Friday, March 27, 2015
Turn Around
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Unconferencing the Ve(gas)ness
This is not a story about a group of people who went to Vegas and did whatever you do in Vegas. Because while some of that certainly happened,(High Roller-never again) the reality of those
few days went beyond that.
And while you are probably expecting to get a blow by blow account of the lovely warm fuzzy moments of what all happened (at said diabetes conference), that can't happen either. Solemn vows
were said (over unbreakable 100 mg/dl's, only not mine, because at no point was I that low) to not repeat/tweet/FB/spread on social media the happenings of said conference, to respect those
individual's privacy/feelings that are not so gung-ho about their words going all over the Internet. And I get that, kinda,and I agreed to that, but to fully digest what all went down I am
writing it (offline,in journal) down for ME and only me, (just the tips/general ideas,not the intensely private thoughts)because I need to remember what was said before I forget it all. Almost 2000 years worth of d-experience, packed in one was
pretty astonishing. It wasn't just sitting at a table and hearing a speaker droan on and on, there was life in this conference. (thereby different from every other conference I have ever
attended) Not that other conferences haven't been awesome, in their own special ways, but this one was about connecting.
And in a way, that muddy grey puddle of diabetes came ALOT clearer. It will never be pristine Carribean clear, but you couldn't help but to have learned a thing or too, nor too have (waves
hand) unleashed a tear or too, along the way. It's ok not to be perfect, it's ok not to be anywhere close to perfect, the only thing that is NOT ok is to let it steal all the moments of
goodness from this thing called life because it most certainly does try to do that. Some of the conference was particurally difficult, some of it was funny, but all of it was good for me.
Just for a moment, I could forget about chromosomal deficiences and eat, live, and breathe diabetes for 2 straight days. (fun, nu?) That it was mentally exhausting is no secret, but it was a
good kind of exhausting. I wish I could give it to EVERY struggling PWD out there.
And I'm so grateful for everyone who made it happen. Thanks to you, my D-Love Tank is full and my FB friend list has grown exponentially.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Four Things (meme)
1. Four names people call me other than my real name:
Heidi-Who(my dad)
Splenda(the hubs)
2. Four jobs I’ve had:
Childcare center worker
Retail Distribution Center worker
3. Four movies I’ve watched more than once:
The Sound of Music(#1)
Mary Poppins
A Man Called Peter
Chariots of Fire
4. Four books I’d recommend:
Little Women
Sweet blood
The Kid who ran for President
The Kite Runner
5.Four places I’ve lived:
Virginia,Mississippi,Virginia,Virginia,Virginia,Virginia,and Maryland.
6. Four places I’ve visited:
Copenhagen, London, Niagara Falls,Hawaii
7. Four foods I prefer to not eat:
Squash,Sushi, Lima beans,cranberries.
8. Four of my favorite foods:
Anchovy pizza
Mashed potatoes
9. Four TV shows I watch:
Downton Abbey, Greys Anatomy,Once Upon A Time, Red Band Society.
10. Four things I’m looking forward to:
Vegas! Tomorrow, Friends for Life Orlando, Tslim Dexcom integration,Springgggg.
11. Four things I am always saying:
It is what it is.
Would you like to do as Mommy asks or would you like to go to bed?
Splendid dreams.
Come here right now.