Saturday, December 09, 2006

Still Snowless in the South

While the Winter Winds blow...

blares on the tv set. Ironically, its summer in Alaska (in Season 3,at least)- not winter, but watching winter in Alaska would make me feel even colder so I overlook the slight discrepancy.

Northern Exposure(Seasons 3+4), along with 10 DVD's from Black Friday are my project this week. I need to get caught up on my cultural experiences, and this is the method of choice under the circumstances.

Still no snow- some slight snow flurries last night(the first). No, I don't live in Bermuda(I'm sure that many of you guys are sick of snow), the "Valley" is protected from some of the severeties in weather + we don't get all that much snow. Which is fine with me.
Although,last year at this time, there was snow.

The telephone rings, and I leap off the couch to answer it. Paperwork is ready for pickup at the doctor's office, and they gave me an extra two days so I wouldn't have to go back to work today.
Thank you,God. Perhaps by Monday, the nausea will be completely gone.

And that's about it- do any of you guys know how to get Blogger to quit bugging me to switch?


  1. Oh, I looooooved Northern Exposure. I have season 1, but haven't bought any others yet.

    Glad you're feeling better. Whatever you had sounds very, very nasty.

    Blogger keeps bugging me to switch, too. I don't think you can make it stop. It's highly annoying.

  2. I love Janine Turner! How you doin?

    That blogger thing annoys me as well. Just say no!

  3. Ha. No snow in Minn either - plus 45 degrees today! Awesome.
    I love Northern Exposure - I get them all from the library. My favorite characters are Ruth Ann and Marilyn -both quiet and strongwilled. Maggie is a little flakey.

  4. Anonymous7:44 AM

    it's annoying isn't it keep asking if you want to switch. more annoying when i have no clue what beta is anyways.

    wish it was snow here, i know it won't though booo hooo !

  5. Part of the trials of life,I guess. Guess one just has to suck it up..
    Kathy,wow,the LIBRARY? My library's idea of a thriller is a documentary on the history of basketmaking..I'm coming to visit your library!
    Julia,I haven't watched season 1+2 yet,I think I'm working my way backwards(start at the middle,go to the end, finish up at the beginning).
    Vic-you'll probably get some (snow) soon, just hang in there..
    Dr.A, its all highly addicting, much more then I thought it'd be.
