Sunday, October 19, 2008

Peaks and Valleys


"I would like the sugar-free ice cream, because I'm interested in making decisions that are healthful for my body."
(6.5 year old nephew)
I think I just about died laughing, in reality he just wanted the chocolate ice cream. Very verbiose little boy.)

Today, I ate an 115 carb bag of chips, half the dip container, 30 carbs juice, 15 carbs instant glucose to treat a low. It was at my favorite store(CVS) and you know how grocery shopping while low goes. Couldn't stop eating. At the end, I was only 356, I've got alot of that post-mountain-climbing-sensitivity thing going on. Had two lows last night.(over the weekend we went down to hike the Blue Ridge Parkway and celebrate oldest bro's b-day)


Minnesota Nice said...

Heidi - in your pictures you don't appear even the teeniest bit overweight so you must not binge very often. Unlike me, whose binges go directly into extra pounds. Ugh!!

Scott K. Johnson said...

Yep, I too had a rock 'n roll weekend. Fun for all! NOT!