Wednesday, January 04, 2006


(click, to see a larger image)
Decided to conduct an experiment, to more fully grasp what goes on with the blood sugars after a high fat, high carb, meal. I chose supper- and ate 2 double cheeseburgers, medium fries, 6 packets ketchup, and diet tea. Estimated 140 carbohydrates. Pre-supper number was 144.
20 minutes later- 189.Bolused 5 units.
20 minutes later- 170. Bolused 2 units.
20 minutes later- 115.
20 minutes later- 68! Felt absolutely fine, but drank juice just in case it was still dropping.
10 minutes later- panic mode, eat 15 more carbs. Set temp rate on pump. Heart rate maxes out for the next 45 minutes.
An hour later- Back at 179. Went to bed.
12 AM- Woke up, thirstier then all get out. Drank 3 cups of water, then checked blood sugar. 522! That must have been from the "delayed" fat.
3:30- 320
6 AM- 175. Boy, those 170's are sure popular.
It looks much more dramatic on paper, I have a graph, but I can't find my digital camera so I can't take a picture.

And that, is what Mc Donald's does to one's blood sugar. I must still been sensitive to that afternoon's exercise. (usually, after a high fat, high carb meal I go high, and stay high) I have bolusing for Pizza Hut down to a fine science, but Mc Donalds, obviously not!)

Chapter 4 in BGAT is about exercise. Each week's graph gets more complex- now I'm estimating bg, scanning for "signs", graphing estimated bg, checking if insulin action is H,M, L; checking if carb action is h, m, l; checking if exercise is H,M, L, estimating next blood sugar (that one makes NO sense- how the heck do I know what my bg will be in 3 hours???), and graphing actual bg. It stopped being fun- now, its something I need to get done..
Only 3 more chapters to go!!!!!!


  1. Lol..I've seen it! Turned me off the stuff for two weeks. However, I rarely eat burgers/fries..
    (1-2 times a month)

  2. Heidi, I really have trouble if I go to bed w/anything in digestion mode so I'm not totally surprized by the 522. Glad to hear you got things back under control by morning!

  3. Keith,
    At least next time I know-either set a high temp rate, or set the alarm clock!
    Live and learn.
