Saturday, November 28, 2009

Notes From a Spinning Planet:Tweetup

Yesterday was pretty neat,in the evening I got to meet fellow OC'r Cherise & her daughter N.(dinner at a Mexican Restaurunt) My mother-in-law was a bit paranoid,about meeting people on the Internet & told me I was making a big mistake.Normally,I'd say such fears are justifiable but with all of the D-Peeps I've met it just isn't like that.They are who they say they are.I had a good time,talking D & iPhones and everything else.In retrospect,I just should have NOT told her where I was going,I am not some 15 yo kid.My husband is fine with whatever D events I want to go to.I had a salad,bolused for that salad,yet still crescendoed to 217.I think avacados must have more carbs then I thought..and I'm glad Cherise wanted to meet me too,it was great.

Anyway,had a good time in Cali,celebrated my husbands birthday yesterday & got to meet another PWD as well.I hope I can meet the rest of those cool Cali PWD,one of these days.(as well as alot of other D-bloggers all over the country)

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Very cool. Cherise & N. are about as fun and cool as they come. I'm glad that you took advantage of an opportunity to get together with them!

  2. Omg! I had sooo much fun. Lol your MIL sounds really cute! Loved the d talk, iPhone talk and more. I can't say much more cause I still have to write a post:)
