rather not know.As long as she's happy(which she appeared to be) and having the best health possible I wish her well. Lunch was good, afterwords we viewed my dad's video, played games, toured the farm, ate more food, and gradually dissipated down to fewer and fewer people and then we left.
A good Thanksgiving, overall.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Post Turk(um)
I came.
I saw.
I gained at least 5 lbs by overeating...
And I played with my very cute niece.
that is all....(two papers await to be written + CVS demands to be visited(at least once, tomorrow)
I saw.
I gained at least 5 lbs by overeating...
And I played with my very cute niece.
that is all....(two papers await to be written + CVS demands to be visited(at least once, tomorrow)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
A T-Day B-Day
Have a great Thanksgiving all....
I'm off to inflict my cranberry salad upon the relations + to celebrate my husband's birthday today.(I won't say how old, he wouldn't like it)
Bolus well, be happy, and check blood sugars often.
I'm off to inflict my cranberry salad upon the relations + to celebrate my husband's birthday today.(I won't say how old, he wouldn't like it)
Bolus well, be happy, and check blood sugars often.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The Horse with Type 1 Diabetes
Tuesday, 25 November 2008 00:18
His name is ‘Justin Credible.’ He’s one month old, and he’s believed to be the only horse ever documented to have been born with Type 1 Diabetes.
The colt’s owners, who live in Carlisle, say they’re working around the clock trying to keep him alive.
Justin Credible, a Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse born from a world-champion (show-horse, was a surprise to David and Monica Hufana from day one. He was born before his mother seemed ready. Right away, he seemed malnourished; they thought that was because his mother was not producing milk. So they sought help from veterinarian Nathan Slovis, at the Hagyard Equine Medicine Institute.
“He came on in as any other foal that has a lack of calories,” said Dr. Slovis, “We thought, ‘oh, we’re going to get this foal out of here in 48 hours.’”
But that is not what happened. After giving the colt fluids and anti-bodies, the colt’s glucose levels went through the roof. Tests showed signs of an abnormal pancreas; the organ which produces the insulin that regulates glucose. It seemed too small to do the job. The diagnosis: Justin Credible had been born with the Type 1 Diabetes. Dr. Slovis says it is the first documented case of its kind.
They began treating the colt with insulin meant for humans, and his energy has come back.
“He’ll buck, he’ll run, he’ll jump,” said David.
But he’ll never have a normal life. He has seizures, and no freedom to graze through pastures. “Grass is full of sugars, and you know diabetics have to watch their sugar levels,” said Dr. Slovis.
His owners, no longer have a normal life either. Every 4 hours, they draw blood to test his blood sugar levels. Every 8 hours, they give him an insulin injection.
Monica even quit her job as a horse trainer to care for him, as medical costs add up. So far they’ve racked up a $4,000 bill. While David works, Monica makes homemade wreaths which she sells at a Carlisle gallery, for extra money on the side.
“You do fall in love with them, you can’t help but to do it,” said David about his horses.
And they do love the little colt, as if it were their own child. Their hope, is that in time, they won’t be forced to make a difficult decision.
“If his quality of life isn’t what it should be, if he can’t run and be a horse and have a good time, then we obviously won’t continue,” said David.
If the owners are able to keep up with the current treatments, they believe the horse’s life expectancy could be around 10 years. The Hufana’s are looking for donations, which can be made out to their farm in Carlisle, called ‘Sanctuary Farm.’
(Now that's a cause I would give to.)
How does one measure a horse's blood glucose- from the ear, like a cat? (I'd take care of it- I could never euthanize a cat/or dog/whatever just because of the inconvenience of getting it shots)
His name is ‘Justin Credible.’ He’s one month old, and he’s believed to be the only horse ever documented to have been born with Type 1 Diabetes.
The colt’s owners, who live in Carlisle, say they’re working around the clock trying to keep him alive.
Justin Credible, a Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse born from a world-champion (show-horse, was a surprise to David and Monica Hufana from day one. He was born before his mother seemed ready. Right away, he seemed malnourished; they thought that was because his mother was not producing milk. So they sought help from veterinarian Nathan Slovis, at the Hagyard Equine Medicine Institute.
“He came on in as any other foal that has a lack of calories,” said Dr. Slovis, “We thought, ‘oh, we’re going to get this foal out of here in 48 hours.’”
But that is not what happened. After giving the colt fluids and anti-bodies, the colt’s glucose levels went through the roof. Tests showed signs of an abnormal pancreas; the organ which produces the insulin that regulates glucose. It seemed too small to do the job. The diagnosis: Justin Credible had been born with the Type 1 Diabetes. Dr. Slovis says it is the first documented case of its kind.
They began treating the colt with insulin meant for humans, and his energy has come back.
“He’ll buck, he’ll run, he’ll jump,” said David.
But he’ll never have a normal life. He has seizures, and no freedom to graze through pastures. “Grass is full of sugars, and you know diabetics have to watch their sugar levels,” said Dr. Slovis.
His owners, no longer have a normal life either. Every 4 hours, they draw blood to test his blood sugar levels. Every 8 hours, they give him an insulin injection.
Monica even quit her job as a horse trainer to care for him, as medical costs add up. So far they’ve racked up a $4,000 bill. While David works, Monica makes homemade wreaths which she sells at a Carlisle gallery, for extra money on the side.
“You do fall in love with them, you can’t help but to do it,” said David about his horses.
And they do love the little colt, as if it were their own child. Their hope, is that in time, they won’t be forced to make a difficult decision.
“If his quality of life isn’t what it should be, if he can’t run and be a horse and have a good time, then we obviously won’t continue,” said David.
If the owners are able to keep up with the current treatments, they believe the horse’s life expectancy could be around 10 years. The Hufana’s are looking for donations, which can be made out to their farm in Carlisle, called ‘Sanctuary Farm.’
(Now that's a cause I would give to.)
How does one measure a horse's blood glucose- from the ear, like a cat? (I'd take care of it- I could never euthanize a cat/or dog/whatever just because of the inconvenience of getting it shots)
Loser's Best
NaBloPoMo is offering a consolation prize (it's #21)for the best "why I didn't post 30 days this month" excuse.
I think I have a pretty good shot at that prize.(more so then the others...that blogroll is in the hundreds!)
I think I have a pretty good shot at that prize.(more so then the others...that blogroll is in the hundreds!)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
There's a unique moment, once every four(or more years) when the UPS dude walks down up to your door, rings the doorbell, you sign, and he hands you a humongous box filled with special D-goodies.

(in Limey Green!)along with 5 boxes of cartridges/assorted manuals/cases/accessories/infusion sets.(I still love the Cleos, don't think I will be switching to anything else)
Maybe I've gone to the dark side, but Smith's Medical doesn't own me + I want to experience another pump's features. Deltec of course still works, but it is out of warranty. I am, of course, pumped.(finally a meter that communicates with the pump,Freestyle test strips were never covered by my insurance company so I couldn't use that feature with my Deltec. This one uses One Touch strips.)

Maybe I've gone to the dark side, but Smith's Medical doesn't own me + I want to experience another pump's features. Deltec of course still works, but it is out of warranty. I am, of course, pumped.(finally a meter that communicates with the pump,Freestyle test strips were never covered by my insurance company so I couldn't use that feature with my Deltec. This one uses One Touch strips.)
Monday, November 24, 2008
The Line Between the Two
I've been thinking about the concept of using CGM's in the hospital and have come to the conclusion that that there is just no way it could EVER work.
Patient "M" is extremely sick, in the ICU. Patient M's blood sugar is going up and down like a pregnant women on steroids. Patient M could really benefit from stabler bgs and fewer hypos. Patient M, however, is being pumped full of acetaminophen/narcotics and that pretty much voids out the usefulness of a CGM.(acetaminophen makes the moniter read HI) Throw in the occasional (or not so much,if they are in the ICU they might have a few of those) MRI and the staff had better remember to remove the sensor or the patient will be dead. (due to the metal in the sensor) You think about the lawsuits waiting to happen, it's rare for staff to be acquainted with pumps, let alone CGM's. (I have a question for anyone who has ever been
in the hospital, with a pump...assuming they even permitted you to continue using it, did they even ask if you were changing the site every 2-3 days? I don't, so it doesn't disturb me,but many people are prone to infection + that needs to be addressed. Breeding ground to further issues, is the pump site infection.)
And for infection prone patients, it is something else for the staff to forget. (changing it occasionally) In its current form, CGM's would be a headache for use in the hospital setting. I'd far rather have frequent bg checks then rely entirely on the CGM it is a good thing that there are many more type 2's then type 1's in the hospital or even more staff would be required.(so I think) There are so many D's in the hospital, they make up like 2/3 of the patient population.(according to Diabetes Forecast) The CGM is a very valuable tool, but someone has to be following it, tweaking, looking at patterns and another characteristic of non-endocrinologists is they are REACTIVE,(aka the "sliding scale") rather then proactive. I realize I'm lumping all of them into one generic group but its a case of guilty until proven innocent. Until someone demonstrates their D-savvyness, I do not assume that they've got it. And I would not use a CGM without meter confirmation. A CGM, does not replace the need for meter monitoring.
I think the answer lies in being more proactive with management, rather then the highly unpractical, time-consuming, expensive CGM. How about an insulin pump or IV insulin drip rather then then NPH/Regular shots?(for starters) Or how about not serving juice, jello, and various other high glycemic foods to skyrocket the patient's blood glucose even more? The goal is to prevent complications, not encourage them. I'm not sure things will ever improve, to where they should be, even in the enlightened hospitals. I wish I could tell this to a few hospital CEO's, better blood sugars translate into money(and lives) saved.
Patient "M" is extremely sick, in the ICU. Patient M's blood sugar is going up and down like a pregnant women on steroids. Patient M could really benefit from stabler bgs and fewer hypos. Patient M, however, is being pumped full of acetaminophen/narcotics and that pretty much voids out the usefulness of a CGM.(acetaminophen makes the moniter read HI) Throw in the occasional (or not so much,if they are in the ICU they might have a few of those) MRI and the staff had better remember to remove the sensor or the patient will be dead. (due to the metal in the sensor) You think about the lawsuits waiting to happen, it's rare for staff to be acquainted with pumps, let alone CGM's. (I have a question for anyone who has ever been
in the hospital, with a pump...assuming they even permitted you to continue using it, did they even ask if you were changing the site every 2-3 days? I don't, so it doesn't disturb me,but many people are prone to infection + that needs to be addressed. Breeding ground to further issues, is the pump site infection.)
And for infection prone patients, it is something else for the staff to forget. (changing it occasionally) In its current form, CGM's would be a headache for use in the hospital setting. I'd far rather have frequent bg checks then rely entirely on the CGM it is a good thing that there are many more type 2's then type 1's in the hospital or even more staff would be required.(so I think) There are so many D's in the hospital, they make up like 2/3 of the patient population.(according to Diabetes Forecast) The CGM is a very valuable tool, but someone has to be following it, tweaking, looking at patterns and another characteristic of non-endocrinologists is they are REACTIVE,(aka the "sliding scale") rather then proactive. I realize I'm lumping all of them into one generic group but its a case of guilty until proven innocent. Until someone demonstrates their D-savvyness, I do not assume that they've got it. And I would not use a CGM without meter confirmation. A CGM, does not replace the need for meter monitoring.
I think the answer lies in being more proactive with management, rather then the highly unpractical, time-consuming, expensive CGM. How about an insulin pump or IV insulin drip rather then then NPH/Regular shots?(for starters) Or how about not serving juice, jello, and various other high glycemic foods to skyrocket the patient's blood glucose even more? The goal is to prevent complications, not encourage them. I'm not sure things will ever improve, to where they should be, even in the enlightened hospitals. I wish I could tell this to a few hospital CEO's, better blood sugars translate into money(and lives) saved.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Adoption Hurdles
My brothers/sil's adoption is going along swimmingly...baby was born this morning, all is good with mother and infant. I guess that nothing is a sure bet until 30 days have passed, the mom can still change her mind but hopefully I'll be an aunt AGAIN, real soon, can't wait to see the baby!(next week)
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The Dollar Special
I distinctly said Diet.
"Medium fries, a double cheeseburger, and a small diet Pepsi,please. I've got coupons."
"That'll be $1.09."
Everything tasted weird- the fries were having an off day(tasting like a chemical), the burger was blah and the drink just couldn't be explained. Or (I thought) the drink tasting weird was because of the food...Bolus for everything but the drink.
1.5 hours later, HI. I take a shot, because I think it is my infusion set's problem but within an hour the shot drops me to 425 + I deduce that it must be the drink,I could not have gotten diet. Much later, when I'm 288 and take a corrective bolus it drops me nicely to where I'm supposed to be, no resistance problems. And that would be highly unusual, to spike 400 points on pure caffeine alone.(I've spiked about 100 before) I think I didn't get diet, I think I got something else.
(just lucky for me I didn't get the large drink or I'd have gone into DKA)
I think I should get some diastix and start testing(for sugar) every(restaurant) drink from here on out,nothing is more scary then a blood sugar gone HI.
"Medium fries, a double cheeseburger, and a small diet Pepsi,please. I've got coupons."
"That'll be $1.09."
Everything tasted weird- the fries were having an off day(tasting like a chemical), the burger was blah and the drink just couldn't be explained. Or (I thought) the drink tasting weird was because of the food...Bolus for everything but the drink.
1.5 hours later, HI. I take a shot, because I think it is my infusion set's problem but within an hour the shot drops me to 425 + I deduce that it must be the drink,I could not have gotten diet. Much later, when I'm 288 and take a corrective bolus it drops me nicely to where I'm supposed to be, no resistance problems. And that would be highly unusual, to spike 400 points on pure caffeine alone.(I've spiked about 100 before) I think I didn't get diet, I think I got something else.
(just lucky for me I didn't get the large drink or I'd have gone into DKA)
I think I should get some diastix and start testing(for sugar) every(restaurant) drink from here on out,nothing is more scary then a blood sugar gone HI.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Placebo Effect
This is scary. I guess the vast majority of people take the prescribed medication, and have no desire to know exactly what they're taking but it is no wonder people end up in ER's with allergic reactions and other adverse effects(even antibiotics could react with other meds), they have no clue what they're taking.
I would want my doctor to be honest with me,tell me if there was nothing else that could be done. False hope is worse then no hope.
I would want my doctor to be honest with me,tell me if there was nothing else that could be done. False hope is worse then no hope.
Monday, November 17, 2008
A Glimpse Inside My Library
(because I have too many diabetes books!)
Journey of a Diabetic by Lawrence M. Prey

An excellent autobiography of one man coming to terms with his diabetes. Will make you cry. My own copy is personally autographed by the author(I wasn't around back then, but its withstood the test of time) I got it on...Ebay.(where else!)
The Sun, The Rain, and the Insulin: Growing up with type 1 diabetes by Joan McCracken,MD.

Written by an endocrinologist, about the diabetes camps she hosts. An account of a summer in the 80's. (it's not all obsolete, and some parts were extremely funny)
Diabetes is not a Piece of Cake by Janet Merilles, RN.

Not very complementary toward pumping..but overall, very insightful. Should be required reading for any Type 3(to understand what we really go through)
Showdown with Diabetes by Deb Butterfield.

You've probably already read this..but if you haven't, it's a classic. Get it. Read it. Let it penetrate your brain, soak in its wisdom.
A Field Guide to Type 1 Diabetes(by the ADA).

Handy little pocket guide to diabetes, it pretty much covers the basics. Nothing I didn't already know, but it was free so I took it.
I’ve made my decision about the pump I’m going to get. Now to take the mountain of paperwork to the endo's office, which she'll absolutely love. This is a whole new insurance and who knows how much of it they will cover(I've been fortunate, but good fortune usually doesn't extend to 100% coverage 3x in a row) It's really not necessary to get trained on this pump, I can do it on my own but since my endo isn't going to be seeing me again till Feb. I am sure she's going to make me see the CDE anyway.(sigh)
Journey of a Diabetic by Lawrence M. Prey

An excellent autobiography of one man coming to terms with his diabetes. Will make you cry. My own copy is personally autographed by the author(I wasn't around back then, but its withstood the test of time) I got it on...Ebay.(where else!)
The Sun, The Rain, and the Insulin: Growing up with type 1 diabetes by Joan McCracken,MD.

Written by an endocrinologist, about the diabetes camps she hosts. An account of a summer in the 80's. (it's not all obsolete, and some parts were extremely funny)
Diabetes is not a Piece of Cake by Janet Merilles, RN.

Not very complementary toward pumping..but overall, very insightful. Should be required reading for any Type 3(to understand what we really go through)
Showdown with Diabetes by Deb Butterfield.

You've probably already read this..but if you haven't, it's a classic. Get it. Read it. Let it penetrate your brain, soak in its wisdom.
A Field Guide to Type 1 Diabetes(by the ADA).

Handy little pocket guide to diabetes, it pretty much covers the basics. Nothing I didn't already know, but it was free so I took it.
I’ve made my decision about the pump I’m going to get. Now to take the mountain of paperwork to the endo's office, which she'll absolutely love. This is a whole new insurance and who knows how much of it they will cover(I've been fortunate, but good fortune usually doesn't extend to 100% coverage 3x in a row) It's really not necessary to get trained on this pump, I can do it on my own but since my endo isn't going to be seeing me again till Feb. I am sure she's going to make me see the CDE anyway.(sigh)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The Youtube Sunday Time-Waster
This is ingenious..kind of like the Choose Your Own Adventure books from my youth...highly addicting!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Nothing Profound
This NaPoBloMo thing- not easy. I am so tired I just want to be curled up in bed for the next 10 hours and here I am, fulfilling my daily post requirements. So all I have to say is, Office Depot ROCKS. They just changed their reward program, instead of turning in 3 ink cartridges a day for a discount on your purchase you can now turn in all 25 for a $75 gift card at the end of quarter. Multiply 75 by the number of days in two, three months and you can see how good it gets. Better then Staples 3 carts a day (total of $9) cumulative program.
So if you read that Office Depot has declared bankruptcy(sometime in late Feb.), I will be part of the cause. Too good to be true.(and it will not last)
So if you read that Office Depot has declared bankruptcy(sometime in late Feb.), I will be part of the cause. Too good to be true.(and it will not last)
Friday, November 14, 2008
Diabetic '007
Dear Guardian Angel:
I really wasn't (intentionally) in training for the next James Bond movie. Honest. Flipping cars and acrobatic stuff just isn't me. The hill was wet, steep...and though I admit to traveling a bit too fast for the conditions by the time it registered that the car next to me had stopped(aka red light) it was too late to stop. Not without fishtailing and causing even more of a scene. So for 15 seconds I sped through the intersection, expecting the crunch of death at any minute.
None came. When it was safe, I pulled over and promptly hyperventilated. And though Gary Hall claims that adrenalin can send his bg up and over 100 points per 45 second race, the line on the Dexcom didn't change at first. Until about 35 minutes later, and it marched up about 50 points. And I wasn't low.(so I can't even blame that, I was just being very, very stupid)
But that's ok, because I'm still alive. A good World Diabetes Day, for sure. Thank you, Guardian Angel,I know I am a real handful at times.
I really wasn't (intentionally) in training for the next James Bond movie. Honest. Flipping cars and acrobatic stuff just isn't me. The hill was wet, steep...and though I admit to traveling a bit too fast for the conditions by the time it registered that the car next to me had stopped(aka red light) it was too late to stop. Not without fishtailing and causing even more of a scene. So for 15 seconds I sped through the intersection, expecting the crunch of death at any minute.
None came. When it was safe, I pulled over and promptly hyperventilated. And though Gary Hall claims that adrenalin can send his bg up and over 100 points per 45 second race, the line on the Dexcom didn't change at first. Until about 35 minutes later, and it marched up about 50 points. And I wasn't low.(so I can't even blame that, I was just being very, very stupid)
But that's ok, because I'm still alive. A good World Diabetes Day, for sure. Thank you, Guardian Angel,I know I am a real handful at times.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Welcome to Mordor Flats
Dateline: November 13, 2007. On the big island of Hawaii, at the Volcano House Hotel.
(The Hawaii Chronicles...Part 3. Continuing the honeymoon saga. No pictures, because they were all ruined when my digital camera went kaput.)
Ah, breakfast. Another stuff-me affair of bacon, sausage links, rice+beans, eggs, juice(yes, I was being bad, I was nowhere near low at 143 mg/dl) but I wanted juice) milk, pineapple, and a Danish pastry. Also, some fruit that looked like cantaloupe was decidedly NOT. Husband liked it, I didn't.
After that,we set off on Crater Drive, to see the sights. Huge craters(called candelas) jotted the shale shacked landscape. Smoke "vents" blew out of the veginous hillside, seemingly from nowhere.
Further on, at an Observatory, we saw green glowing sulfur piles in one of the larger candelas. No molten lava greeted the eye- the last one was in 1983. I was pretty bummed about that, why do people say the thing could erupt at any time? It's been dormant for about as long as I've lived on this planet. Borring.(the view is worth it , but honestly, its just smoke. You can take a $200/person helicopter ride to view the active part of the volcano,(its in a closed-off section of the park) but I'm not a big fan of heights and it wouldn't be worth it.(would much prefer to see it standing on the ground) Mark Twain had it pretty good-he got to see the lava flows LIVE (which he writes about in the book "Roughing It") Bet that was pretty cool.
Then we drove through what is, quite honestly, the most destitute piece of real estate on Planet Earth. (hence the name, Mordor Flats) It reminded one of various Lord of The Ring scenes, miles and miles of black rock. Got out of the car, and were greeted by sulpheric waves so strong we both started coughing. Sulfur, boys + girls, is not the best thing to be breathing- kids, pregnant women, and heart-lung patients shouldn't be anywhere near the stuff. To me, it smelled like burnt pancake syrup. Didn't stick around long to view the sulfur stink piles any closer, hopped back in the car to view some more lovely craters.
Then we did some walking trails and went back to the hotel for lunch. Ate sandwich, chips, swapped out resevoir, 140 mg/dl. All that walking did wonders for the breakfast pig-a-thon. Got a flashlight from the gift shop, and it was off to...
The Thurston Lava Tubes
Wherein, hundreds of years ago, the caves were carved out by lava. Nice little(lighted) cave walk, but without a guided tour. Then we got to the (optional) unlighted part and the fun began. 337 meters of pure spelunking blackness, pierced only by our flashlight and my periodic panicky moans. There were no maps, no assurances that it wasn't going to split into 4 paths and get us hopelessly lost in a maze of caverns. And the roof, leaked. There was a pile of rocks that looked eeringly similar to a grave and put me in freak-out mode even more. But then, we met a group coming back and they told us it got narrower and eventually ended. We proceed and see it drop off into a huge cavern, so we go back.
Then, we attempt to drive up to Mauna Koa's scenic overlook. A the beginning of the route, someone's car is smokin' in the parking lot but no one's cellphones work so they have to take a hike to the ranger station. 11 miles of winding, harrowing roads, you haven't lived till you've know the fear of either a head-on collision or plunging off the side of a mountain. Lots of weird white-silver trees and white/purplish flowers. (Another scene from Middle Earth) Occasional lava-flow remains pile. Got to the top, and it's too cloudy to see anything. Plus, my bg was close to 400 and I was in cranky, I want to be somewhere with a bathroom and water fountain mood so we didn't stick around long. Took another half hour to get down. (fortuantly, we were well stocked with water bottles)
The only tv at the Volcano House gets only one station.(and it's an Arizona vs Oregon game) The Volcano House...is a good three hours from civilization and the only accommodations inside the park. People go there for the convenience/history(Mark Twain went there, when he was in Hawaii), not for the cutting edge of luxury. And it's expensive, very. (like everything else in Hawaii, so we decide to skip dinner and snack on chocolate bars) A day ended, a misty rain starts to fall and it gets much more Novemberish.
PS: the header picture is from the Volcano National Park-I took it with my cellphone, and thus it survived.(when the others did not)
(The Hawaii Chronicles...Part 3. Continuing the honeymoon saga. No pictures, because they were all ruined when my digital camera went kaput.)
Ah, breakfast. Another stuff-me affair of bacon, sausage links, rice+beans, eggs, juice(yes, I was being bad, I was nowhere near low at 143 mg/dl) but I wanted juice) milk, pineapple, and a Danish pastry. Also, some fruit that looked like cantaloupe was decidedly NOT. Husband liked it, I didn't.
After that,we set off on Crater Drive, to see the sights. Huge craters(called candelas) jotted the shale shacked landscape. Smoke "vents" blew out of the veginous hillside, seemingly from nowhere.
Further on, at an Observatory, we saw green glowing sulfur piles in one of the larger candelas. No molten lava greeted the eye- the last one was in 1983. I was pretty bummed about that, why do people say the thing could erupt at any time? It's been dormant for about as long as I've lived on this planet. Borring.(the view is worth it , but honestly, its just smoke. You can take a $200/person helicopter ride to view the active part of the volcano,(its in a closed-off section of the park) but I'm not a big fan of heights and it wouldn't be worth it.(would much prefer to see it standing on the ground) Mark Twain had it pretty good-he got to see the lava flows LIVE (which he writes about in the book "Roughing It") Bet that was pretty cool.
Then we drove through what is, quite honestly, the most destitute piece of real estate on Planet Earth. (hence the name, Mordor Flats) It reminded one of various Lord of The Ring scenes, miles and miles of black rock. Got out of the car, and were greeted by sulpheric waves so strong we both started coughing. Sulfur, boys + girls, is not the best thing to be breathing- kids, pregnant women, and heart-lung patients shouldn't be anywhere near the stuff. To me, it smelled like burnt pancake syrup. Didn't stick around long to view the sulfur stink piles any closer, hopped back in the car to view some more lovely craters.
Then we did some walking trails and went back to the hotel for lunch. Ate sandwich, chips, swapped out resevoir, 140 mg/dl. All that walking did wonders for the breakfast pig-a-thon. Got a flashlight from the gift shop, and it was off to...
The Thurston Lava Tubes
Wherein, hundreds of years ago, the caves were carved out by lava. Nice little(lighted) cave walk, but without a guided tour. Then we got to the (optional) unlighted part and the fun began. 337 meters of pure spelunking blackness, pierced only by our flashlight and my periodic panicky moans. There were no maps, no assurances that it wasn't going to split into 4 paths and get us hopelessly lost in a maze of caverns. And the roof, leaked. There was a pile of rocks that looked eeringly similar to a grave and put me in freak-out mode even more. But then, we met a group coming back and they told us it got narrower and eventually ended. We proceed and see it drop off into a huge cavern, so we go back.
Then, we attempt to drive up to Mauna Koa's scenic overlook. A the beginning of the route, someone's car is smokin' in the parking lot but no one's cellphones work so they have to take a hike to the ranger station. 11 miles of winding, harrowing roads, you haven't lived till you've know the fear of either a head-on collision or plunging off the side of a mountain. Lots of weird white-silver trees and white/purplish flowers. (Another scene from Middle Earth) Occasional lava-flow remains pile. Got to the top, and it's too cloudy to see anything. Plus, my bg was close to 400 and I was in cranky, I want to be somewhere with a bathroom and water fountain mood so we didn't stick around long. Took another half hour to get down. (fortuantly, we were well stocked with water bottles)
The only tv at the Volcano House gets only one station.(and it's an Arizona vs Oregon game) The Volcano House...is a good three hours from civilization and the only accommodations inside the park. People go there for the convenience/history(Mark Twain went there, when he was in Hawaii), not for the cutting edge of luxury. And it's expensive, very. (like everything else in Hawaii, so we decide to skip dinner and snack on chocolate bars) A day ended, a misty rain starts to fall and it gets much more Novemberish.
PS: the header picture is from the Volcano National Park-I took it with my cellphone, and thus it survived.(when the others did not)
mordor flats,
volcano house,
volcano national park
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Notes from a Spinning Planet: Progress Notes
I sit, waiting, for the doctor to appear-shoes squelched tightly against tile, toes curled, sweaty hands gripping chair arms in death grip...
"Your labs look great, with the exception of your blood sugar, which is high, the last one was 185."
He fixes me with the all-knowing look.
(Not again...)
"It's very important to keep your diabetes under control."
Great. How to put this is diplomatic, physician-approved, terms. Deep breath, going off the deep end never helped one's case.
"I understand, and I do try, but I'm not your typical type 2 patient and type 1 diabetes is impossible to prevent post-meal spikes. My kidneys aren't going anywhere." (the regular function of them is perfectly fine)
He does not look convinced.
"Proper management is ESSENTIAL, you don't want those problems too."
He's a nephrologist, and I'm his type 1 diabetic patient- I guess he has the right to rag some. How many patients has he seen die because they neglected their D? probably quite a few.
I wish he would stop it though. I get that I'm at prime risk for everything under the sun. I take my health(and D) seriously, and I'm trying to manage it. Unfortunately, Doctor-Patient Communication 101 must not have been a class taught in medical school some 44 years ago and I get the feeling he thinks I'm just spouting off excuses.
"Why is it so hard for you?"
Check yes on that theory. It's not that it's consistently "hard", it's more like D has a freakin' mind of it's own and even when it's easy the insulin peaks at odd times, the hormones surge whensoever they wish and the effects of exercise hit at 4 AM, leaving the total deal somewhat of a crap shoot. And I can't explain all that, the million factors of managing bgs. I respect his expert opinion on the management of my electrolytes, but the nagging guilt parade over my bgs has got to stop. I've got to find a way to communicate that to him, because he is a very hard-nosed, do-it-my-way kind of doctor who stopped learning new info a long time ago. Finding another doctor isn't possible, the wait list for nephrologists is 1-2 months and I still have to get infusions. I need him, to manage it. It is doing much better,and I will soon only have to have it 1x/week.(on the good news front)
"Your labs look great, with the exception of your blood sugar, which is high, the last one was 185."
He fixes me with the all-knowing look.
(Not again...)
"It's very important to keep your diabetes under control."
Great. How to put this is diplomatic, physician-approved, terms. Deep breath, going off the deep end never helped one's case.
"I understand, and I do try, but I'm not your typical type 2 patient and type 1 diabetes is impossible to prevent post-meal spikes. My kidneys aren't going anywhere." (the regular function of them is perfectly fine)
He does not look convinced.
"Proper management is ESSENTIAL, you don't want those problems too."
He's a nephrologist, and I'm his type 1 diabetic patient- I guess he has the right to rag some. How many patients has he seen die because they neglected their D? probably quite a few.
I wish he would stop it though. I get that I'm at prime risk for everything under the sun. I take my health(and D) seriously, and I'm trying to manage it. Unfortunately, Doctor-Patient Communication 101 must not have been a class taught in medical school some 44 years ago and I get the feeling he thinks I'm just spouting off excuses.
"Why is it so hard for you?"
Check yes on that theory. It's not that it's consistently "hard", it's more like D has a freakin' mind of it's own and even when it's easy the insulin peaks at odd times, the hormones surge whensoever they wish and the effects of exercise hit at 4 AM, leaving the total deal somewhat of a crap shoot. And I can't explain all that, the million factors of managing bgs. I respect his expert opinion on the management of my electrolytes, but the nagging guilt parade over my bgs has got to stop. I've got to find a way to communicate that to him, because he is a very hard-nosed, do-it-my-way kind of doctor who stopped learning new info a long time ago. Finding another doctor isn't possible, the wait list for nephrologists is 1-2 months and I still have to get infusions. I need him, to manage it. It is doing much better,and I will soon only have to have it 1x/week.(on the good news front)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
(a quarterly Ebay rant)
Every once in awhile, you run into an individual who really takes the cake. The world of Ebay is a world of dark, deep, mysteries..and sooner or later you'll step into a hole and get sucked up to your eyeballs before you realize what's happening. Lawsuits, all the rest,it's not pretty out there. I've been pretty fortunate but I've stepped in those holes too. Account hacked,disagreements.. it's somewhat amazing to me after all these years that I'm still on there. My latest joyride involves a buyer, who, after receiving his item, decided it wasn't as advertised and demanded a refund. Since he'd already used up the item,(gift certificate) I gave him a partial refund, based on what he thought the item was worth. End of story, right? Nope, after one month he files a chargeback through his cc company and Paypal goes and sucks the money from my account for the total cost of the item. Investigation commences, I provide proof of PP refund. Several weeks later, PP concludes I should get about 1/3 of the chargeback back. (only because of the partial refund) I call Paypal(aka India) and eventually get to talk to someone in the US because the problem is pretty complex. They say its up to the cc company, and that can take up to 90 days by law. What peeves me is this guy did not have an "unauthorized" use of his cc, like he claimed to the cc company, you can see his trail of wild, happy spending(history), he's just unhappy and out for blood. So: A. I essentially give him the item, free B. I'm out of 1.5x the value of the item. The only thing I can do is wait for the decision of the cc company, block the bidder, and leave him positive feedback.(because Ebay now has this wonderful feature that you can only leave a buyer pos. feedback) Lesson learned: get delivery confirmation on everything, even if the item is dirt cheap because when it comes to dealing with cc companies they will always trust their customer's "Unauthorized Charge" lines and the DC is a gold-stamped alibi. I am such a dummy when it comes to dealing with things like this, if the cc company decides in his favor I'll just let it go because it's not like I have a leg to stand on. Screwed is screwed.
Slit Sagittal Suture, insert new brain...
Every once in awhile, you run into an individual who really takes the cake. The world of Ebay is a world of dark, deep, mysteries..and sooner or later you'll step into a hole and get sucked up to your eyeballs before you realize what's happening. Lawsuits, all the rest,it's not pretty out there. I've been pretty fortunate but I've stepped in those holes too. Account hacked,disagreements.. it's somewhat amazing to me after all these years that I'm still on there. My latest joyride involves a buyer, who, after receiving his item, decided it wasn't as advertised and demanded a refund. Since he'd already used up the item,(gift certificate) I gave him a partial refund, based on what he thought the item was worth. End of story, right? Nope, after one month he files a chargeback through his cc company and Paypal goes and sucks the money from my account for the total cost of the item. Investigation commences, I provide proof of PP refund. Several weeks later, PP concludes I should get about 1/3 of the chargeback back. (only because of the partial refund) I call Paypal(aka India) and eventually get to talk to someone in the US because the problem is pretty complex. They say its up to the cc company, and that can take up to 90 days by law. What peeves me is this guy did not have an "unauthorized" use of his cc, like he claimed to the cc company, you can see his trail of wild, happy spending(history), he's just unhappy and out for blood. So: A. I essentially give him the item, free B. I'm out of 1.5x the value of the item. The only thing I can do is wait for the decision of the cc company, block the bidder, and leave him positive feedback.(because Ebay now has this wonderful feature that you can only leave a buyer pos. feedback) Lesson learned: get delivery confirmation on everything, even if the item is dirt cheap because when it comes to dealing with cc companies they will always trust their customer's "Unauthorized Charge" lines and the DC is a gold-stamped alibi. I am such a dummy when it comes to dealing with things like this, if the cc company decides in his favor I'll just let it go because it's not like I have a leg to stand on. Screwed is screwed.
Slit Sagittal Suture, insert new brain...
Monday, November 10, 2008
Yes, We Did
Sunday, November 09, 2008
D-Blog Day 2008

Oh yeah. That thing called diabetes, which I am duly obligated to blog relentlessly about-it's time to blog about it again. Today of all days. (you know when you just don't want to do it..it's the very day you HAVE to do it.) Ugh.
Well, diabetes, you have made me a stronger person and you have given me many cool cyber-pals and real life-pals and I can't say that it's a total lose-lose situation.
But today will always have a note of sadness mixed into it, diabetes didn't create it but it's there. We should have an National Type 3 Day-those people are the backbone of our lives.
(unfortunately, type 1to type 1 contact is rare, sporadic thing for most of us)
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Decision '08
Lazy Saturday, until the mail arrived. Walked around the neighborhood helping with a food drive and got chased by a dog. That ended it being fun.(I hate dogs)
Smith's Medical has informed me that my pump warranty expires in December. Man, how time flies. I have not even thought about getting a new pump. I like my Cozmo- but perhaps I should go with something different. This will be pump #3 for me(Minimed 508, Deltec).
Acck- decisions, decisions. So, you tell me- what pump do you have, and what do you like/dislike about it's features? Please vote in my poll.
Smith's Medical has informed me that my pump warranty expires in December. Man, how time flies. I have not even thought about getting a new pump. I like my Cozmo- but perhaps I should go with something different. This will be pump #3 for me(Minimed 508, Deltec).
Acck- decisions, decisions. So, you tell me- what pump do you have, and what do you like/dislike about it's features? Please vote in my poll.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Dc Dollars(at play)
As anyone who lives or works in the DC area must know..the week of Jan.20 is crazy. Every four years, the party faithful besiege the South Lawn to witness their man take the oath of office. And this year, you can bet that it will be much more insane as the Democrats hasn't had a chance to party hardy since 1996. (Bill Clinton) The throngs of loyal Obama-ites that will spend any amount of money for this most momentous occasion is great. I didn't believe it till I saw it, but the instant it became clear who the next president would be hotel prices went berserk. According to the paper, a stay at a Motel 8 will cost you $600 that night.A guy on Craigslist rented his house out for $5,000 that week, and most others are in the $1,500+ range. I am slightly envious that we don't live closer to DC and can't do the same. Although I neither wish to attend or watch it on tv, that's a business proposition that is pretty sweet. Supposedly one can ask their CongressPerson for tickets, although they won't be giving them out till Nov.17. Yes, I'm a cold hard calculating Republican who has no scruples about what I'd do with those tickets, if I managed to get some.(but you didn't read it on this blog)
Marylanders are in kind of a bind right now-Frank Kratovil and Andy Harris are still duking it out for a Congressional seat and it won't be known who has it till they count all those absentee ballots. (not cool, I want my good or bad news right now)
Anyway, the point is, Inaugural Week is not about the poor and underprivileged at all, it is nothing but a massive show of money. (on both sides of the aisle) It's like the biggest waste ever, George Washington wouldn't be doing something like this. Not that I think they shouldn't celebrate but they do it in overkill. My word, we're going to be paying for enough fillet mignon dinners for the next four years as it is. We treat our presidents like kings.
Marylanders are in kind of a bind right now-Frank Kratovil and Andy Harris are still duking it out for a Congressional seat and it won't be known who has it till they count all those absentee ballots. (not cool, I want my good or bad news right now)
Anyway, the point is, Inaugural Week is not about the poor and underprivileged at all, it is nothing but a massive show of money. (on both sides of the aisle) It's like the biggest waste ever, George Washington wouldn't be doing something like this. Not that I think they shouldn't celebrate but they do it in overkill. My word, we're going to be paying for enough fillet mignon dinners for the next four years as it is. We treat our presidents like kings.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
(quick post before I dash off for the entire day)
A few nights ago, I dreamed I was delivering a baby. The patient was yelling and I was too ("It's coming! I can't help it!" "Nooo- you've got to wait for the ambulance!") in sheer panic. It is one thing to deliver Manniken Annie's baby(EMT class) and quite another to do it live.
"Breathe, Breathe!" I said, as much for my benefit as for the patient. Maybe I would get my stork pin. (something every EMT looks forward to, it's like a badge of honor that you delivered in the field)
One push, two push, three push, four pushes..and the baby is in my arms, I'm drenched in blood and the amniotic sac is on the ground,(I think that actually bursts-in reality) the umbilical cord is still tying baby to mom. I take a knife cutter and hack the cord loose,and tie, hoping I did it at the right place. (extremely graphic dream)
"Where is that ambulance???"
There is something wrong with the baby, she has a hole in her head and proceeds to bleed to death in my arms. The ambulance never comes. The mom cries, and I cry because I didn't know what to do. Didn't want a stork pin anymore. In reality,I've never witnessed a live birth so anything other then a straightforward one would be a total disaster. Babies are so little, so delicate. No margin for error. It was the sort of dream that leaves a vivid impression on one, life is so fragile.
A few nights ago, I dreamed I was delivering a baby. The patient was yelling and I was too ("It's coming! I can't help it!" "Nooo- you've got to wait for the ambulance!") in sheer panic. It is one thing to deliver Manniken Annie's baby(EMT class) and quite another to do it live.
"Breathe, Breathe!" I said, as much for my benefit as for the patient. Maybe I would get my stork pin. (something every EMT looks forward to, it's like a badge of honor that you delivered in the field)
One push, two push, three push, four pushes..and the baby is in my arms, I'm drenched in blood and the amniotic sac is on the ground,(I think that actually bursts-in reality) the umbilical cord is still tying baby to mom. I take a knife cutter and hack the cord loose,and tie, hoping I did it at the right place. (extremely graphic dream)
"Where is that ambulance???"
There is something wrong with the baby, she has a hole in her head and proceeds to bleed to death in my arms. The ambulance never comes. The mom cries, and I cry because I didn't know what to do. Didn't want a stork pin anymore. In reality,I've never witnessed a live birth so anything other then a straightforward one would be a total disaster. Babies are so little, so delicate. No margin for error. It was the sort of dream that leaves a vivid impression on one, life is so fragile.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
The Presidential Present
Election morning is like Christmas morning...you wake up to all these presents under the tree. Some of them you like, some of them you dislike, but the biggest present of all you want to be above reproach, pristine, amazing.

When its the one thing you didn't want..it hurts.Even though the people have spoken,and that's what great about America.
Merry (pre)Christmas, America-you'll find out what's in that Obama box soon enough. And it won't be what you expected it to be.
And with this post, I've no doubt eliminated 99.99% of my 10 readers.Lecture over.

When its the one thing you didn't want..it hurts.Even though the people have spoken,and that's what great about America.
Merry (pre)Christmas, America-you'll find out what's in that Obama box soon enough. And it won't be what you expected it to be.
And with this post, I've no doubt eliminated 99.99% of my 10 readers.Lecture over.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
The Coke Zero Vote
After going to do my civic duty this morning, I popped open a can of this:

Took a big swallow, took another swallow, and felt something that was definatly not liquid.

That, ladies and gents, is a piece of gravel. Or coal, its hard to tell. I know CocaCola wants Americans to get all of their vitamins and minerals but that is a extreme way of getting them. It's not as bad as finding a mosquito encased in your Hershey's chocolate bar(like one of my bros did) but still...rather shocking. I never expected to be drinking rocks.
Thank you, Coca-Cola, for making my day incredibly special.I only regret that I didn't kill a filling on it and have to go to the dentist to make the day even more special. I'd vote for you(over Pepsi) any day of the year.

Took a big swallow, took another swallow, and felt something that was definatly not liquid.

That, ladies and gents, is a piece of gravel. Or coal, its hard to tell. I know CocaCola wants Americans to get all of their vitamins and minerals but that is a extreme way of getting them. It's not as bad as finding a mosquito encased in your Hershey's chocolate bar(like one of my bros did) but still...rather shocking. I never expected to be drinking rocks.
Thank you, Coca-Cola, for making my day incredibly special.I only regret that I didn't kill a filling on it and have to go to the dentist to make the day even more special. I'd vote for you(over Pepsi) any day of the year.
Monday, November 03, 2008
The Top Ten Food Joints for the PWD
#1 Carb Hut. Raise your hand if you've got bolusing for pizza down to a T. I'm still learning because I love all kinds of doughy deliciousness.
#2. Pizza Boli. Plural of pizza bolus? (yep, this place is real)
#4 McHappyHemoglobinA1c Place. Hold the bread, pass on the ketchup, and slap on a slice of rubbery low-fat processed cheese. Yummy.
#4 Salad Bell. I'll have the one without the deep fried tortilla chips.
#5 Daiquiri Queen.(rather self-explanatory) Time to get very, very drunk.
#6 Applebgs. Maybe the more burned something is, the less carbs it has. (at at Applebee's, burned is a sure bet)
#7 Endogans. Wouldn't it be cool if the waiters could tell us how to bolus for anything on the menu?
(think Hooligans, with a medical twist)
#8 Five Meters. I'll have the One Touch with a side bucket of peanuts, please.
#9 The Peking Postprandial. Chinese Food- what else!
#10 Dunkin' Disasters- donuts so carb-infused that there ain't no hope of guessing the correct insulin dose needed.
#2. Pizza Boli. Plural of pizza bolus? (yep, this place is real)
#4 McHappyHemoglobinA1c Place. Hold the bread, pass on the ketchup, and slap on a slice of rubbery low-fat processed cheese. Yummy.
#4 Salad Bell. I'll have the one without the deep fried tortilla chips.
#5 Daiquiri Queen.(rather self-explanatory) Time to get very, very drunk.
#6 Applebgs. Maybe the more burned something is, the less carbs it has. (at at Applebee's, burned is a sure bet)
#7 Endogans. Wouldn't it be cool if the waiters could tell us how to bolus for anything on the menu?
(think Hooligans, with a medical twist)
#8 Five Meters. I'll have the One Touch with a side bucket of peanuts, please.
#9 The Peking Postprandial. Chinese Food- what else!
#10 Dunkin' Disasters- donuts so carb-infused that there ain't no hope of guessing the correct insulin dose needed.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Does it count if you back-post to make up for a day late? Guess I'll find out.
I should not be doing this at all(I am the most insanely busy I have ever been) but this is my one and only opportunity to perhaps clear my list of everything I've been meaning to blog about. A ton of stuff. So here we go.
I should not be doing this at all(I am the most insanely busy I have ever been) but this is my one and only opportunity to perhaps clear my list of everything I've been meaning to blog about. A ton of stuff. So here we go.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
The Halloween Hypo
I had a severe low this morning. The worse, since June '07.
There was juice.
There was candy.
And then, there was stupor,D50, and a trip to the ER. I was not wearing my Dexcom.(predictably, or this wouldn't have happened) I feel stupid.(I should have been wearing it)
Tonight's Plans: sleep, sleep, and sleep. I am zonked.
There was juice.
There was candy.
And then, there was stupor,D50, and a trip to the ER. I was not wearing my Dexcom.(predictably, or this wouldn't have happened) I feel stupid.(I should have been wearing it)
Tonight's Plans: sleep, sleep, and sleep. I am zonked.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Meme Time
1. Where is your cell phone? pocketbook
2. Your significant other? Glenn
3. Your Hair? Brunette
4. Your Skin? Fair
5. Your mother? Elma
6. Your favorite thing? ipod
7. Your dream last night? none
8. Your favorite drink? diet
9. Your dream/goal? healthyness
10. The room you’re in? computer
11. Your ex? none
12. Your fear? Dogs
13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? pregnant(yeah, I'm crazy)
14.Where were you last night? here
15.What you’re not? rude
16.Muffins? blueberry
17.One of your wish list items? laptop
18.Where you grew up? Virginia
19.The last thing you did? cleaning
20.What are you wearing? coat
21.Your TV? Dunno…
22.Your pets? cats
23. Your computer? HP
24. Your life? rollarcoaster
25. Your mood? tired
26. Missing someone? yes
27. Your car? Chevrolet
28. Something you’re not wearing? belt
29. Favorite Store? CVS
30. Your summer? Busy
31. Like someone? yes
32. Your favorite color? blue
33. When is the last time you laughed? Tuesday
34. Last time you cried? Last week
35. Who will respond to this? dunno
36. Who’s Answers are you anxious to see? everyone
pass it on!
2. Your significant other? Glenn
3. Your Hair? Brunette
4. Your Skin? Fair
5. Your mother? Elma
6. Your favorite thing? ipod
7. Your dream last night? none
8. Your favorite drink? diet
9. Your dream/goal? healthyness
10. The room you’re in? computer
11. Your ex? none
12. Your fear? Dogs
13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? pregnant(yeah, I'm crazy)
14.Where were you last night? here
15.What you’re not? rude
16.Muffins? blueberry
17.One of your wish list items? laptop
18.Where you grew up? Virginia
19.The last thing you did? cleaning
20.What are you wearing? coat
21.Your TV? Dunno…
22.Your pets? cats
23. Your computer? HP
24. Your life? rollarcoaster
25. Your mood? tired
26. Missing someone? yes
27. Your car? Chevrolet
28. Something you’re not wearing? belt
29. Favorite Store? CVS
30. Your summer? Busy
31. Like someone? yes
32. Your favorite color? blue
33. When is the last time you laughed? Tuesday
34. Last time you cried? Last week
35. Who will respond to this? dunno
36. Who’s Answers are you anxious to see? everyone
pass it on!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Because we seek control, we mutilate our fingers 10 or more(or less) times a day and insert sharp objects into our skin to deliver medication. This may be the 21st century, so is still so much that is archaic about this disease. (like peeing on a test strip)
Because we seek control, a "perfect pregnancy" not only exists, it must exist. The challenges of a normal pregnancy with all the fun of diabetes thrown in. Mentally worrying over every high; every slip up is not only bad for you, its potentially disastrous to the little one you're carrying.
Because we seek control, yearly visits to the eye doc to have painful dilation drops and(potentially) lasers beaming up the the bad vessels in our eyes is the gold standard of good care.
Because we seek control, our exercise routines consist of eating twice as many calories as we burn off, in the attempt to prevent low blood sugars.(or treating them)
Because we seek control, we're up at 3 AM, dealing with a high or low blood sugar.
Because we seek control, a new pair of shoes is judged mainly on it's ability to not cause calluses/infection/subsequent amputations, not it's visible appeal.
Because we seek control, a hospitalization is not the time to turn over your D-care to the experts because most of the time, the experts know even less then you and you'll be even sicker if you did it their way.(Except if your endo is on staff and even then they ignore her orders)
Because we seek control, the "stackable" bolus that we took at 10,12, and 2 has just now hit the fan and we're tanking like a rock and have to start eating again.
Because we seek control, we trust our lives to a liquid that loses potency out of a very delicate temperature range. Freeze or bake, (it's toast) you're toast.
Because we seek control, exercise is twice as important to us then to the non-diabetic. Keeping the bg down, keeping the heart healthy- heart disease is the highest morbidity for the D and you don't have to be old to have a heart attack. You just have to be D.(according to the medical profession)
Because we seek control, we're forced to ride out huge chunks of time in the 80-100 mg/dl spot and be as cranky as heck that we can't overeat and end this feeling of hyponess. Or at least I do. Not that it isn't an excellent bg range, its just when you're used to much higher it makes you feel fairly irratable.
Because we seek control, we drive great distances in search of the perfect endocrinologist.
Because we seek control, denial isn't just a River in Egypt- it's a one-way ticket to Complications City.
Because we seek control, we spend hours of our free time glued to the internet in search of information and support.
Because we seek control, we're a little OCD about the type of meter we use and if it's not the right kind we don't really "trust" it.
Because we seek control, it's not just physical control we must achieve, it's also mental. Not responding in anger to the idiot who asks "Should you be eating that?" is often difficult, if not impossible. Unfortunately, it is an occurrence that will repeat itself thousands of times throughout the life of a PWD and one that you'd suppose you'd eventually get used to and a pro at handling.
Because we seek control, no a1c is truly low enough and if you're over 8, you'd rather not discuss it, especially if the rest of the blog-o-sphere is under 7.
Because we seek control, we chose salad over fries-making the choice not only for ourselves but for the loved ones who want us around a little longer.
Because we seek control, we realize that the state of medical care available today is abysmal for many people and something had better change or we'll all end up with type 2 diabetes, complications galore, and no one to care for anybody.
Because we seek control, sometimes we have to ditch the books(and the subsequent studying for the horrendous test the next day) to go the pump club meeting. We need to know that we are not alone.
Because we seek control, we realize that perfect control really doesn't exist + all we can do is our best. To live, to laugh, and to love-to stick it to the D. Whatever your philosophy, life is a journey, realizing that the D is part of it but not all of it and not something that should own you.
Because we seek control, a "perfect pregnancy" not only exists, it must exist. The challenges of a normal pregnancy with all the fun of diabetes thrown in. Mentally worrying over every high; every slip up is not only bad for you, its potentially disastrous to the little one you're carrying.
Because we seek control, yearly visits to the eye doc to have painful dilation drops and(potentially) lasers beaming up the the bad vessels in our eyes is the gold standard of good care.
Because we seek control, our exercise routines consist of eating twice as many calories as we burn off, in the attempt to prevent low blood sugars.(or treating them)
Because we seek control, we're up at 3 AM, dealing with a high or low blood sugar.
Because we seek control, a new pair of shoes is judged mainly on it's ability to not cause calluses/infection/subsequent amputations, not it's visible appeal.
Because we seek control, a hospitalization is not the time to turn over your D-care to the experts because most of the time, the experts know even less then you and you'll be even sicker if you did it their way.(Except if your endo is on staff and even then they ignore her orders)
Because we seek control, the "stackable" bolus that we took at 10,12, and 2 has just now hit the fan and we're tanking like a rock and have to start eating again.
Because we seek control, we trust our lives to a liquid that loses potency out of a very delicate temperature range. Freeze or bake, (it's toast) you're toast.
Because we seek control, exercise is twice as important to us then to the non-diabetic. Keeping the bg down, keeping the heart healthy- heart disease is the highest morbidity for the D and you don't have to be old to have a heart attack. You just have to be D.(according to the medical profession)
Because we seek control, we're forced to ride out huge chunks of time in the 80-100 mg/dl spot and be as cranky as heck that we can't overeat and end this feeling of hyponess. Or at least I do. Not that it isn't an excellent bg range, its just when you're used to much higher it makes you feel fairly irratable.
Because we seek control, we drive great distances in search of the perfect endocrinologist.
Because we seek control, denial isn't just a River in Egypt- it's a one-way ticket to Complications City.
Because we seek control, we spend hours of our free time glued to the internet in search of information and support.
Because we seek control, we're a little OCD about the type of meter we use and if it's not the right kind we don't really "trust" it.
Because we seek control, it's not just physical control we must achieve, it's also mental. Not responding in anger to the idiot who asks "Should you be eating that?" is often difficult, if not impossible. Unfortunately, it is an occurrence that will repeat itself thousands of times throughout the life of a PWD and one that you'd suppose you'd eventually get used to and a pro at handling.
Because we seek control, no a1c is truly low enough and if you're over 8, you'd rather not discuss it, especially if the rest of the blog-o-sphere is under 7.
Because we seek control, we chose salad over fries-making the choice not only for ourselves but for the loved ones who want us around a little longer.
Because we seek control, we realize that the state of medical care available today is abysmal for many people and something had better change or we'll all end up with type 2 diabetes, complications galore, and no one to care for anybody.
Because we seek control, sometimes we have to ditch the books(and the subsequent studying for the horrendous test the next day) to go the pump club meeting. We need to know that we are not alone.
Because we seek control, we realize that perfect control really doesn't exist + all we can do is our best. To live, to laugh, and to love-to stick it to the D. Whatever your philosophy, life is a journey, realizing that the D is part of it but not all of it and not something that should own you.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The House of Horrors

Friday, October 24, 2008
On a Friday Streak
On my way out the door this morning, my pump tubing got caught. This was a first- in terms of that this door was the front door and I'd already locked it. I had to leave the pump there, go get my keys from the car, and unlock the door. I wasn't wearing the pump, I've had alot of extreme sensitivity nights and last night I just took it off, it was so impossible to get my blood sugars up. Suffice to say, not a great idea- I still needed some insulin. Fell asleep, woke up high, took a slight bolus and took the pump back off. Woke up 150. Off I went to the infusion center, to get my magnesium infusion and I bolus for breakfast. Dexcom shows a steady trend up to 210,(at the time of bolus)I don't correct for that. Goes up to 300, and then it tanks right on down to 152. For the second time this week, the IV lock comes loose and blood starts to seep into the pillow and blanket. Delightful.(on Monday it blew blood all over the bathroom) Fortuantly, I'm sitting down and it doesn't seep much before a nurse comes to my rescue. This doesn't seem to be my week for luck with IV's and mini IV's.
Anyway, getting back to the blood sugars-I know that bolusing anything at bed is a horrible idea, even if I'm high.(I'll get low) I think I need to cut everything 50% around the board, starting at 11 pm, and post-supper run it on 0% or take my pump off. I'm glad to finally have more sensors, my last bunch expired before I could use them all and I haven't been able to afford any for the past month. CGM's make diabetes so much easier. (goal for new year..get insurance to COVER sensors, a battle I've been too busy to fight) I use my sensors till they absolutely don't work anymore, + get about 2-3x the normal useage out of them. I do get my money's worth but its money that the insurance company should be shelling out, not me.
Friday's Goodie:
(if you're a coffee person- you don't have to be a B&N member to use the coupon)
Have a good weekend,everyone.
Anyway, getting back to the blood sugars-I know that bolusing anything at bed is a horrible idea, even if I'm high.(I'll get low) I think I need to cut everything 50% around the board, starting at 11 pm, and post-supper run it on 0% or take my pump off. I'm glad to finally have more sensors, my last bunch expired before I could use them all and I haven't been able to afford any for the past month. CGM's make diabetes so much easier. (goal for new year..get insurance to COVER sensors, a battle I've been too busy to fight) I use my sensors till they absolutely don't work anymore, + get about 2-3x the normal useage out of them. I do get my money's worth but its money that the insurance company should be shelling out, not me.
Friday's Goodie:
(if you're a coffee person- you don't have to be a B&N member to use the coupon)
Have a good weekend,everyone.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Diabetes Humor, Part I
Three guys(a regular Joe Blow,a musician, and a diabetic) walk into a bar.
The J.B. orders a beer.
The musician orders a scotch on the rocks.
The diabetic orders a diet coke.
Half a dozen beers later,the J.B. climbs up on the the bar and begins belting out a drunken melody. Soon, people begin to leave the bar. More people leave, until only the musician, the diabetic, and the bartender remain. The J.B. changes his pitch, and the musician claps his hands over his ears and rushes out. Only the diabetic remains, and he calmly finishes his diet coke, seemingly unfazed by the horrible caterwauling. Eventually, the J.B. gets tired of singing and shuffles out of the bar. The bartender asks the diabetic why he didn't leave.
"Wrong type of key tone" replies the diabetic.
(yeah, pretty lame but its my first attempt at creating a diabetes joke..)
The J.B. orders a beer.
The musician orders a scotch on the rocks.
The diabetic orders a diet coke.
Half a dozen beers later,the J.B. climbs up on the the bar and begins belting out a drunken melody. Soon, people begin to leave the bar. More people leave, until only the musician, the diabetic, and the bartender remain. The J.B. changes his pitch, and the musician claps his hands over his ears and rushes out. Only the diabetic remains, and he calmly finishes his diet coke, seemingly unfazed by the horrible caterwauling. Eventually, the J.B. gets tired of singing and shuffles out of the bar. The bartender asks the diabetic why he didn't leave.
"Wrong type of key tone" replies the diabetic.
(yeah, pretty lame but its my first attempt at creating a diabetes joke..)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Peaks and Valleys
"I would like the sugar-free ice cream, because I'm interested in making decisions that are healthful for my body."
(6.5 year old nephew)
I think I just about died laughing, in reality he just wanted the chocolate ice cream. Very verbiose little boy.)
Today, I ate an 115 carb bag of chips, half the dip container, 30 carbs juice, 15 carbs instant glucose to treat a low. It was at my favorite store(CVS) and you know how grocery shopping while low goes. Couldn't stop eating. At the end, I was only 356, I've got alot of that post-mountain-climbing-sensitivity thing going on. Had two lows last night.(over the weekend we went down to hike the Blue Ridge Parkway and celebrate oldest bro's b-day)
"I would like the sugar-free ice cream, because I'm interested in making decisions that are healthful for my body."
(6.5 year old nephew)
I think I just about died laughing, in reality he just wanted the chocolate ice cream. Very verbiose little boy.)
Today, I ate an 115 carb bag of chips, half the dip container, 30 carbs juice, 15 carbs instant glucose to treat a low. It was at my favorite store(CVS) and you know how grocery shopping while low goes. Couldn't stop eating. At the end, I was only 356, I've got alot of that post-mountain-climbing-sensitivity thing going on. Had two lows last night.(over the weekend we went down to hike the Blue Ridge Parkway and celebrate oldest bro's b-day)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
The Sweetest Place on Earth
Remarkably, isn't a room full of PWD's gobbling sundaes. Nor is a FFL convention. No, the sweetest place on earth is a certain little town, tucked away very near to an interstate near and dear to my heart. That interstate, takes you all the way to my old hometown. (yeah, I was tempted)
Hershey, PA. The medical center nearby(Milton S. Hershey Medical Center) must get its fair share of touristy types who make wisecracks while waiting in the ER for phenergan because they tossed too many cookies from riding the many wild roller coasters.
"But doc, chocolate has antioxidants! It's good for my heart!"
"Can I have another IV bag of chocolate milk?"
Nurse: "Doc, he's crashing!Do something!"
Doc: "Push two amps of chocolate and stand clear because he's gonna jump off that table a-swinging. He's just in withdrawal."
I'll bet they also diagnose quite a few cases of diabetes, people tend to go a bit overboard on their consumption of chocolate. (saw people carrying huge shopping bags of chocolate)
Nurse: (sniffing) That's DKA.(to self) "Sir, your days of chocolate imbibement are going to have to come to an end- you've got diabetes and after this, chocolate is going to be a treat- not a daily staple."
On that particular day(last Sat.) also cold and drizzly. Went from 76 in one state to 40's in the next. Quite a shock to the system, I was ready to go home. Free Credit Report dot com commercial guy(or his evil twin) pulled up right in front of us, parked his car and strode purposefully toward the entrance, looking as if the weather didn't bother him one bit. Although, if I were making that kind of money off of commercials it wouldn't bother me so much either.
Go inside. Wander over to lunch pavilion, eat lunch. It was buffet style so of course we overate. The pulled pork sandwiches were the only thing that saved me from turning into an icicle, they were lovely and warm. BG 230's.
Went on Ferris Wheel.(we were the only ones)
Went through Zoo America
Went on the "Kissing Tower"
Went on canoe ride(kind of like Splash Mountain but didn't get quite as wet)
BG 179, ate popcorn. Sun comes out.
Went on SkyRide, monorail, antique cars, train
Browesed shops on way out. Both of us hate roller coasters with a passion, no loss there. (we are old boring married people)Got several souvenir thingies for my collections, husband got chocolate. Also got Hershey perfume so I can smell sweet, not just BE sweet. (which is sooo 20th century) BG 238. I swear, its something in the air.
Final stop at the Factory:

Went on tour ride, did some more shopping, then went home. It was a fun day.
Hershey, PA. The medical center nearby(Milton S. Hershey Medical Center) must get its fair share of touristy types who make wisecracks while waiting in the ER for phenergan because they tossed too many cookies from riding the many wild roller coasters.
"But doc, chocolate has antioxidants! It's good for my heart!"
"Can I have another IV bag of chocolate milk?"
Nurse: "Doc, he's crashing!Do something!"
Doc: "Push two amps of chocolate and stand clear because he's gonna jump off that table a-swinging. He's just in withdrawal."
I'll bet they also diagnose quite a few cases of diabetes, people tend to go a bit overboard on their consumption of chocolate. (saw people carrying huge shopping bags of chocolate)
Nurse: (sniffing) That's DKA.(to self) "Sir, your days of chocolate imbibement are going to have to come to an end- you've got diabetes and after this, chocolate is going to be a treat- not a daily staple."
On that particular day(last Sat.) also cold and drizzly. Went from 76 in one state to 40's in the next. Quite a shock to the system, I was ready to go home. Free Credit Report dot com commercial guy(or his evil twin) pulled up right in front of us, parked his car and strode purposefully toward the entrance, looking as if the weather didn't bother him one bit. Although, if I were making that kind of money off of commercials it wouldn't bother me so much either.
Go inside. Wander over to lunch pavilion, eat lunch. It was buffet style so of course we overate. The pulled pork sandwiches were the only thing that saved me from turning into an icicle, they were lovely and warm. BG 230's.
Went on Ferris Wheel.(we were the only ones)
Went through Zoo America
Went on the "Kissing Tower"
Went on canoe ride(kind of like Splash Mountain but didn't get quite as wet)
BG 179, ate popcorn. Sun comes out.
Went on SkyRide, monorail, antique cars, train
Browesed shops on way out. Both of us hate roller coasters with a passion, no loss there. (we are old boring married people)Got several souvenir thingies for my collections, husband got chocolate. Also got Hershey perfume so I can smell sweet, not just BE sweet. (which is sooo 20th century) BG 238. I swear, its something in the air.
Final stop at the Factory:

Went on tour ride, did some more shopping, then went home. It was a fun day.
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