I cannot sleep tonight. That lump of coal,formerly known as my stomach,pitches & rolls like a ship on the high seas. The D-gods are angry,& the skies above are pitch black...interspersed with the ketone strikes of lightening.(coincedentily, so is the weather outside) And Diabetes laughs at my puny attempts at "control."
241. Probably have ketones,but improved over 12 hours ago, as my blood sugar went from 155 to 600+ in a matter of hours. (I'd eaten the routine breakfast of oatmeal & bolused appropriately) But it was a new pod,& not a good one,as I very shortly found out. Being greeted by that HIGH was a freak-out moment of epic proportions,the last time I've had one of those had been at least 6 years. I took a shot,& rechecked an hour later. Still high. I do not know what to do with a number I can't see,so I packed up the Bairn & we went to the ER,which resulted in a 525 bg at triage(I felt stupid,as I was obviously coming down). Cue stomachache. Blood sugar dropped to 404 by time of being seen,IV fluids & Zofran & 10 units later was 202 & discharged with orders to call Endo. tomorrow.(not in DKA)(Wee Bairns dad picked him up & took home,many hours before.Wee Bairn thought it was a very interesting place & charmed everyone he came in contact with.)
I need Zofran,& I need a listening ear(on my blood sugars) & a shoulder to cry on,words can't express how much I hate diabetes right now.It sucks.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Dblog Week: Hero (II)

Once upon a morning dreary
As I woke up, dragging wearily
Diet Coke was there-for me
And life was all that it should be.
It's not easy having D
Even worse to live with me
Diabetes ups and downs
Tic Tacs,wrappers, Almond Mounds.
Have I ever said that you're my hero?
Crazy, crazy, stupid lows
The one whose arms still hold me tight
Through my blurry, shaky sight.
Bills that stack upon the chair
Frequent doctors, frequent care
There is no break, there is no cure
The way things are, is how they were.
Truly on this ride called life
The highs and lows, the joys and strife
Interwoven with disease
Nothing really comes with ease.
To my wonderful type 3
I pledge to (try to) keep my a1c
Against it's bad effects assuaged
Well preserved,into old age.
Have I ever said that you're my hero
The only one who loves me so
You're everything sweet at 60 mg/dl
As I'm scarfing sugar pills.
(to the hero's in your life...make sure you appreciate them!)
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Dblog Week: Saturday Snapshots
Back for the third year, let’s show everyone what life with diabetes looks like! With a nod
to the Diabetes 365 project, let’s grab our cameras again and share some more d-related pictures.
Post as many or as few as you’d like. Feel free to blog your thoughts on or explanations of your pictures,
or leave out the written words and let the pictures speak for themselves.
I don't need no stinkin' control.
Mama, I think you're low.
But sometimes the stars aline.
A better day.
A Rattle!
We CAN eat these.
The Back-up Plan.
Yes, it does.
Screen of Death.
Can I get a repeat? (on the last 24 hours)
Fondly dubbed "The Cockroach" by my loving spouse.
I love to bungee-jump.
A day in the life.
(don't leave home without it!!)
to the Diabetes 365 project, let’s grab our cameras again and share some more d-related pictures.
Post as many or as few as you’d like. Feel free to blog your thoughts on or explanations of your pictures,
or leave out the written words and let the pictures speak for themselves.
I don't need no stinkin' control.
Mama, I think you're low.
But sometimes the stars aline.
A better day.
A Rattle!
We CAN eat these.
The Back-up Plan.
Yes, it does.
Screen of Death.
Can I get a repeat? (on the last 24 hours)
Fondly dubbed "The Cockroach" by my loving spouse.
I love to bungee-jump.
A day in the life.
(don't leave home without it!!)
Friday, May 18, 2012
Dblog Week: I Want You to Know
Today let’s borrow a topic from a #dsma chat held last September. The tweet asked “What is one thing you would tell someone that doesn’t have diabetes about living with diabetes?”. Let’s do a little advocating and post what we wish people knew about diabetes. Have more than one thing you wish people knew? Go ahead and tell us everything.
Diabetes isn't about the destination, it's about the journey. And that journey just happens to coincide with this little thing called life.
It's there when I roll out of bed in the morning.
It's there when I'm running errands.
It's there when we're out with friends at an all-you-can-eat buffet.
It's there when my car breaks down on the highway & I'm down to my last test strip & I haven't eaten in who knows
how long.
It's there on your wedding day.
It's there when you're in labor,and that jello you ate just came back up.
It's there for a big test, a first kiss, a broken heart.
It never goes away. And it never takes a break. And like the wind, it blows wild and free...it does not like containment or predictability & will come back to smack you in the rear each and every chance it gets.
I've lived with it for 13+ years,and I don't know everything. I'll continue to learn and adapt till my dying day, which hopefully won't be because of diabetes, but I can't say for sure that it won't be. Because with this disease,even if you think you have it "controlled", just one bad series of events can kill you. The flu. A bad hypoglycemic event. Running out of supplies in the middle of nowhere.
So if you do have someone in your life with diabetes,I would encourage you to try and be more understanding & supportive. Diabetes is not a "just do this and you'll be fine" disease. It takes a toll, both mentally and physically. No one has diabetes "figured out"...not your doctor, not the diabetes gurus, & not you.(or me) Your diabetes is not my diabetes, and we must manage it different ways..due to the circumstances in our lives. But one thing I know,diabetes should fit into one's life, not the other way around.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Dblog Week: My Dream Device
Today let’s tackle an idea inspired by Bennet of Your Diabetes May Vary. Tell us what your Fantasy Diabetes Device would be? Think of your dream blood glucose checker, delivery system for insulin or other meds, magic carb counter, etc etc etc. The sky is the limit – what would you love to see?

As I closed my eyes,preparing to immerse myself in the deliciousness you see above you, my brain was busy SWAG'ng & calculating & attempting to pull off a decent blood sugar 2 hours out. And then I thought: how great would it be if I had a machine that could magically tell me the carb count of any food on the planet...& how units of insulin(square,dual & over what time frame) I should mainline to pull off that magical straight line on my Dexcom? I'd call it the "Carbomatic". So much of diabetes control is 100% centered around carbs.(& knowing them is half the battle) It might sound like some sort of Artificial pancreas, but diabetes encompasses carbs,exercise,meds,stress,etc...not just carbs. I would love a machine that would figure out my meals for me...the readout would look something like this:
Spaghetti: 66 carbs
You can bolus 6.6 units,5.5 now & 1.1 over 30 minutes
At 1800 hours soothe your screaming baby for 30 minutes or do 15 minutes
Of vigorous walking
Check blood sugars again at 1900 hours.
Because I can be really bad at guessing the carbs in foods,even though I have the basics down it would be nice if it were less of a guessing game.(ah,the joys of playing Russian Roullette with your health)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Dblog Week: Let's Do It
Yesterday we gave ourselves and our loved ones a big pat on the back for one thing we are great at. Today let’s look at the flip-side. We probably all have one thing we could try to do better. Why not make today the day we start working on it. No judgments, no scolding, just sharing one small thing we can improve so the DOC can cheer us on!
What can I possibly do better with, as it pertains to my diabetes care? Well, there's a never ending list in that regard...but the #1 shortcoming (and the major contributor to my higher a1c) is my propensity to slightly underbolus food. Sometimes a little, sometimes alot. It has its roots in my past experiences of some pretty horrible hypos, some of which would go on all day (and I would require very little insulin or none at all for that day). When 0.1 units of insulin drops you a whopping 90 points (like it did one time),you tend to develop some insulin-phobia. This really doesn't happen anymore,but I still get times when I'm extremely sensitive to insulin. I realize this is an irrational fear, because most of the time that bolus is precisely what I needed to take but you can't always convince yourself of those things. And it drove my Endo very, very up the wall. (over the course of my pregnancy) ("140 is too high. YOU NEED TO TAKE THE WHOLE BOLUS AND BE UNDER 100.") It's also because I never stay 80, I always drop to 50 and have to treat the resulting low. Nowadays, even 180 sounds just fine to me.(treating lows are a major pain in my already busy schedule)
I guess I could compromise with a "to aim for" range of 120-160. (and go back to pre-bolusing) I don't need perfection,but if I take that bolus as I'm supposed to (and check after, to catch any impending lows) it really will result in better control. But as any with mental issue, it's a lot easier said then done. (changing years of hardwired behavior takes professional help, sometimes)
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Diabetes Blog Week- One Great Thing
Today's Topic:
Living with diabetes (or caring for someone who lives with it) sure does take a lot of work, and it’s easy to be hard on ourselves if we aren’t “perfect”. But today it’s time to give ourselves some much deserved credit. Tell us about just one diabetes thing you (or your loved one) does spectacularly! Fasting blood sugar checks, oral meds sorted and ready, something always on hand to treat a low, or anything that you do for diabetes. Nothing is too big or too small to celebrate doing well!
(photo courtesy of Flikr-LilyWhitesParty, Creative Commons. Mine is probably twice as big, and 3x as stuffed)
Be Prepared. -Boy Scout Motto
If there's one thing I've learned, in my 13+ years of living with diabetes, is that there is no such thing as being over-prepared (for every possible scenario diabetes can throw at you). It was a lesson learned by flirting with disaster on several occasions,& it has made me into a person who can't just hop into the car with a light little handbag containing the bare essentials.No, I must come prepared for the possibility of Armegeddon (with the handbag containing the following(at the bare minimum):
-2 juice boxes
-roll of glucose tabs/smarties
-PDM (blood glucose meter) case/lancing device
-spare POD, insulin vial/syringe
- 2 or 3 additional test strip vials
- Wallet/cash/change(if I do need to get something else)
-a can of diet coke
- granola bar, crackers
- cellphone
- earbuds
- water bottle
-coupon organizer
-tube of lotion
-tube of hand sanitizer
- Kleenex
- sometimes my E-reader
-reading glasses
-various and assorted papers
As you can imagine, this can get quite heavy to lug around but there is a security in having the stuff with me.(as well as having the honor of being the go-to person that everyone asks for "stuff" that they've forgotten) Even a nasty low can be knocked back into submission without the aid of glucagon, etc. (some of the other stuff is just common sense,such as the extra D-supplies (because if an infusion set or pod can fail, it will fail) One should be prepared for at least several days (D-wise), in my opinion. I don't live in the middle of nowhere (this area is very well populated) but the traffic jams make getting around quite a headache. (at times)
Now I just need to extend that organization to other areas of my life. (like the mess in the basement...sigh)
be prepared,
blog week 2012,
hypo disaster scenario
Monday, May 14, 2012
Dblog Week: A Blog,Bookmarked
It's the 3rd Annual Dblog Week, and as much as I don't care for the new Blogger layout, I can't imagine not participating in this. (I enjoy it that much) Please bear with my horrendous slapped-together-posts. (I blame Blogger plus being on a Mac) I really appreciate Karen putting this all together...it's nice to read other's perspectives,& to put forth my own.
Today's Topic: Find A Friend - Monday 5/14 Link List.
It seems the most popular thing about Diabetes Blog Week is that it helps us find blogs we weren’t reading yet and connect with some new blog friends. With that in mind, let’s kick off Diabetes Blog Week by making some new connections. Think about the d-blogs you read that you think we may not know about and introduce us to one that you love!! Let’s all find a new friend today! (Special thanks to Gina, everybody’s Diabetes BFF, for helping me title this post!)
Ever since discovering it on Six Until Me, I've enjoyed reading BigFoot Child Have Diabetes a blog by a parent of a CWD. It's a different writing style then the traditional blog and the author is hilarious.(I don't read it first thing in the morning, lest I shoot Diet Coke out my nose as I'm feeding the baby)I encourage you to add it to your blog feed (if you haven't already). It puts some humor in my day.
And on that note, you can now see why I'm not the person to pick if you need a glowing eulogy, recommendation, etc. Gushing is not my thing. What I have to say, I'll say once (twice if the situation merits it) and beyond that,I don't think it needs repeating ad nauseum. (quality speaks for itself)It really is a great blog though.
(come back tomorrow for a blog post that isn't quite so pathetic as today's has been)
Today's Topic: Find A Friend - Monday 5/14 Link List.
It seems the most popular thing about Diabetes Blog Week is that it helps us find blogs we weren’t reading yet and connect with some new blog friends. With that in mind, let’s kick off Diabetes Blog Week by making some new connections. Think about the d-blogs you read that you think we may not know about and introduce us to one that you love!! Let’s all find a new friend today! (Special thanks to Gina, everybody’s Diabetes BFF, for helping me title this post!)
Ever since discovering it on Six Until Me, I've enjoyed reading BigFoot Child Have Diabetes a blog by a parent of a CWD. It's a different writing style then the traditional blog and the author is hilarious.(I don't read it first thing in the morning, lest I shoot Diet Coke out my nose as I'm feeding the baby)I encourage you to add it to your blog feed (if you haven't already). It puts some humor in my day.
And on that note, you can now see why I'm not the person to pick if you need a glowing eulogy, recommendation, etc. Gushing is not my thing. What I have to say, I'll say once (twice if the situation merits it) and beyond that,I don't think it needs repeating ad nauseum. (quality speaks for itself)It really is a great blog though.
(come back tomorrow for a blog post that isn't quite so pathetic as today's has been)
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Friday, May 04, 2012
Mr. Hypo is (not) Your Friend: A D-Myth, Debunked
If you were dx'd back in the 60's or 70's, you may have had this charming little book entitled "Mr. Hypo is my Friend." It was meant for kids, to get them comfortable with the idea of having very large non-disposable needles inserted into their skin (on a daily basis). Back then, it was no small ordeal (especially for a child). Those needles were called "hypodermic syringes" (hence the title of the book). Unfortuently, I couldn't find any images of said book. (they still might be out there though)Back then, lows were generally referred to as "reactions" (and not so much hypos)...and warm & fuzzy word associations with the idea of a "hypo(dermic) device" were better tolerated. (I don't know of anyone who "loves" having a low blood sugar)
I'm here to tell you that Mr. Hypo, in 2012, is no longer your friend. Hasn't been, for a long time. Mr. Hypo (these days) associates with juice boxes, glucose tabs, hastily scarfed Skittles in the middle of a Target check-out lane, little red glucagon kits, ambulance rides, IV bags of D50, and horrendous hospital bills. And sometimes Mr. Hypo flat-out kills you. It's very sad but it happens, repeatedly, all over the country and the world (sometimes despite every precaution you take to prevent it). It will continue to happen, unless there's a cure for this disease.
Yesterday afternoon was my first endocrinologist appt. since December. Going into it, I didn't expect anything great from my a1c...babies have a way of turning diabetes into an afterthought. Regardless, I was just going to bite the bullet & attempt to get back on track. (I also haven't changed my basal rate in two months)
I got checked in, weighed/blood pressured/pulsed/bg/a1c'd (with the assistant) as usual, and then a new nurse showed u & confiscated my PDM for download. (this is a new thing...I've always brought in paper logs or if I needed in-depth anylization had to go upstairs to the CDE's office) Interesting. My Endo strongly dislikes the Omnipod reports though so I still brought my handwritten paper logs in (to provide clarification on some points). In marches my Endo,exchange of pleasantries,& we talk about the birth (etc.) and she tells me my a1c (8.1). Expressionless, I deadpan "Oh, yay." (unfortuently, she has no sense of humor & I have to explain that I'm being sarcastic. I'm not really glad that my a1c has gone up so much,but not surprised.) I think she was a bit surprised that my baby wasn't 10 lbs, that his weight was normal. She said I'd know (more) what to expect for the next time & that rather sent strong shivers up my spine.(if there is a next time, its not going to be for several years, if I have anything to do with it) And that's true...I had no control over when the baby was born, but I'd have tried harder (those last few weeks especially) to keep a tighter bg range and B. keep them in till 40 weeks. (if possible) Because my baby could have used that extra week, to get regulating his body temp. down better.
Anyway, she made a few tweeks to my basal rate & we talked about starting fenugreek to up my milk production. Fenugreek has some lovely side effects(makes you smell like maple syrup (slap a pancake on me & I'd be appealing enough to eat) and can cause hypoglycemia)but at this point,I've got to do something drastic before it dissapears for good.I want to do the best for my child,and though I know formula feeding isn't the end of the world, breast milk is superior. (no doubt about that) As for it causing hypos, it's like anything else...YMMV. I've been on things in the past that did the same thing (Symlin, Alpha Lipoic Acid) Just gotta monitor frequently. (and put my Dexcom back on...the more safeguards I have, the better)
Mr. Hypo is not anyone's friend, but if I'm going to have a better a1c I'm going to have to be getting more of them.
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