Saturday, January 21, 2006

Free to Good Home...

200 back issues of Diabetes Forecast! Some from the 80's, 90's, and from 1999-present.
If you're interested, (for the price of shipping) say something. I need to get rid of these things.
I also have some from the 40's,50's, and 60's- but I figure those classify as antiquity, no way I'm getting rid of those. Back when I started "collecting" them, I thought I was going to get ALL the back issues, and they'd be worth something. That was stupid- I have little enough room as it is. Especially since moving. I have two big boxes of the things, and they weigh a TON!The old ones, however- are considerably smaller, like pamplets (and thus are easily stored).
Little known Factoid:
Dave in "Dave's Diary" was NOT a real person. As dissapointing as this may be, it was really some doc who wrote for "Forecast". (way back when) The Looksmart website used to have an article on this- but I don't think its there anymore.(
Still no internet connection. I've spent the day over at the parents, cleaning/throwing away, etc.
I think something is up with my meter- anything under 150 makes me feel low. (No, my control is not that bad..) I would check it with control solution, but I can't find it! (the joys of moving)
Yesterday, I called for the results of my hb a1c. And, great news- its 0.1 lower then the last one! (I won't tell you how bad it was, but it was pretty bad) Suffice to say, the study coordinator was not impressed, but I was ok with it. Means I won't have to get another one next month- she'll give me a print-out, I'll take it to my endo, and hear the resulting lecture. Oy yah.
Having no internet connection, though, has made me more serious about working on my book. Been working on "it" for about two years now,its a culmination of diabetes poetry, lists, etc. Its almost ready to send to the publisher, just have to rearrange the order of various things. (The full content is there)
Coming soon to a bookstore near you, stay tuned!

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