Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Ditzy with a "D"

One Word: Ace Inhibitors are NASTY. One other word, never start taking them when another medical issue is rearing up its head.

I am dizzy, and the AI hasn't really dropped my blood pressure but when you stuff 5 differant (potent) drugs into your patient, attempting to problemsolve its probably no wonder you're dizzy. Discharge,I made it to the door before the security guard drug me back to the lobby + told me to rest, got a blanket + no one bothered me for the rest of the night. Dizzyness is the pits.

Off to the restroom to puke, then call my gastro doctor.


  1. Years ago due to a problem other than diabetes related I was prescribed an ace inhibitor, I fainted several times and they'd switch me to a different drug and the same thing happened. I just couldn't tolerate them at all. I know how you feel and you will be in my thoughts. I hope you adjust to the drug and get to feeling better. Keep us updated.

  2. Wow Heidi - so what you're saying is that the dizziness is caused from something other than low blood pressure.
    Maybe your bp while sitting is normal, but when you stand it goes abnormally low - orthostatic hypotension.
    Either way, it sounds horrible.
