I must be popular.
My plate idea has been stolen.
To their credit, they put an (R) on the end of it.
There's just one slight problem, this state has a max of 7 characters. (for lisence plates)
Now over in West Virginia, it'd be ok. (they can have 8, lucky people)
Seller was not even smart enough to change the state...
I feel like I own that plate name- at least in this state!
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
Diabetes ER- Style
I love ER, but its not what it used to be. And they've never portrayed individuals with D in a very favoriable light...
"Carter, take the diabetic in 12." (amputee)
Season 3. Carla (Benton's girlfriend) gets gestational diabetes... Benton starts treating her like she (and baby) will keel over dead any moment.
And wouldn't you know it, they make the kid be born with a hearing defect...
Forget what episode, but some type 2 (retired)doctor, who can't afford his meds, and won't take anyone's help who offers. I think they (producers) kill him off later on. (kidney failure?)
Season 9. Sam's (head nurse) kid goes into DKA after eating an ice cream cone. Sam is furious at Dr.Kovac for the rest of the episode, while Kovac protests he had no idea her kid had diabetes..
Season 12. Sam's kid runs away, and doesn't take insulin with him.
(I haven't seen this episode, but I'm sure he survives)
Season 4 is out! (on DVD boxed set)
I think they're taking entirely too long producing them- at this rate, they won't catch up until after they end it!
Anybody else remember more "D" moments, in ER?
"Carter, take the diabetic in 12." (amputee)
Season 3. Carla (Benton's girlfriend) gets gestational diabetes... Benton starts treating her like she (and baby) will keel over dead any moment.
And wouldn't you know it, they make the kid be born with a hearing defect...
Forget what episode, but some type 2 (retired)doctor, who can't afford his meds, and won't take anyone's help who offers. I think they (producers) kill him off later on. (kidney failure?)
Season 9. Sam's (head nurse) kid goes into DKA after eating an ice cream cone. Sam is furious at Dr.Kovac for the rest of the episode, while Kovac protests he had no idea her kid had diabetes..
Season 12. Sam's kid runs away, and doesn't take insulin with him.
(I haven't seen this episode, but I'm sure he survives)
Season 4 is out! (on DVD boxed set)
I think they're taking entirely too long producing them- at this rate, they won't catch up until after they end it!
Anybody else remember more "D" moments, in ER?
Saturday, February 25, 2006
That's My Excuse, and I'm Sticking to it
Primary meter #1 has gone AWOL.

What happened? I've lost my meter before. I've never lost it at work, however. Last week I left it at work, at my work station.
The individuals on Night Shift are not savory,trustworthy characters.
When I returned the next morning, it was gone. No one turned it in.
I wasn't upset, I was just annoyed. The thing I miss most is my lancet device, which was a Freestyle alternate tester. I only had 5 test strips left, so no great loss there.
Then it came time to explain to the Research Study Coordinator what had happened. I felt like a kid with a the-dog-ate-my-homework line. This is the primary meter I'd tested with, it had 3 weeks of data on it. Missing 3 weeks of data on a test subject does not make for a nice, smooth graph.
I couldn't call, I emailed her. If I get kicked out of the study... I'd rather read it, not hear it. She's a nice person, but protocal must rule.
Wind chill factor is supposed to get down to -5 tonight. Sweet, Sunny South it ain't.

What happened? I've lost my meter before. I've never lost it at work, however. Last week I left it at work, at my work station.
The individuals on Night Shift are not savory,trustworthy characters.
When I returned the next morning, it was gone. No one turned it in.
I wasn't upset, I was just annoyed. The thing I miss most is my lancet device, which was a Freestyle alternate tester. I only had 5 test strips left, so no great loss there.
Then it came time to explain to the Research Study Coordinator what had happened. I felt like a kid with a the-dog-ate-my-homework line. This is the primary meter I'd tested with, it had 3 weeks of data on it. Missing 3 weeks of data on a test subject does not make for a nice, smooth graph.
I couldn't call, I emailed her. If I get kicked out of the study... I'd rather read it, not hear it. She's a nice person, but protocal must rule.
Wind chill factor is supposed to get down to -5 tonight. Sweet, Sunny South it ain't.
Pieces of History
This is the molecular structure of insulin.

This is my first meter,my first lancet device, and one of my first glucagon kits .
This is an old plastic lisence plate cover (freebie from MiniMed), which graced the back of my '89 Grand Am before the cover split (due to effects of aging) and I took it off, rather then risk total disentregration. Now its an antique, they don't make these anymore. (due to acquisition by Medtronic)

This is my stash of diabetes armbands(bracelets).
Ever look at your stash of D-junk and think, holy cow, these are starting to look OLD. (which means I must be gettting old!) Ok, ok, so its not quite sharpening needles and boiling the urine, but time does fly when you're having fun. (so they say)

This is my first meter,my first lancet device, and one of my first glucagon kits .

This is my stash of diabetes armbands(bracelets).

Thursday, February 23, 2006
Bloodwork Results
Latest Lab Results:
Cholesterol (Total) - 177
Triglycerides- 207
HDL cholesterol- 50
LDL cholesterol- 93
Microalbumin/Creatinine- 15
A1c- .2 less then it was last time..
Yay! Endo was happy- except for the a1c results. I'll get there.
Cholesterol (Total) - 177
Triglycerides- 207
HDL cholesterol- 50
LDL cholesterol- 93
Microalbumin/Creatinine- 15
A1c- .2 less then it was last time..
Yay! Endo was happy- except for the a1c results. I'll get there.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
A Few of My Favorite Things
has a particurally thought- provoking post today. Read it, if you haven't already.
In diabetes- its so easy to name off all of the negs.
Here are some of the things that brought me joy today.

-I GOT MY DSL CONNECTION TO WORK!!! (Three weeks later)
3:3o pm. Yes, I'm back to work. I am glad I can work! (this sounds..stupid, but I'd rather be there then certain other places I've been in in the past two weeks)
I had an interesting low today. Treated it, started acting whacko and my coworker was staring at me, asked if I was bored. I don't bring up diabetes, unless I have to, so I just replied that I was feeling a bit woozy.
"Are you sick? Are you PREGNANT?"
No, no, no...
"How do you know? You could be.Here, have a Tum."
I ate the Tum, hoping it had some carbohydrates in it.
3 hours later, fully recovered. "Are you diabetic?"
Figured she must have seen me checking my blood sugar. "Yes."
Other coworker comes over. "Are you ok?"
"You're pale. Are you sure you're ok? Is it your diabetes?"
I get asked if I'm ok, the rest of the afternoon. I'm feeling fine by then, coasting along at 180.
There is justifiable concern- and then there is overkill.
(these weren't coworkers I know very well, obviously. Those know better...)
has a particurally thought- provoking post today. Read it, if you haven't already.
In diabetes- its so easy to name off all of the negs.
Here are some of the things that brought me joy today.

-I GOT MY DSL CONNECTION TO WORK!!! (Three weeks later)
3:3o pm. Yes, I'm back to work. I am glad I can work! (this sounds..stupid, but I'd rather be there then certain other places I've been in in the past two weeks)
I had an interesting low today. Treated it, started acting whacko and my coworker was staring at me, asked if I was bored. I don't bring up diabetes, unless I have to, so I just replied that I was feeling a bit woozy.
"Are you sick? Are you PREGNANT?"
No, no, no...
"How do you know? You could be.Here, have a Tum."
I ate the Tum, hoping it had some carbohydrates in it.
3 hours later, fully recovered. "Are you diabetic?"
Figured she must have seen me checking my blood sugar. "Yes."
Other coworker comes over. "Are you ok?"
"You're pale. Are you sure you're ok? Is it your diabetes?"
I get asked if I'm ok, the rest of the afternoon. I'm feeling fine by then, coasting along at 180.
There is justifiable concern- and then there is overkill.
(these weren't coworkers I know very well, obviously. Those know better...)
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
What Every Women needs..

Who wants to wait on the road crews, anyway? Self sufficiency is a good thing.
We're expecting a whopping inch of snow tonight.
Today, I hashed out my test strip woes with Caremark.
*Newsflash-BCBS will no longer be covering "unlimited" amounts of strips, for a 90 day supply.*
Yes, there is now a "max". 400 units-(aka strips) for 90 days. This works out to a measily 4.44
strips, per day.
I am furious.
However, it did no good to yell at the Caremark people- they are just doing their job. (Although, the choice of shipping materials left much to be desired) I thanked them, and set about planning for the next great battle of the century. BCBS has always covered as many test strips as I need-usually 800-900 per 90 days.(and I pay a royal copay for it) Now, some group of guys in gray suits have decided to play doctor, and dictate the number of strips we're supposed to use!
Call to Endo's...
Pre-autherization Formulary Exception paperwork...
Daily phone calls..
I've been down this path before, but I wasn't expecting it with the strips. 4 years with no problems(in that regard), you figure you're safe from weird and whacky policy changes.
Apparently, not. Wouldn't be surprised if they dictated insulin needs too. (next year)
Monday, February 20, 2006
Scout's Honor

On my honor as a pumper, I pledge:
My head to clearer thinking, despite the 6 AM wake-up hypo.
My heart to greater loyalty, pumping ROCKS!
My hands to larger service, so many fellow D's need an encouraging word.
My health to better living- to myself, my community, my country, and my world.
As a new pumper, they made me sign a contract. (Probably relying on the guilt factor, more
then anything!) They made my dad sign too, even though I was of legal age.(Since I was still in pediatrics) I would have done anything- I was dying to be pumping! And then they admitted me for 36 hours, and I subsequently forgot all about the contract I signed.
Fast forward 4 years. Once again, I'm sitting in the pump trainer's office and she pulls out "The Contract." Is this just a particular quark of this particular medical center- or do most endocrine offices do this?
The Contract. (quick synopsis)
I will check my blood sugars at least 6x per day.
I will call my cde, endo with ANY urgent questions.
I will check my urine for ketones when my bg is 250+.
I will change my infusion set every 2-3 days.
I will change my infusion set anytime my bg is not coming down. (within two boluses)
I will call my endo anytime I've got whopping large ketones, or are vomitting.
I will strive for blood sugars within 80-140, at least 80% of the time.
Signed, and dated.
I've blown every single one of the aforementioned items, and none of them came to get me, although I have been chastined for several of these.
I found "The Contract" (2nd one) the other day, it bought back guilty memories. There always seems to be something to feel guilty about, with diabetes.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Motto: We care about your money...
First of the year, our company switched to them. They sent me a 45 days supply of test strips, billed me for 90, and shipped them parcel post( light weight envelope). I'm lucky they didn't get crushed or frozen or worse. (They came yesterday- also fortuanate!) Express Scrips (former supplier) was NOT like that. (they always did it overnight + never made a stink about the number of strips!)
If they're going to just ship me 1/2 of what the rx was for, I want half of the copay back. I'm calling tomarrow to get it sorted out. Shouldn't be billed for a regular 90 days supply.. I think they did it this way, because they didn't want to send out vast quantities of strips.(8 boxes is not alot- but compared to many other D's, who test 2-3x a day, 8 times might seem rather excessive)
Need an idea for the next Valentine's Day?
Here's a cheapie.

(I didn't get these- I just thought it was kinda cute...) Duct-Tape Roses! Show it to your husband/boyfriend- they'll never have an excuse for NOT getting you flowers, ever again.
The next great invention- Teenage Deterrant!The possiblities on this are ENDLESS. I never knew that scientific fact, I was under the impression teenagers had less hearing. (due to ipod abuse, rock concerts, etc.)
CWD should get one-keep the teen dances under control.
Friday, February 17, 2006
A Not-So-Funny-Thing-happened-on-the-Way-to-the-Forum
Happy Ex-V-day, world.
They released me from "jail" (aka the hospital)
So, I'm back from the Baltimore scorge. Baltimore in 12 inches of snow doesn't look any better then Baltimore with 0. All the snow is melted in VA, it is a balmy 55 degrees.
Diagnosis: small AVM.
Cure: Surgery.
Thursday was the surgery. On Friday, I was of sufficient mind to be a totally nasty person to someone who called me. Long distance, no less.
They said it went well. Saturday, I started puking.48 hours later, I was still doing so, so they did another MRI and things looked fine. Just stress? What on earth would I have to be stressed about..
Tuesday was puke free. Wed morning, on morning rounds, some young resident's overpowering cologne made it start up again. I threw up, fortuantly, not on him. (or maybe thats unfortuante- he's the one that provoked it!)
I always thought one had to be pregnant, before certain odors provoked puking. I am most definatly not pregnant.(this one is a first) It took much of that day, to get the unpleasant odor out of the room. (the cologne, not the throwup!)
So this morning, they released me. The first item of business, dulling my now-raging appetite. 3.5 plates of Chinese, fixed that one pretty well.
Second order of business- go home and sleep like dead.
Neuro-opth "Remember, you're coming back here in two weeks! Now get out of here, before we think up something else to do to you."
The eye muscle problem, remarkably, has remained unaffected off all this. But now the Neuro-Opth really doesn't want to do (other) surgery- till everything is deadbolt stable.
I think thats a pretty good idea, I've had more then enough of surgery for awhile.
Then I got home.
A sweeter sight I haven't seen in a long time.
I've been tagged by Kassie:-)
4 Jobs I've had in my Life:
- teacher/childcare worker, Christian daycare
- Retail Associate (TJMaxx-Marshalls)
- Part time pincushion(diabetes studies, which I've been participating in for 5 years)
- EMT (unloved, unknown, and currently on probation)
4 Movies I can watch over and over:
-Sound of Music
-Flight of the Navigator
-It's a Wonderful Life
-The Frequency
7 places I've lived
1. Jackson, Mississippi
2. 6 respective towns in the state of VA!
Two TV shows I like to watch
NBC news, D-Life
(that's all!)
4 places I've been on vacation
Nagshead, NC
4 of my favorite foods
1. Pizza Hut Personal Pan Pizza, smothered in extra cheese, olives, bacon, mushrooms, and ANCHOVIES! This has enough sodium in it to make even a normal person keel over dead from a heart attack. But its sooooooooo good....
2. Sardines, rice, and soy sauce. A family tradition, that my dad started in college. The only person who doesn't like this combo is my mom.
3. Cheetos. (along with chocolate, my must-have)
4. yogurt
(I love my sodium, if I ever had to restrict it, just kill me now)
4 Places I'd rather be right now
1. On a cruise
2. At the Winter Olympics (Turin, Italy)
3. In Maryland-with my boyfriend!:-)
4. Australia, where its summer.
4 Websites I visit daily
1. CWD
2. Reality Check
3. Ebay
4. Insulin Pumpers
4 Dreams I have for my Life:
1. Nursing degree
2. Marriage + family
3. Completion of my book
4. Excellent health insurance, that would cover EVERYTHING and not cost a small kings ransom to do so...
They released me from "jail" (aka the hospital)
So, I'm back from the Baltimore scorge. Baltimore in 12 inches of snow doesn't look any better then Baltimore with 0. All the snow is melted in VA, it is a balmy 55 degrees.
Diagnosis: small AVM.
Cure: Surgery.
Thursday was the surgery. On Friday, I was of sufficient mind to be a totally nasty person to someone who called me. Long distance, no less.
They said it went well. Saturday, I started puking.48 hours later, I was still doing so, so they did another MRI and things looked fine. Just stress? What on earth would I have to be stressed about..
Tuesday was puke free. Wed morning, on morning rounds, some young resident's overpowering cologne made it start up again. I threw up, fortuantly, not on him. (or maybe thats unfortuante- he's the one that provoked it!)
I always thought one had to be pregnant, before certain odors provoked puking. I am most definatly not pregnant.(this one is a first) It took much of that day, to get the unpleasant odor out of the room. (the cologne, not the throwup!)
So this morning, they released me. The first item of business, dulling my now-raging appetite. 3.5 plates of Chinese, fixed that one pretty well.
Second order of business- go home and sleep like dead.
Neuro-opth "Remember, you're coming back here in two weeks! Now get out of here, before we think up something else to do to you."
The eye muscle problem, remarkably, has remained unaffected off all this. But now the Neuro-Opth really doesn't want to do (other) surgery- till everything is deadbolt stable.
I think thats a pretty good idea, I've had more then enough of surgery for awhile.
Then I got home.
A sweeter sight I haven't seen in a long time.
I've been tagged by Kassie:-)
4 Jobs I've had in my Life:
- teacher/childcare worker, Christian daycare
- Retail Associate (TJMaxx-Marshalls)
- Part time pincushion(diabetes studies, which I've been participating in for 5 years)
- EMT (unloved, unknown, and currently on probation)
4 Movies I can watch over and over:
-Sound of Music
-Flight of the Navigator
-It's a Wonderful Life
-The Frequency
7 places I've lived
1. Jackson, Mississippi
2. 6 respective towns in the state of VA!
Two TV shows I like to watch
NBC news, D-Life
(that's all!)
4 places I've been on vacation
Nagshead, NC
4 of my favorite foods
1. Pizza Hut Personal Pan Pizza, smothered in extra cheese, olives, bacon, mushrooms, and ANCHOVIES! This has enough sodium in it to make even a normal person keel over dead from a heart attack. But its sooooooooo good....
2. Sardines, rice, and soy sauce. A family tradition, that my dad started in college. The only person who doesn't like this combo is my mom.
3. Cheetos. (along with chocolate, my must-have)
4. yogurt
(I love my sodium, if I ever had to restrict it, just kill me now)
4 Places I'd rather be right now
1. On a cruise
2. At the Winter Olympics (Turin, Italy)
3. In Maryland-with my boyfriend!:-)
4. Australia, where its summer.
4 Websites I visit daily
1. CWD
2. Reality Check
3. Ebay
4. Insulin Pumpers
4 Dreams I have for my Life:
1. Nursing degree
2. Marriage + family
3. Completion of my book
4. Excellent health insurance, that would cover EVERYTHING and not cost a small kings ransom to do so...
Monday, February 06, 2006
This lovely, descriptive post describes the past 72 hours of my life. Everything is crashing and burning. I don't want this to be the most depressing blog on the web, I'm not trying to make it such but its not been real great.
Friday afternoon- Neuro Opth calls. "You have a concernable MRI- there's something that needs to be further checked out. Can you make it back up here, next Wed?"
Sure, why not. Got nothing better to do with my life, then to run back and forth from Baltimore.
Saturday- the Advent of the Great Migraine. Blood sugars immeadiently go on the rollar coaster ride from H-, 450, 50, 390, 60, 110, 500. Appetite dissapeirs. (maybe this isn't such a bad thing) Unfortuantly, it isn't looking too great for Monday's endo appointment. I don't care.
Late Monday afternoon- Endo appointment.First, I drop off my PDA, 2 meters to get downloaded. "Hon, you want another meter?" Sure, why not. The 70 trials on the PDA don't all show up, so research coordinator makes me do another one. I don't actually test my blood sugar, 2 hours previous it was 139 and I'm in a lovely, funky mood anyway. I fudge it.So the research coordinator gives me the eyebrow "YOU DIDN'T TEST?!" Oh well. See ya in March, a1c time...
Now its off to Endocrine clinic. Register. Sit in clinic 10 minutes with lots of old people. Get called back by nurse. Weight- Excellent, I've lost 6 lbs. (woo hoo! Haven't been this low in awhile). Blood Pressure- 120/65. (YES!) Pulse- off the charts. (It always is) Tramp down hall. Nearly get run over by my old nemesis (D study Endo) and resident-in-tow, who breezes out ," Hello Heidi! How are you?" as my jaw flaps open at the amazement that she recognizes me on sight 3.5 years later. "Fine, Dr. ------how-" I don't get anything else out, as the nurse is rolling full steam ahead toward the exam room. Deposit me in room.
Like a good diabetic, I take my shoes and socks off. 15 minutes later, I put my socks back on. Feet are getting cold.
10 minutes later, endo comes in. We discuss some stuff, what, I really don't remember. Tells me I'm doing a good job. (uh huh)
Cholesterol time, microalbumin check time.
All of that done, rolling down the road- when I discover I forgot A. test strip rx and B. a note for work. Dadgum. Will have to call for them.
Meanwhile, my blood sugar had headed to the moon again. Maybe I should just go ahead and go into DKA now, if I'm up in Baltimore getting poked to death it will be much simpler if I'm already in the hospital.
Book Review of the Month:
Shaking the Nickel Bush- Ralph Moody.
This is a classic- the year is 1919, and insulin is 2 years away from being discovered. 19 year old Ralph, gets diabetes, ends up in the hospital, and is told by the old family doc to go out West and enjoy himself before he dies. (pretty much) First, he gets put on this weird diet of gluten bread, fish, milk, cabbage, and one or two assundry other things. Designed to reduce the amount of sugar in his urine... and make him gain some weight, at the same time. Well, from a diabetes standpoint, Ralph is an unbelievable great patient, visits a doc every week to get his urine checked, and only "cheats" on his diet once. (biscuits proved too great of a temptation, he figured he'd rather take his chances dying from diabetes, then dying from hunger..)
It takes the entire book for him to gain any weight, how he managed to gain any weight at all beats me. Meanwhile, he's busy making money hand over fist, not dying. This kid never had type 1- thats for sure. After 5 years on this diet, he figured the docs were wrong, he didn't have diabetes, so he went off the diet, married, had kids, worked, wrote tons of books(later in life) and lived to the ripe old age of 80+.
The Great Brain-
In one of the books- the Great Brain's adopted brother gets this rocker horse as a present. He really loves the thing. One day, it dissapeirs off the front porch. The Great Brain discovers who stole it, and when confronted, the couple confesses. They stole it for their 6 year old kid, who is dying from juvenile diabetes. The year is 1899, and insulin isn't around yet. Type 1 diabetes is a death sentence.They stole it, because they couldn't afford to buy their kid one. So, the GB's dad asks the adopted brother if he knows whats going on, and this super mature, 5 year old kid says yes- then walks up to the other kid and tells him to take good care of the horse.
2 months later, the kid dies. It was so sad.
Friday afternoon- Neuro Opth calls. "You have a concernable MRI- there's something that needs to be further checked out. Can you make it back up here, next Wed?"
Sure, why not. Got nothing better to do with my life, then to run back and forth from Baltimore.
Saturday- the Advent of the Great Migraine. Blood sugars immeadiently go on the rollar coaster ride from H-, 450, 50, 390, 60, 110, 500. Appetite dissapeirs. (maybe this isn't such a bad thing) Unfortuantly, it isn't looking too great for Monday's endo appointment. I don't care.
Late Monday afternoon- Endo appointment.First, I drop off my PDA, 2 meters to get downloaded. "Hon, you want another meter?" Sure, why not. The 70 trials on the PDA don't all show up, so research coordinator makes me do another one. I don't actually test my blood sugar, 2 hours previous it was 139 and I'm in a lovely, funky mood anyway. I fudge it.So the research coordinator gives me the eyebrow "YOU DIDN'T TEST?!" Oh well. See ya in March, a1c time...
Now its off to Endocrine clinic. Register. Sit in clinic 10 minutes with lots of old people. Get called back by nurse. Weight- Excellent, I've lost 6 lbs. (woo hoo! Haven't been this low in awhile). Blood Pressure- 120/65. (YES!) Pulse- off the charts. (It always is) Tramp down hall. Nearly get run over by my old nemesis (D study Endo) and resident-in-tow, who breezes out ," Hello Heidi! How are you?" as my jaw flaps open at the amazement that she recognizes me on sight 3.5 years later. "Fine, Dr. ------how-" I don't get anything else out, as the nurse is rolling full steam ahead toward the exam room. Deposit me in room.
Like a good diabetic, I take my shoes and socks off. 15 minutes later, I put my socks back on. Feet are getting cold.
10 minutes later, endo comes in. We discuss some stuff, what, I really don't remember. Tells me I'm doing a good job. (uh huh)
Cholesterol time, microalbumin check time.
All of that done, rolling down the road- when I discover I forgot A. test strip rx and B. a note for work. Dadgum. Will have to call for them.
Meanwhile, my blood sugar had headed to the moon again. Maybe I should just go ahead and go into DKA now, if I'm up in Baltimore getting poked to death it will be much simpler if I'm already in the hospital.
Book Review of the Month:
Shaking the Nickel Bush- Ralph Moody.
This is a classic- the year is 1919, and insulin is 2 years away from being discovered. 19 year old Ralph, gets diabetes, ends up in the hospital, and is told by the old family doc to go out West and enjoy himself before he dies. (pretty much) First, he gets put on this weird diet of gluten bread, fish, milk, cabbage, and one or two assundry other things. Designed to reduce the amount of sugar in his urine... and make him gain some weight, at the same time. Well, from a diabetes standpoint, Ralph is an unbelievable great patient, visits a doc every week to get his urine checked, and only "cheats" on his diet once. (biscuits proved too great of a temptation, he figured he'd rather take his chances dying from diabetes, then dying from hunger..)
It takes the entire book for him to gain any weight, how he managed to gain any weight at all beats me. Meanwhile, he's busy making money hand over fist, not dying. This kid never had type 1- thats for sure. After 5 years on this diet, he figured the docs were wrong, he didn't have diabetes, so he went off the diet, married, had kids, worked, wrote tons of books(later in life) and lived to the ripe old age of 80+.
The Great Brain-
In one of the books- the Great Brain's adopted brother gets this rocker horse as a present. He really loves the thing. One day, it dissapeirs off the front porch. The Great Brain discovers who stole it, and when confronted, the couple confesses. They stole it for their 6 year old kid, who is dying from juvenile diabetes. The year is 1899, and insulin isn't around yet. Type 1 diabetes is a death sentence.They stole it, because they couldn't afford to buy their kid one. So, the GB's dad asks the adopted brother if he knows whats going on, and this super mature, 5 year old kid says yes- then walks up to the other kid and tells him to take good care of the horse.
2 months later, the kid dies. It was so sad.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
This week was quite productive, I did my taxes, hooked up for a phone line, and (will) work a 40 hour week. Monday's MRI results have not come in yet, neuro-opth is going to call me with the results. I should be DSL online in a week...
I've discovered something, when I wake up with a 300+ blood sugar, it means my set has come disconnected. This has happened three times, in the past week. I was thinking it was dawn phenomenon (and when I wake up that high, I take a shot- because I generally feel like ketone puke). That, of course, brings it down. This is a problem, am I sleep disconnecting? (sleep walking, sleep talking, you know the routine) Its always pretty firmly attached when I go to bed. (I use the Silhoettes) I do sleep talk, but I never sleep walked!
I've discovered something, when I wake up with a 300+ blood sugar, it means my set has come disconnected. This has happened three times, in the past week. I was thinking it was dawn phenomenon (and when I wake up that high, I take a shot- because I generally feel like ketone puke). That, of course, brings it down. This is a problem, am I sleep disconnecting? (sleep walking, sleep talking, you know the routine) Its always pretty firmly attached when I go to bed. (I use the Silhoettes) I do sleep talk, but I never sleep walked!
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