Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Deep Throat

As previously mentioned, I've had some problems with re-occuring strep throat. Last months being pretty horrific.

Today, saw local ENT doc on the advice of CVS Minute Clinic, which is rapidly approaching their "We can't treat you anymore,you've got some real issues and need to see a real doc" tolerance limits. I haven't reached that limit yet, but 1 more time would probably be it.

This month's was just a sore throat. Not much else, no fever, no nothing. Just a sore throat, so seemingly non-threatening it could be allergies or anything. But up went the blood sugars,and strep test was subsequently positive.

And the semi-cure for repeated strep, is a tonsillectomy. I have the options of waiting to see if I get strep again, or scheduling surgery for the middle of July or the middle of August. Because the beginning of July and the end of July I'll be on two-week vacations. And in mid- August, school starts up. Or taking penicillin for the rest of my life. I've decided to have it done in the middle of July, I'll have a two week window to heal up before Europe.

Anyone else have their tonsils out?what was it like?


  1. tmana7:09 PM

    Mine were done when I was about four and a half. Unfortunately it was a terribly traumatic event for me -- nothing at all like I had been prepared for. Parents were supposed to have been there when I came 'round but were forbidden b/c it was past visiting hours; I was moved from one room to another without expecting it; they were supposed to have given ice cream afterwards but they didn't give anything... I was supposed to stay overnight but after the ruckus I made (and mind you a martinet of a ward nurse who should have never been in pediatrics!), Dad checked me out that night. I'm pretty sure I was out of nursery school for something like a month...

    I understand things have changed in 45 years...

  2. That must have been quite tramatic..poor little kiddo!I hope your parents gave you lots of ice cream while you were recovering.

  3. I'm afraid I have to echo tmana. I was 6 and nobody told me what was going to happen. I remember a nurse said "i'm just going to hold your hands" and had no idea a second later the ether mask was going to cover my entire face and she was actualy pinning me down so I couldn't shove it away.
    But oh heck Heidi, that was decades ago and I'm sure it's a non-event these days. Get rid of 'em and be done with it.
    My dad always told the story of how they "froze" his out when he was in the Navy. I have no idea waht that entailed.
    Be sure to stock up on sugar free Popsicles.

  4. I still have mine. But, it sounds like you might have some relief once they're done and gone! :-)

  5. Thanks for giving such a great information. I really appreciate all the hard work you’ve done to help me.
