Crunch time.
I have exactly 2 days and 12 hours(that's 60 hours) to squeeze in 26 blood sugar tests(and record them on the pda). Less- if you consider the fact that they probably don't want to see hourly checks the night before. The PDA also doesn't let you record more frequently then once an hour. Each PDA trial takes a good 15 minutes to complete.
I could...
Check 13x on Wednesday
Check 10x on Thursday
Check 3x before 9AM, Friday morning
Luckily, strips aren't the problem. The problem, is remembering to do them almost every freakin' hour. Waking up in the middle of the night(and going through all that). I am going to have to program test reminders in my pump-so I'll get them all done.
And, the diet.2x a day snacks(lots of fruit), 3x a day nutriotionally balanced meals.(I am not one for schedule-that's why I got a pump) How the heck can I go cold turkey from my Twinkies?
Super Bowl Sunday? Hey, it's got nothin' on these fingers, they could breeze right through the onslaught of deluctibles and test lest frequently then I've had to this week.
I won't have much(if any) time to blog for the rest of the week, diabetes is my 2nd job for a few days.
Oh, and I'm out of diet coke. I'll need a case of that, case of Diet. Mt.Dew, and 2 liter bottle of Diet Sunkist if I hope to survive the week.
You could change the time and date for each bg ;-)