Sunday, August 13, 2006

Happy 25th, PC

If you own a PC- cut yourself a piece of (virtual) cake. (it just needs a 5)

Some of you might remember it.
(The rest of us don't remember life before computers!) I remember being 5 or 6, and playing games on the early IBM pc's. Games like Crossfire, Bouncing Babies, Mousetrap, Kings Quest) Floppy disks + square cartridges you had to plug into the computer.
Later on- Wolfenstein 3D, Doom(which my mom highly dissaproved of) but sooo realistic.
The Entertainment System of the (older) Generation Y. (And just as much fun as the PS2's of today!)
Soon, I'll be joining you (in marking that memoriable age).


HVS said...

Have you heard Weird Al Yankovitch's version?
It totally rocks..
(you can get it on itunes)

HVS said...
