Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Meme "Needs"

Weird, weird meme circling around the blogosphere:

Heidi needs: to shut up

No, I don't. I'm generally the quietest in the group. I'm told I should talk MORE.

Heidi needs: to finish her latest novel, and make it very very good, in order to land that agent.
I sure do, although I have 2 currently in the works + another book that I should have finished years ago.

Heidi needs: nine girls that look like her to help model the clothes.

Absolutely not, I wouldn't wish my body type on anyone.

Heidi needs: chocolate

like oxygen...couldn't live without it.

Heidi needs: prayer

We all do.

Heidi needs: royal visitors

Not really, can't see how that would benefit me.

Heidi needs: to crawl back into that hole she oozed out of

Nah. Life is good, in the sunshine.

Heidi needs: to develop her skills in using materials and processes and to think more creatively about how these are used.

Yep-I need to grow + develop as a writer.

Heidi needs: money

Don't we all?

Heidi needs: to wake up

3 Diet Mountain Dews should "dew" the trick.

1 comment:

  1. This is cute, Heidi! I did mine today, too. Wasn't this fun?
