Sunday, December 04, 2005

Html Frustrations

This blog has some serious work to be done to it. Must've entered the html code(links) wrong, the webpage colors are ugly.. Likely I'll be switching templates alot until I get it just right.
Started the Lifescan study (Ultrasmart meter) last night. I've used an US meter before, but didn't care for it. You've got to enter carbs/blood sugar/ miscellanious; graph all of that on the research paper log, enter all of it AGAIN in your pump, and enter the bolus total on the paper log/US meter. At least its only for two weeks.
Despite last nights correction(1.6 units- 170), my blood sugar was 263 this morning. I think my overnight basals need overhauling. Had granola, bolused a 1/10 with 3 units Symlin..and my meter graced me with a 113 at lunch. I don't use Symlin all the time, but its very effective in keeping those post-meal blood sugars down!
Family came over today for my two year old nephew's birthday party. My sister-in-law, one of the best cake makers this side of the Mississippi, made this cute cake:He throughly enjoyed did the rest of us.. Lunch was a DKA'ish carb smorgasbord of iced tea(1/3 Splenda, 2/3 sugar), rolls w/apple butter, salad, carrot-jello salad, rice with beans/sausage gravy, and the cake, ice cream. Over 200 carbs, easily. I'll be checking every hour to see if I guessed right!

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