Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The National Cherry Blossom Blizzard

It goes without saying, there are some places that you definatly don't want to go low. Not the type of worry that you'll just wake up in the ambulance..because you're still in civilization + the 911 system operates very effectively. No, this would fall under "if they can even get to me,it will be WAY to late" category of worry. Nothing can go wrong, or you're toast.

Let me explain. You're looking at a up close and personal view of the Jefferson Memorial...not from the opposite side(flanked by the most gorgeous cherry trees in the city) but from the middle of the Tidal Basin.

Yep, last Saturday my husband(after some hardcore coaxing) and I rented a paddle boat and for the next hour,explored the entire basin via our own four feet +a two person peddle boat. It was definatly a check-the-dexcom-every-five-minutes sort of trip, and I broke the rules by bringing juice/food galore.(only diabetics can break those rules)Started out at 220..and I didn't I'd ever drop,(basal rate was 0.2) but that sort of exercise will drop anything. Dropped 50 points. Wore us both out..it was really hard exercise. I would recommend it to anyone, it was both fun & healthy. Just slightly un-nerving for someone with diabetes, as there aren't any motorboats on the Basin + if you go hypo, it will be a good 15-20 minutes before someone can get to you. Freaky.
Then, I got to thinking about the #1 place a person should not go low-a place where,if you dared,you'd be locked up forever(if not immediately shot).Coincidentally, the very next historical marker we want to go visit. I'm not sure it will happen, but if it does..you aren't allowed to have any bags,needles,briefcases,food/drink,ANYTHING but your keys and an umbrella. There are also no vending machines on the premises.And this place,is not going to bend the rules for some diabetic.(they could be terrorists too)I'm going to have to either get special permission + have my very own FBI agent on my heels the entire time, or I will not get to go. We'll see.

So anyway...after our boat ride, we snapped some more pics and went back to the Smithsonian. (hoping to get supper) Everything was closed by that point(it was 6 pm), including the street venders so we had to go all the way back on the Metro, that took another 2.5 hours. We were both ravished and stopped at a mall for Chinese.Blood sugars shot straight up, but I didn't much care.It was a really fun day.

Here are some pictures...(earlier in the day, we went to the Museum of Natural History) Where, I also saw someone with a Medtronic pump,and got twice as excited as I already was.
Smithsonian:(art-art,most of it extremely boring and not something I want to see)

Flower arrangement:

Marie Antoinette's earrings:

The Hope Diamond:
(it was so jammed packed with people in that room I'm not sure it was worth the wait)

A dinosaur:

A fossil:


Another Jefferson Memorial shot:

Other side of the Tidal Basin:

A duck:

Unfortunately, we missed the rained out parade
but got rained on enough as it was. Being alternately petaled(pun intended) by raindrops and blossoms was definatly memorable. I got a lapel pin and a Smithsonian elephant pin to add to my collection of place pins.It was a great trip.


  1. I've read most of your writings, and I just want to tell you that you're inspirational. You don't let the disease have you. Positive thinking.... and certainly your education about diabetes is exceptional. My mother, too, is diabetic. I feel for you....JT

  2. Thank you..I try not to let it get in the way of things.Can't say that I'm always strong,but I've got great people in my life for support + that definatly helps. I hope your mom has the tools/support she needs to keep going.

  3. Heidi - I love your statement about being so excited about seeing someone with a pump while you were at the museum. I always feel that way when I see someone else with a pump. It's like an instant bond.

    Glad you had fun & got some really cool pictures. Thanks for sharing them.
