Wednesday, December 20, 2006

No more Beta

Blogger "Beta" is apparently all out. That's a good thing- but I kind of miss being bugged incessently to switch. Oh well,I'm sure they'll dream up some other "new" thing to switch to.

Group question-(I realize there's some way to figure this out, but I'm dumb)
How many carbs(ie,grams of dextrose) are in an IV bag of D50? I can't find an answer anywhere(not even on CWD's Ask the Diabetes Team) and its been bugging me-it's one of those things one should know. Hospitals frequently administer D50, and if you had to bolus for it you'd need to know that.Or are there "ampules" of dextrose that they add to the IV that makes it D50? I've also been experiencing a run of lows lately, which always makes me a tad nervous. Runs being defined as low after low after low after low. My liver needs some serious glycogen restocking.Should get started on the traditional chocolate covered cherries early this year..Work's been rough,I'm glad tomarrow is the last day.

1 comment:

Kassie said...

"A 25 cc push of D50 is roughly equal to 50 calories and a 50 cc push of D50 is roughly equal to 100 calories"

if you believe everything you read on the internet... ;)