Friday, September 05, 2008

One in a Million

Raise your hand if you've ever felt unique, because of your diabetes.

Raise your other one if you're convinced that yours is the freakingist, hardest, most complex case ever.

And now, jump up and down when you hear that the autosomal recessive gene curse has struck again.. and the thing you're being tested for, is something that about 250 people in the US have. That the nephrologist, who has been in practice for 35 years, has never seen before.

Bartter's Syndrome. None of my five siblings have anything weird, or chronic diseases.I'm not sure my parents knew what they were in for, that fall day when I made my appearance on earth. Or that January day, when the screwy genes collided.
There's a few more tests that have to be run, but one thing is for sure, magnesium infusions are going to be a part of life for an indeterminate period of time.

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