(It's National DBlog Week,(courtesty of Karen at Bittersweet Diabetes),and though my life is generally pretty dull..I'm doing this post regardless. If you haven't committed yet, join in the fun!)
4 AM- My bladder wakes me up,my Dawn Phenomenon has gone to town and jumped from 150(10 pm) to 298. I am not going to waste precious sleep time trying to determine just whats gone wrong here,set,insulin,delayed fat kicking in,other hormones? I whip out a syringe and mainline 3 units of precious liquid into (plenty of)adipose tissue.Need this sucker to come down, quickly.
7:30 AM- Wake up, blood sugar check. Now down to 112. Dexcom confirmed to be in the same ballpark, at 121. Shoot up 15 mcg of Symlin. Eat breakfast(usually 2 waffles w/syrup,1/2 cup cottage cheese,a fig, and Diet Coke)Bolus for breakfast.
9:30 AM- Insert 2nd pump set, prime and fill Deltec for magnesium administration. Hook up, let run.(opposite side of body) Can someone say Bionic Woman?(2 pumps,Dexcom,iphone continuously on/near person)
10 AM- take multitude of other meds(amiloride,claritan,advil,Nasonex,multivitamin).
Wish it wasn't just diabetes to take care of every day. It's a full time job,keeping all these other meds in line.(or it just feels like it-I know it's really not(comparatively,to those individuals who take half the pharmacy on a daily basis)
Study. Check blood sugar again. (176)
12 PM- 101 mg/dl. Eat lunch. (Sandwich, chips,piece of fruit)
1 PM- Call CDE, review recent overnight bgs.
2PM- CDE calls me,to tweak overnight basals.(with Endo input) It's definatly a basal issue...repeated overnight checks show this to be the case. Switch times of when basal #2 starts, to handle dawn phenomenon.
3-6 PM- Class. Check blood sugar,doodle on iphone, and occasionally, yes,learn something.
4 PM-299. Crap. (didn't bolus enough) Bolus for that.
6 PM- 67, and tanking like a log. Treat. Drive across the street to McDonalds and order 100+ worth of carbohydrates from the menu and gorge down every one of them. Another Symlin injection. I have no self-control.
7 PM- Decide not to go to the gym.(claim blood sugar exhaustion) Head home,clean up.
Twitter.Facebook. Watch TV. Do laundry. Put out recycling and next day's trash.
8 PM-155. That's a decent number, postmeal.
9 PM-BRAAAP.(crosses the 180 mg/dl mark,which is my "high"mark on the Dexcom) Bolus correction.
10 PM-BRAAAP. (dips below 180 briefly,heads over it,and sits on 181) Durn delayed fat.
10:30 PM-BRAAAAP.(dips below 180) Finally heads down, for real.
11:30 PM-144. With that, it's off to bed. Looking forward to doing it all over again tomorrow!
It really doesn't feel like a lot of things most days, but when you look at it all typed out like that - it's no wonder we're exhausted half of the time!